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Off Topic - Allergies


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2020
I have dealt with allergies for years. The worst symptom is ear fullness feeling (swishing around like I just went swimming) every single day. Has anyone been to A allergist? What were the results? Were medications or injections helpful?
Get a Kenalog shot every 4 months and use azalastine daily
I have dealt with allergies for years. The worst symptom is ear fullness feeling (swishing around like I just went swimming) every single day. Has anyone been to A allergist? What were the results? Were medications or injections helpful?

I would check and make sure it isn't earwax, although it probably isn't. Most likely it is your Eustachian tubes. Nasal rinse work well for me, although they can make things worse immediately afterwards temporarily. Something else to consider if it is a chronic ongoing problem that is bothersome. They now have an new outpatient procedure(takes about 10 minutes) that can be performed in your ENT's office where they put a balloon catheter in the effected tube(s) via going up the nostril(different than ear tubes).
I would check and make sure it isn't earwax, although it probably isn't. Most likely it is your Eustachian tubes. Nasal rinse work well for me, although they can make things worse immediately afterwards temporarily. Something else to consider if it is a chronic ongoing problem that is bothersome. They now have an new outpatient procedure(takes about 10 minutes) that can be performed in your ENT's office where they put a balloon catheter in the effected tube(s) via going up the nostril(different than ear tubes).
I've been doing the salt/baby shampoo/warm water nasal rinses that GotGame discussed, and they've helped a lot.
I have dealt with allergies for years. The worst symptom is ear fullness feeling (swishing around like I just went swimming) every single day. Has anyone been to A allergist? What were the results? Were medications or injections helpful?
I’m on allergy shots. They have helped me more then I could measure. I dont take antihistamines on a daily basis. You want allergist that mixes their vials NOT sell you the pre mixed vials.

I do the neti pot daily. Ponaris is great to add to the netipot. You can try allegra in the morning and Zyrtec at night bc they work on different receptors.

If you get a good allergist/ENT they will prescribe you Budesonide respules to put in 50cc of water with sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride but no oil to get steroids deeper into your sinuses. Rhinocort has BUDESONIDE. This is what helped me the most.
I have dealt with allergies for years. The worst symptom is ear fullness feeling (swishing around like I just went swimming) every single day. Has anyone been to A allergist? What were the results? Were medications or injections helpful?
Brother I had my tonsils and adenoids removed years ago

Last year I had a problem with ears feeling clogged all the time.I did a home ear cleaner kit and nothing changed

I went to an ENT Doctor to see what was going on. He said my ear wax was extremely clean (by the way I produce more ear wax than the average person) so he did this thing I forgot the name.wear he numb my nose and puts a tiny balloon in it and inflates it and opens your breathing path ways.its crazy you don't feel nothing but you feel the tiny bone cracking.then he filled nostrils with gauss and a few hours later at home you remove them. Now you will bleed like hell but then it will stop

Anyway that worked great.I could breathe so much through the nose that it was unbelievable

But then and still after a few month. My left ear feels clogged all the time. I went to him again about that and he said that inside the ears. You have a tiny valve that opens and closes constantly kinda like the heart beat. So the one on my left ear is not closing and open constantly like it should.

So he does the same balloon procedure as the nose.he sticks a tiny balloon in that valve and it reopens it and it starts working normal. I just haven't gone back to get it done

Hope this helps you so way
Thanks guys, sounds like some very good suggestions. Very much appreciated as I am ignorant regarding any ENT issues.
I would check and make sure it isn't earwax, although it probably isn't. Most likely it is your Eustachian tubes. Nasal rinse work well for me, although they can make things worse immediately afterwards temporarily. Something else to consider if it is a chronic ongoing problem that is bothersome. They now have an new outpatient procedure(takes about 10 minutes) that can be performed in your ENT's office where they put a balloon catheter in the effected tube(s) via going up the nostril(different than ear tubes).
Ditto to this! Every couple of years I have to go in and have my ears cleaned out. Huge relief when I have it done.
All good stuff. Thank u all. Made appointment with ent.
I started using the Nettle Pot to clean out all the allergies/pollen and it work just a good as allergy meds just a more natural way.
Androgens always cause my ears to produce ridiculous amounts of ear wax and inner ear fluid. I'm glad I'm not alone on that. Not that I would wish it on anyone.

The tube that allows fluid to drain out of your middle ear (behind your ear drum) is in it's own little chamber with all your hearing apparatus. So sometimes if I get a stuffy nose (hay fever or sinus infection) one or even both ears tubes (auditory tubes) will swell shut and my middle ear fills with fluid. (feels like having water in your ears)

My ENT gave me a Rx for pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and an antibiotic (amoxicillin) to prevent infection and she said if that didn't work, they could insert tubes that dissolve on their own but allow the fluid to drain out the outer ear instead of down to the throat like it normally does.

She said if too much fluid builds up, it can actually damage the ears. It really sucks.

But for what it's worth, the pseudoephedrine really helped me. Just a thought.

Just an added note: I'm a certified diver and when you go to depth, your ears equalize the air pressure in that middle ear chamber. But when you come back up to the surface, that air expands as you ascend and can rupture your eardrum if it can't escape through that auditory tube. If you have a cold or runny nose, that tube can get closed off. In the classroom, we were taught that pseudoephedrine is THE medicine to prevent that from happening (along with just not diving at all).
local raw honey

Local, raw honey helps with seasonal allergies. Don't bother with allergy shots; take honey “shots” instead! The same allergens that trigger a reaction in you are present in local, raw honey. By ingesting the honey regularly, you are, in effect, taking “shots” of the allergen in small, manageable doses.
Consider apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is purported to boost the immune system, help break up mucus, and support lymphatic drainage. Experts recommend mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day to relieve allergy symptoms.

hippocrates the ancient greek physician has used this since the beginning of time long before christ walked!

very few things support lymphatic drainage and lymphatic system only flows in one direction. YOGA, inversion table etc
Androgens always cause my ears to produce ridiculous amounts of ear wax and inner ear fluid. I'm glad I'm not alone on that. Not that I would wish it on anyone.

The tube that allows fluid to drain out of your middle ear (behind your ear drum) is in it's own little chamber with all your hearing apparatus. So sometimes if I get a stuffy nose (hay fever or sinus infection) one or even both ears tubes (auditory tubes) will swell shut and my middle ear fills with fluid. (feels like having water in your ears)

My ENT gave me a Rx for pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and an antibiotic (amoxicillin) to prevent infection and she said if that didn't work, they could insert tubes that dissolve on their own but allow the fluid to drain out the outer ear instead of down to the throat like it normally does.

She said if too much fluid builds up, it can actually damage the ears. It really sucks.

But for what it's worth, the pseudoephedrine really helped me. Just a thought.

Just an added note: I'm a certified diver and when you go to depth, your ears equalize the air pressure in that middle ear chamber. But when you come back up to the surface, that air expands as you ascend and can rupture your eardrum if it can't escape through that auditory tube. If you have a cold or runny nose, that tube can get closed off. In the classroom, we were taught that pseudoephedrine is THE medicine to prevent that from happening (along with just not diving at all).
As I read your post, I started to think about my situation. There is no question that the times I remember most issues I have been on cycle. Odd
allergy shots work great for me so far, 6 months in
Consider apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is purported to boost the immune system, help break up mucus, and support lymphatic drainage. Experts recommend mixing one to two tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and lemon juice three times a day to relieve allergy symptoms.

hippocrates the ancient greek physician has used this since the beginning of time long before christ walked!

very few things support lymphatic drainage and lymphatic system only flows in one direction. YOGA, inversion table etc
This is natural, I will try this next time they act up.

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