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Featured Member / Kilo Klub / Board Supporter
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Kilo Klub Member
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Oct 22, 2006
do any you bro's loose your apetit with d-ball.i'm into my 4th week of my cycle and i have no apetit what so ever.which is strange because i'm shooting b-12 everyday.and i can't force feed myself because most of the time just the thought of food makes me nauses (i know i spelled that wronge).what should i do stop the d-ball.could it be the d-ball.i know anadrol does take away your apetit but dont know if d-ball does too.please advise me thanks bro's
The one time I tried dbol, it killed my appetite as well. Try taking digestive enzymes(bromelain,ginger root,acidophillus and fiber) after every meal. I've had a hard time eating in general while bulking and this has helped a lot. B12 works well and the only other thing is to take around 2mg ketotifin before bed. IBE sells it.
fourthgen said:
The one time I tried dbol, it killed my appetite as well. Try taking digestive enzymes(bromelain,ginger root,acidophillus and fiber) after every meal. I've had a hard time eating in general while bulking and this has helped a lot. B12 works well and the only other thing is to take around 2mg ketotifin before bed. IBE sells it.

huh I didnt know ketofin workes to stimulate appetite? is that what you take it for? I have run into the same probs befor but never tried ketofin....
pimpman said:
do any you bro's loose your apetit with d-ball.i'm into my 4th week of my cycle and i have no apetit what so ever.which is strange because i'm shooting b-12 everyday.and i can't force feed myself because most of the time just the thought of food makes me nauses (i know i spelled that wronge).what should i do stop the d-ball.could it be the d-ball.i know anadrol does take away your apetit but dont know if d-ball does too.please advise me thanks bro's
what doses are you takeing? when i take larger doses i loose apettite
pimpman said:
do any you bro's loose your apetit with d-ball.i'm into my 4th week of my cycle and i have no apetit what so ever.which is strange because i'm shooting b-12 everyday.and i can't force feed myself because most of the time just the thought of food makes me nauses (i know i spelled that wronge).what should i do stop the d-ball.could it be the d-ball.i know anadrol does take away your apetit but dont know if d-ball does too.please advise me thanks bro's

If youve been on DBOL for 4weeks its about time to come off anyway. Stop and see if your appetite comes back.
pimpman said:
do any you bro's loose your apetit with d-ball.i'm into my 4th week of my cycle and i have no apetit what so ever.which is strange because i'm shooting b-12 everyday.and i can't force feed myself because most of the time just the thought of food makes me nauses (i know i spelled that wronge).what should i do stop the d-ball.could it be the d-ball.i know anadrol does take away your apetit but dont know if d-ball does too.please advise me thanks bro's
1.Dbol suppresses your appetite and gives you bloated stomach.
2.Taken after 5pm it will give you shitty sleep.
3.Taking B-12 will only help you if you lack it/ which you dont.
4.B-12 doesnt increase appetite, try IGF1 instead.
I get a bloated stomach and kidney pain from any oral...Dbol, Anadrol, Anavar, winny....
km2000 said:
huh I didnt know ketofin workes to stimulate appetite? is that what you take it for? I have run into the same probs befor but never tried ketofin....

I have a few bro's who swear it increases theirs. I've been on it for about a week but can't really tell.
me too

fourthgen said:
I have a few bro's who swear it increases theirs. I've been on it for about a week but can't really tell.

i get a crazy appitite on both abombs and dbol is the source solid, and old trick is to drink 1-2 diet sodas ed it works and makes you thirsty, more when the weather is hot so try that for a day or so bro let me know if it works for ya!!! are you training real hard if so what time??
I was under the impression if your liver gets stressed (cough oral steroid cough) you lose your appetite maybe take something to protect your liver, and get a blood test?
i eat like a pig on eat still, but i only run for 4 to 5 weeks then im off
fourthgen said:
I have a few bro's who swear it increases theirs. I've been on it for about a week but can't really tell.

I dont necesarrily think it increases my appetite but it definately doesnt decrease it. Im the type of individual that can honestly eat 6,000 kcals a day without blinking an eye so appetite has never been an issue...A buddy of mine just did the same exact cycle as I did...Test Prop 750/week, Deca (I did 300/week and he did 600/week) but our orals were the same and his appetite was diminished to next to nothing.

He saw 2 different nutirionists and they said that if you have no appetite to increase your protein shakes because liquids and shakes do not affect your hypothalamus (part of your brain that tells you your hungry) and therefore you should be able to get more calories from the shakes.

Keep us updated and let us know if you find anything that works.
Birdman said:
I dont necesarrily think it increases my appetite but it definately doesnt decrease it. Im the type of individual that can honestly eat 6,000 kcals a day without blinking an eye so appetite has never been an issue...A buddy of mine just did the same exact cycle as I did...Test Prop 750/week, Deca (I did 300/week and he did 600/week) but our orals were the same and his appetite was diminished to next to nothing.

He saw 2 different nutirionists and they said that if you have no appetite to increase your protein shakes because liquids and shakes do not affect your hypothalamus (part of your brain that tells you your hungry) and therefore you should be able to get more calories from the shakes.

Keep us updated and let us know if you find anything that works.
birdman i gotta ask, is ur whole back inked? its hard to tell from the pic but looks like it, shit looks crazy bro! i fuckin love tats. anyway i jus always try to figure it out so i figured id ask

later on
anabolicfan -im taking 30mg ed split up into 3 doses through-out the day

alin-yes this would be my 4 week on.im stoping it today thanks bro

putin -my last dose of the day is around 7-8pm i toss and turn all night cant sleep at all.i wake up 50 times through-out the night (SUCKS)

birdman -thanks i will increase my protein shakes

monstermass -i will try the diet soda thanks

thanks bros for all your help i love this freaking forum
balla06 said:
birdman i gotta ask, is ur whole back inked? its hard to tell from the pic but looks like it, shit looks crazy bro! i fuckin love tats. anyway i jus always try to figure it out so i figured id ask

later on

If your are looking at his avatar . . . Thats Lee Priest, not birdman.



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Dbol kills my appetite after a while. My theory... its the liver stress manifesting itself.
yea bro it sure hells killed mine.i dont know if it's mental or not but i stoped taking them yesturday and today i'm eating like crazy.i eat and 1/2 hr later my stomach is growling unbelivable:D
Boo said:
If your are looking at his avatar . . . Thats Lee Priest, not birdman.

O ok haha cool shit tho fools got a HUGE back!

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