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Ok quick questions

I’d take 2 grams of taurine 3 times a day and 500mg magnesium 3 times a day. Eat some high in potassium foods: potato, banana, potassium.
That’s how I got rid of the cramping I had on Anavar. I was getting those nasty adductor cramps that I couldn’t figure out a way to stretch them and relieve the cramp.
I'm very lean now and only taking test cyp 600mg and gh 5iu m,w,f I'm going to key west in 13 day is there anything I can throw in to get a bit more lean.diet is on point so no need to change that. I have tren ace,anadrol,oral winstrol, dbol but this ain't the choice for this.is it even possible anything will speed up a bit of shredding in just 13 days?. I do cardio 5 days a week too of course

Forgetting all the other stuff going on if I were you and I wanted to look my best I would add the following for the short time you have before going away...

Tren A at 30-50mg per day
Mast P at 100mg per day
Winstrol at 50-100mg per day
Along with your 600mg test cyp

Now I don't know how you respond to tren but I assume you are fine if you already have it on hand. If you have any issues with it just leave it out because there is no point affecting your mental health in the run up to a holiday. The mast because you mentioned you have it and it will be great. It's a high dose because of the very short duration. It will reduce some water retention and help harden you up. The winny because like mast it will help harden you up and have you looking leaner. High protein and low carbs/fats then eat what you want when away but make sure you are having higher carbs. Drink lot's of water and salt all your meals. If you are planning to drink a lot start the winny high and move down and stop before leaving.
I dont know what beaches you're all going to but 99% of the time I'm by far the most in shape person there even when I'm "fat".

Would not even bother the slightest with any of this nonsense if you're actually somewhat built.
I wish I could tolerate Sdrol to try this

How are you with adrol and winny? In regards to physique affects that combo would give the same benefits of fuller but harder a.k.a. what the fuck is he taking.
How are you with adrol and winny? In regards to physique affects that combo would give the same benefits of fuller but harder a.k.a. what the fuck is he taking.
I love both of those. I’ve never tried them together on a cut to fill out tho. Sounds like a fun experiment for the summer if I can get my shit together and bring back Lean Slesh.
I dont know what beaches you're all going to but 99% of the time I'm by far the most in shape person there even when I'm "fat".

Would not even bother the slightest with any of this nonsense if you're actually somewhat built.
So true
I don’t really think you’re lean enough for any of this minute stuff to matter. I’d go with what @b-boy recommended.

It's too late now (seeing the thread was posted on Friday) but anyone at his level of leanness could do ALOT with 2 weeks of PSMF and some test, mast and winny.
It's too late now (seeing the thread was posted on Friday) but anyone at his level of leanness could do ALOT with 2 weeks of PSMF and some test, mast and winny.
No I did start all you mentioned on friday elvia plus 5iu gh daily.if it all works even a bit great if not I'm sure I'm look better than most people there .like someone mentioned earlier. Don't fail every time I go people are always looking and a bunch give compliments. So I'm good. I'll just let' haters hate here. Lmao
How are you with adrol and winny? In regards to physique affects that combo would give the same benefits of fuller but harder a.k.a. what the fuck is he taking.
Been stating this for a long time: if you and SD don't get along, Winny+Drol can offer a similar look 👍
Thanks brother I'll post pic the morning of my trip. I started winny 100mg Ed and tren 50mg Ed today along with 5iu of gh Ed and my 600mg of cyp.im fast but I do that every day any ways I wake up at 7 am and don't eat till 3pm so I'm keep that and just eat 300 to 400mg of protein heavy on pink Himalaya salt.and no carb or fat.lets see what it turns out lol
@pimpman time to post pictures and show us all how lean you are.
I come to PM for two reasons. To discuss bodybuilding related topics and to watch grown men bicker…and occasionally join in. Pages 5-6 were an excellent read.

I don’t think there is anything wrong asking questions on meds especially stims. I work in medical field and occasionally there are mistakes due to that damn decimal point. We are always checking in on each other and asking others to review our work. It’s much better than overdosing.

Also, people are always telling me I’m huge and jacked. If I said that here I would get crapped on.

Pimpman, enjoy your trip. You’re likely to be the most ripped guy there no matter what.
You’re likely to be the most ripped guy there no matter what.


My physique pales in comparison to the elite guys here and it’s the unfortunate lens I see myself through. It’s been good for motivation though and more importantly I am aware of it. That said, I’ve never not had the best physique at any beach or resort I’ve been to in last few years.
I come to PM for two reasons. To discuss bodybuilding related topics and to watch grown men bicker…and occasionally join in. Pages 5-6 were an excellent read.

I don’t think there is anything wrong asking questions on meds especially stims. I work in medical field and occasionally there are mistakes due to that damn decimal point. We are always checking in on each other and asking others to review our work. It’s much better than overdosing.

Also, people are always telling me I’m huge and jacked. If I said that here I would get crapped on.

Pimpman, enjoy your trip. You’re likely to be the most ripped guy there no matter what.

I think I will go post on the wall street journal forum talking about how rich I am and just need a few more tips on saving some more money 😶‍🌫️

Hey my gf thinks Im rich though so
@pimpman time to post pictures and show us all how lean you are.
It's a little too late for that lmfao I'm day one in and I've cheated like its been 3 months hahahha. No honesty I didn't stick to the diet that's most guys here mention all protein and no carbs and no fat.but I ate a lot of greens like spinach and asparagus and those types but I had a drink here and there that I shouldn't of. I'm just being honest
But I did loose a good amount of fat compared to what I had before I started but I'm not happy with the results. But I deserve it.I take the hit like I should no I could of done better. The only good part about it so far these redneck chick not offensive to them they have been like damn babe you hot lmfao. But fuck it im.having a good time and like some of you mention before I look better that 97% of the people here so who care I'm having fun with my girl and that's what counts at my age 52.and it my girls birthday I'm loving it fuck the look. Yea I wanted to look better but fuck it at this point right 😆😆😆 there is a group of bikers here and the blonds are loving it and hitting on me and and my girl is about to start some hair dragging 😆😆😆
Tent with ac ,TV bed and all the good things just like home and some hot wet coochie lmfao
20240516_205112.jpg 20240516_205106.jpg 20240516_185049.jpg
This fucker are my alarm.clock at 5 am lol tomorrow I'll post pics.of.my rented golf cart

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