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Old school here... bros, please read.


Dec 17, 2002
Old school JJ Insane1 here... bros, please read.



I just learned that some one "posing" as me is posting/advertising with the email of "[email protected]". Now, anyone who knows the real "JJ" will know that I DO NOT ADVERTISE... i have not since the renegade.


NO it was NOT me who got busted and posted the thread about the US CUSTOMS, DEA, ect... 12k d-bol bust.
Maybe they are in the same state... and i personally do not know who it is.
I do wish them the best of luck and i know R. Collins is the ONLY way to roll...

YES i am experiencing a longer delay then normal but it has NOTHING to do with me personally. I only owe about 6 or so bros and i should have everything smoothed out VERY soon.
If you know anything about me, then you know SECURITY is always my main concern. Turnaround is less important then our freedom.

Mods... if you actually DO let this thread post, then i would like to personally thank you for letting me set things straight. I am in NO way advertising, i just like letting my "friends" feel a little more at ease.... not to mention i am tired of the 10 billion emails asking if i am ok. My bro, Mojo (mod on other boards and one of my best CLOSE personal friends) can testify everything I have posted.

Thanks for your concern.
Old school JJ ( JJ Insane1)
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well, your not related to Baphomet are ya, lol J/k
everything Ive heard the real jj insane1 is a good guy.
Good bro

The Insane1 is the best out there, beem around for a long time and taken real good care of me many of times and for a long time and alot of my good bros. Always concerned about security and customers first!


JJ, hope all is well and get up with me when you can.....take care!

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Re: Good bro

patk said:
The Insane1 is the best out there, beem around for a long time and taken real good care of me many of times and for a long time and alot of my good bros. Always concerned about security and customers first!


JJ, hope all is well and get up with me when you can.....take care!


Thanks for the nice words guys... means everything in this game.
Patk, i emailed you from my hushmail account about 4 days ago... you didnt get it?
Let me know,
Old School JJ
No bro..didn't recieve it and I don't have your new hushmail addy. Try again....ziplip sucks sometimes. CC it to [email protected] too. Thanks bro, talk to ya soon!

Never mind the yahoo...it's not active, I PM'd you with another addy! Sorry bro!


AN old friend of yours says hello!
Great guy to know if you own alot of land my mower is always in tip top shape. Good to see JJ take care and always safe.MM

E-Mail me. Many years since we spoke.
Later, wedge
Bump for an trusted ol' timer!
MikeS said:
Bump for an trusted ol' timer!

ol' timer?, hell I thought he started this game? lol:D
Vein said:

ol' timer?, hell I thought he started this game? lol:D

Hehehehe... now way.
Oh how I remember the days;)

Allot of things have changed since the mid 90's ...... one thing that hasnt is the fact we are GOOD people and not "criminals" just because we want to change out appearance or performance.
You know .... its nice to have so many people say nice things about you after being here this long.
Hell i even had one of the "Ol" timers that i have always admired my self give me some props! (Mike S.)
Glad to be here guys.... to all the "pups" (younger sources) out there.... i give some words of wisdom :
Without your customers you are nothing, a nobody.

Old school JJ
big bump!

JJ is has and always will be considered a friend of mine and a class act. best wishes wyldeone.
Re: big bump!

wyldeone said:
JJ is has and always will be considered a friend of mine and a class act. best wishes wyldeone.

Now 2 old timers have given you props! :D

Actually, after the problems MKing incurred, JJ is by far the #1 oldest trustable US guy around. Thats really something to be proud of.
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What JJ.....you mean you didn't start this game?????? Hell, he's all I knew for a long time.....he was my first,LOL! He's da man.

Re: Re: big bump!

MikeS said:

Now 2 old timers have given you props! :D

Actually, after the problems MKing incurred, JJ is by far the #1 oldest trustable US guy around. Thats really something to be proud of.

Well, i am far from the best, i just try to be honest and stay free. I love what i do. I believe in what i do. No government can tell "us" we are bad people when they let & promote "millions" to die from smoking cigarettes.

Now to even have my regular bros, say such good things about me is something that makes this all worth wild. Then to have 2 of the best, most respected, well knowledged brothers in the game complement me ... is more then i would ever imagine. Just let it be known that as much respect that i get, i gladly give 10 times over.
You are all just to fucking cool.:cool:
See... now you have me blushing ;)
Old School JJ
Never done biz with the Insane 1 but I would vote for him to be the most golden around also, been going strong since I have been on the boards which is 5yrs now. Never heard a bad thing about the man....Keep it up JJ....Class act....

Thankfully JJ is smarter than you average bear and has made security a #1 priority. Not many people have been in the game like he has been and will continue to be!
Re: Wazzzzup

Mojo Rising said:
Thankfully JJ is smarter than you average bear and has made security a #1 priority. Not many people have been in the game like he has been and will continue to be!

Thanks for the compliments bro, and i will get your card to you on sunday or so.... hope you had a good "friday" night out.... at least your message on my voicemail at 3:27am sounded like you wouldnt remember if you had a good time or not.... call me when you feel better!
Hope you had a great b-day weekend... you are more like my little brother then my one of my closest friends (not little in size, just age :).
Talk to you soon.
Old School JJ

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