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Opinion about my cycle.


New member
Apr 25, 2009

first of all, my name is Hugues, I am a french 20 y/o (21 in feb) boy who starts lifting at 15 y/o.

I started reading and learning about AAS, ancillaries, PCT protocols, and medical studies years ago (2-3 years). I have learned that the most important thing is health, and that the PCT must be perfectly well designed.

I read a lot about diet and training (diet is, as for me, the most important factor). I achieved a pretty bulky physique. (Pictures speak louder than words, so, there is a picture I took 3-4 months ago.). Remember, I am natural, I HAVE NEVER TOOK ANY HORMONAL PRODUCTS (EVEN PH's or DS). I aimed to do some cycles, but I never did ( I chosed to wait ;) )

**broken link removed**

I gain weight (muscle, water, glycogen, fat) pretty easily. I am versed into High Volume training (I tried a lot of HIT style train but it doesn't do much for me). High volumes (12 sets or more) works for me. High carbs works for me. When i want to gain weight I can go as high as 700g carbs a day, and my protein intake is roughly between 300 and 400g. 100g of HEALTHY fats only. I have learned how my body reacts to food.

I weighted 220 lbs at 5'11 on this picture, now I am a little heavier (227 lbs), and I intend to do my first cycle. I gave my body a little rest (less food, less training) for few weeks now.

I have designed this cycle 3 or 4 months ago, and I have received good opinions on a knowledgeable website about it ;).

Weeks 1-10 - Test E (500mg/week) - Frontloading (750mg the first day)
Weeks 1-8 - Boldenone (400mg/week) - Frontloading (600mg the first day)
Weeks 1-6 - Dianabol (40mg/day)
Weeks 11-12 - Oxandrolone (30mg/day)

Weeks 1-12 - Exemestane (12,5-25mg/day)
Weeks 1-12 - HCG (2 x 250iu/week)

If gyno symptoms : letrozole at 1,25mg day.


Weeks 13-16 - Toremifene (60mg/day) or Nolvadex (20mg/day).
Weeks 13-16 - Exemestane (25mg/day)

I added boldenone because it increases the synthesis of collagen and it enhances the appetite.

My last test E injection will be the monday, to allow full 3 weeks before the PCT.

Of course, the food is the most anabolic substance here, and I designed few diet. It will be a 7000-7500Kcal, low fat, low sugar, very clean diet, with some cheat day ( I will try to go as high as 8500kcal on these days ).

Thanks to have listened to me, and I apologize for the eventual grammar mistakes I did. ;)

Lift hard mates ;)
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Rayzen,you are a big kid.Looks like you have done your homework on your cycle and pct.. 20 is very young to start and that is a more advanced cycle than I would like to see for a first timer.Especially as young as you.I did my first cycle at 21 years old.Was cut short because my parents found my stash and put it down the toilet.That was a blessing.I did not do another cycle until i was 35 years old.During that time i put on 50 lbs of muscle with no gear.I now compete in BB and have done many cycles.My advice is to wait.But if you are going to start now do a test only cycle.Keep it simple.Learn how you body reacts to one substance at a time.2 oils and 2 orals is way too much for your first run.On a test only cycle at your age you will probably gain 20 to 25 lbs with the diet protocol you have written.Eat sleep and train.I will not be the only one who tells you to wait.Keep at it Bro.You have a lot of potential.
I agree. If you can wait then i would strongly suggest you wait. You look like you already have quite a bit of muscle. I would focus on getting tighter and sheading some more Body fat. But if you are dead set on using gear then i think your first cycle looks to be too much. Why not just run the test by itself and see how your body likes test. This will tell you a ton about your tolerance for the aas life. Keep it simple in the beginning.
Thanks you ( all of you ). The fact is that I don't add compound like equipoise for the fun, I added it because its collagen properties can prevent me from having an injurie. By the way, I will eat Ultra CLEAN 7500kcal, and the properties of equipoise are going to help me to eat that. I have thought about running 750mg of test E per week and only that, and I think it will be even better, but cutting the dose of Test E with an anabolic like EQ means less androgenic side effects from the added dose of gear, and means a lot of other benefits. Concerning the dbol, I WILL run blood tests and thus liver value every 4 weeks, It's why if I have any problem with this oral, I drop it. Concerning the oxandrolone, It does not affect HTPA so much ( a little bit yes ), and running it while the testosterone is leaving my body is not a bad idea. Oxandrolone is very anabolic, it will help me to keep my gain a little bit more.

Hehe, no I am not dread set about using gear, not at all. I don't romantize steroids, but to be 250+ @ 5-6% at 5'11, I need unfortunately more than supps, food, dedication, and training. Using gear scares me, that's why I have spent so much time to read and learn. I will wait again a little bit, because I want to shred some body fat before and try to add lean mass. In my opinion, I won't start before my 21th birthday or even after ( March maybe ).

Thank you, guys, for your compliments and advices. I always take them into consideration, and I have thought about a Test only cycle too. :)

PS @ Macro : I didn't know that, thanks man :)

Have a good day mates :)
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Salut mon'amie

Thanks you ( all of you ). The fact is that I don't add compound like equipoise for the fun, I added it because its collagen properties can prevent me from having an injurie. By the way, I will eat Ultra CLEAN 7500kcal, and the properties of equipoise are going to help me to eat that. I have thought about running 750mg of test E per week and only that, and I think it will be even better, but cutting the dose of Test E with an anabolic like EQ means less androgenic side effects from the added dose of gear, and means a lot of other benefits. Concerning the dbol, I WILL run blood tests and thus liver value every 4 weeks, It's why if I have any problem with this oral, I drop it. Concerning the oxandrolone, It does not affect HTPA so much ( a little bit yes ), and running it while the testosterone is leaving my body is not a bad idea. Oxandrolone is very anabolic, it will help me to keep my gain a little bit more.

Hehe, no I am not dread set about using gear, not at all. I don't romantize steroids, but to be 250+ @ 5-6% at 5'11, I need unfortunately more than supps, food, dedication, and training. Using gear scares me, that's why I have spent so much time to read and learn. I will wait again a little bit, because I want to shred some body fat before and try to add lean mass. In my opinion, I won't start before my 21th birthday or even after ( March maybe ).

Thank you, guys, for your compliments and advices. I always take them into consideration, and I have thought about a Test only cycle too. :)

PS @ Macro : I didn't know that, thanks man :)

Have a good day mates :)

Its good to see that you have done proper research before considering taking gear and that you have a very good and solid base to start.

I dont recommend nobody to start using gear at a very young age, but i dont see anyway whats the big the deal in your case, considering that you are almost 21 and solid.

Your cycle seems fine, just to say that as a first cycle you might not need that much gear. I would personally do it like this :

1-16 WEEKS equipoise at 500 mg and test enanth at the same dosage
and i also would bring dbol at 35mg ED for 4 weeks on and off, alternating it with tren acetate at 50 mg EOD instead of anavar for 4 weeks on and off.
And your PCT seems ok

Its your first cycle just make the most of it and theres no need to be scared of gear if intelligent use of it is being done.

But Remember once you start on gear your hormones might not anymore the same, if you include some clen your pct it will be very wise..

Bonne chance

first of all, my name is Hugues, I am a french 20 y/o (21 in feb) boy who starts lifting at 15 y/o.

I started reading and learning about AAS, ancillaries, PCT protocols, and medical studies years ago (2-3 years). I have learned that the most important thing is health, and that the PCT must be perfectly well designed.

I read a lot about diet and training (diet is, as for me, the most important factor). I achieved a pretty bulky physique. (Pictures speak louder than words, so, there is a picture I took 3-4 months ago.). Remember, I am natural, I HAVE NEVER TOOK ANY HORMONAL PRODUCTS (EVEN PH's or DS). I aimed to do some cycles, but I never did ( I chosed to wait ;) )

**broken link removed**

I gain weight (muscle, water, glycogen, fat) pretty easily. I am versed into High Volume training (I tried a lot of HIT style train but it doesn't do much for me). High volumes (12 sets or more) works for me. High carbs works for me. When i want to gain weight I can go as high as 700g carbs a day, and my protein intake is roughly between 300 and 400g. 100g of HEALTHY fats only. I have learned how my body reacts to food.

I weighted 220 lbs at 5'11 on this picture, now I am a little heavier (227 lbs), and I intend to do my first cycle. I gave my body a little rest (less food, less training) for few weeks now.

I have designed this cycle 3 or 4 months ago, and I have received good opinions on a knowledgeable website about it ;).

Weeks 1-10 - Test E (500mg/week) - Frontloading (750mg the first day)
Weeks 1-8 - Boldenone (400mg/week) - Frontloading (600mg the first day)
Weeks 1-6 - Dianabol (40mg/day)
Weeks 11-12 - Oxandrolone (30mg/day)

Weeks 1-12 - Exemestane (12,5-25mg/day)
Weeks 1-12 - HCG (2 x 250iu/week)

If gyno symptoms : letrozole at 1,25mg day.


Weeks 13-16 - Toremifene (60mg/day) or Nolvadex (20mg/day).
Weeks 13-16 - Exemestane (25mg/day)

I added boldenone because it increases the synthesis of collagen and it enhances the appetite.

My last test E injection will be the monday, to allow full 3 weeks before the PCT.

Of course, the food is the most anabolic substance here, and I designed few diet. It will be a 7000-7500Kcal, low fat, low sugar, very clean diet, with some cheat day ( I will try to go as high as 8500kcal on these days ).

Thanks to have listened to me, and I apologize for the eventual grammar mistakes I did. ;)

Lift hard mates ;)

At close to 50 and 30 years of working out, let me give you some solid advice. No, I am not going to lecture you on that you are too young. What I am going to lecture you on, is that is overkill for a first cycle. You only need 500mg of Test start, the rest is training and diet. 1.25mg of Letro a day is overkill, even at those doses. The most you need is 1.25mg evry 2-3 days. Save the HCG for after the cycle with novadex. At 500mg of test per week, you will not need it during. Diet wise, eat 2g of protein, 2- 2 1/2g of Carbs, 1/2g of fats per pound of your weight. That is a great bulking diet. 700 carbs, cllean or not will get you fat. 7500 - 8500 calories, IMO is too much. You are big for 21, but you are holding some bodyfat. Rmember qaulity is better then quanity.
Your cycle is not too bad but I would drop the front load. IMO it is a waste of gear and time. But others will argue differently. Just start at a lower dose of test and ramp it up as you progress into your cycle till you hit the number of mg/wk you want. I prefer to wait till a plateau happens with test then up the dose. But front loading a long ester is a waste.
Your 20 and your a big guy already. That is too much gear for your first time for sure. Like others have said...just use 500 mg test a week..see how you react to that, and you can adjust for the next cycle.
@ Fireman : Thank you for your advice, but I will not run a 16 weeks, nor a 19-nortestosterone compound, well known to cause prolactin issues : I don't want to take a dopamine receptor agonist and play with the brain chemistry. But it was a good idea to alternate dbol and tren ;)

@ the others :

First of all, thanks for your advice and your compliments.
Yes. I think you are right. Testosterone only (and maybe 4 weeks of dbol at 30mg-40mg). I will keep it simple. I have all the time in the world. And I think that more is not always better. The most important things in bbing are diet and training. I want to be extra safe, I will run HCG on cycle to be sure to avoid testicular shrinkage and make the recovery easier.

I will keep my oxandrolone and my EQ for later :)

Thanks. Happy Christmas everyone.
Its good to see that you have done proper research before considering taking gear and that you have a very good and solid base to start.

I dont recommend nobody to start using gear at a very young age, but i dont see anyway whats the big the deal in your case, considering that you are almost 21 and solid.

Your cycle seems fine, just to say that as a first cycle you might not need that much gear. I would personally do it like this :

1-16 WEEKS equipoise at 500 mg and test enanth at the same dosage
and i also would bring dbol at 35mg ED for 4 weeks on and off, alternating it with tren acetate at 50 mg EOD instead of anavar for 4 weeks on and off.
And your PCT seems ok

Its your first cycle just make the most of it and theres no need to be scared of gear if intelligent use of it is being done.

But Remember once you start on gear your hormones might not anymore the same, if you include some clen your pct it will be very wise..

Bonne chance

im not flaming you bro here(well a little bit) but if you dont recommend him doing gear @ 20 why are telling him to use tren?? he is so not ready for AAS at all much less tren ..or the dosage he is going to take now..this kid will grow like a weed on 500 mg test e and 20 mg dbol

test e 1-12 500 mg ew period (if your dead set on AAS)

7500 cal? clean? wtf are you gonna eat? 12 chickens a day:eek: do u have plans to compete?
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im not flaming you bro here(well a little bit) but if you dont recommend him doing gear @ 20 why are telling him to use tren?? he is so not ready for AAS at all much less tren ..or the dosage he is going to take now..this kid will grow like a weed on 500 mg test e and 20 mg dbol

test e 1-12 500 mg ew period (if your dead set on AAS)

7500 cal? clean? wtf are you gonna eat? 12 chickens a day:eek: do u have plans to compete?


I think that you didn't understand his post. He just said that in my case, he didn't see any objection for me to start gear. I have explained in my last post why I won't run any 19-nor products ;).

Yes 7500 kcal. Clean, low sugar, low fat. Brown rice, oatmeals, fruits and vegetables for carbs, fish oils and olive oils for fats, Beef, eggs, milk, LBAs and proteins powders (different sources) for proteins.

High GI carbs only post workout. I plan to be the best I can be ;).

I think that you didn't understand his post. He just said that in my case, he didn't see any objection for me to start gear. I have explained in my last post why I won't run any 19-nor products ;).

Yes 7500 kcal. Clean, low sugar, low fat. Brown rice, oatmeals, fruits and vegetables for carbs, fish oils and olive oils for fats, Beef, eggs, milk, LBAs and proteins powders (different sources) for proteins.

High GI carbs only post workout. I plan to be the best I can be ;).

I like to see that diet. I am trying to put on weight myself. Could you list out all your meals at 7500 calories and the proper portions and ratios.
I like to see that diet. I am trying to put on weight myself. Could you list out all your meals at 7500 calories and the proper portions and ratios.

yeah id like to see it to bro..7500 cals is getting it done!!
@ Fireman : Thank you for your advice, but I will not run a 16 weeks, nor a 19-nortestosterone compound, well known to cause prolactin issues : I don't want to take a dopamine receptor agonist and play with the brain chemistry. But it was a good idea to alternate dbol and tren ;)

@ the others :

First of all, thanks for your advice and your compliments.
Yes. I think you are right. Testosterone only (and maybe 4 weeks of dbol at 30mg-40mg). I will keep it simple. I have all the time in the world. And I think that more is not always better. The most important things in bbing are diet and training. I want to be extra safe, I will run HCG on cycle to be sure to avoid testicular shrinkage and make the recovery easier.

I will keep my oxandrolone and my EQ for later :)

Thanks. Happy Christmas everyone.

Hi again, I respect very much your decision to keep it simple with an only test cycle and maybe some dianabol on the mix. If proper diet is in place im totally sure that you gonna grow and pack a lot of mass. The reason why so many people advise test only as a first cycle its basically because you as beginner need to know first all or have a feeling how your body does react to the quimicals, and because having your receptors virgin you will respond very well in terms of putting new mass.

If later you decide to do another cycle including equipoise just remember that better results are achivied with this stuff on cycles of 16 weekes. Equipoise is very good but its a slow acting compound, you have to give it time to work for your muscles.

My idea when i said cycling test plus equipoise, dbol and tren, is that as beginner your body will grow on anything and at any dosage. But we all know about optimum gear dosage for growth, and that combining 2 or more compounds at once will result in much better and impressive results comparing to an only test cycle.

Another point is if you are going to consume all those stated calories and all that natural suplementation, trust me by doing an only test cycle and not adding more compounds to it, you will not be doing a great of absortion of the nutrients intake- you gonna be putting Half of your money in the toilet.

im not flaming you bro here(well a little bit) but if you dont recommend him doing gear @ 20 why are telling him to use tren?? he is so not ready for AAS at all much less tren ..or the dosage he is going to take now..this kid will grow like a weed on 500 mg test e and 20 mg dbol

test e 1-12 500 mg ew period (if your dead set on AAS)

7500 cal? clean? wtf are you gonna eat? 12 chickens a day:eek: do u have plans to compete?

Without being disrespctful if you read again my post, carefully and with more attention you will realise that i show no objection about him doing a cycle, and that im not recommending nothing. Im only stating what i personally would do if i was a beginner.

And tren as first cycle, is as bad as recommending 500mg test plus 20mg dbol. Dbol is liver toxic and aromatises, tren is liver toxic and does not aromatise, test is not as toxic as tren but does aromatise meaning more bloat and more chances of gyno, usually people recommend test enanth that is long acting compound and tren acetate is a fast acting meaning that will leave your system much quicker and more easy to control the sides, while test will stay for 3 weeks on your system comparing to the 2 days and half of the tren.

Any of this compounds will shut you down badly.

People tend to follow the crowds and fashion, modern cycling is not the same as before as old school. And myself when i first started cycling AAS in 1997 was moreless the period of the transition from old school to new era of modern bodybuilding.

At the age of 18 my first cycle was what was at the time a 4 week dianabol cycle with no pct, no anti estrogens and no liver proctetion whatsoever.

Hi again, I respect very much your decision to keep it simple with an only test cycle and maybe some dianabol on the mix. If proper diet is in place im totally sure that you gonna grow and pack a lot of mass. The reason why so many people advise test only as a first cycle its basically because you as beginner need to know first all or have a feeling how your body does react to the quimicals, and because having your receptors virgin you will respond very well in terms of putting new mass.

If later you decide to do another cycle including equipoise just remember that better results are achivied with this stuff on cycles of 16 weekes. Equipoise is very good but its a slow acting compound, you have to give it time to work for your muscles.

My idea when i said cycling test plus equipoise, dbol and tren, is that as beginner your body will grow on anything and at any dosage. But we all know about optimum gear dosage for growth, and that combining 2 or more compounds at once will result in much better and impressive results comparing to an only test cycle.

Another point is if you are going to consume all those stated calories and all that natural suplementation, trust me by doing an only test cycle and not adding more compounds to it, you will not be doing a great of absortion of the nutrients intake- you gonna be putting Half of your money in the toilet.


Yeah. Today I have thought a lot about what I will do. For the reasons above, I think I will run my initial planned cycle : Test + EQ + dbol + AI + HCG + PCT.

On another website, a guy advised me to run t3 at 12,5-25mg if I run a 7500 Kcal diet. Your advices are good man, very good, and I understand why you recommend 16 weeks. The only thing I don't want to is to play with the brain chemistry by taking an dopamine agonist, so I will not run tren. Injectable winstrol would be a better choice in that case ;). Thank you buddy for your support.
I like to see that diet. I am trying to put on weight myself. Could you list out all your meals at 7500 calories and the proper portions and ratios.

AUTO-EDIT. I am done with pesty4077 !

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Yeah. Today I have thought a lot about what I will do. For the reasons above, I think I will run my initial planned cycle : Test + EQ + dbol + AI + HCG + PCT.

On another website, a guy advised me to run t3 at 12,5-25mg if I run a 7500 Kcal diet. Your advices are good man, very good, and I understand why you recommend 16 weeks. The only thing I don't want to is to play with the brain chemistry by taking an dopamine agonist, so I will not run tren. Injectable winstrol would be a better choice in that case ;). Thank you buddy for your support.[/QUOTE

T3 its a good idea on a bulk cycle as long that you dont go much more above of 25 mcg(its mcg not mg im sorry correcting you). T3 will acelerate your metabolism meaning that at that dosage your body will absorve more and quicker the macronutrients and will prevent you of getting too fat due the high calories intake.

T3 at the maximum dosage of 25mcg will not harm you in any way but if you take it higher than that, make sure to take clenbuterol at the end of the cycle to avoid the rebound effect. T3 might be somehow safe at low dosages but at higher dosages its not something to play it.

Yeah. Today I have thought a lot about what I will do. For the reasons above, I think I will run my initial planned cycle : Test + EQ + dbol + AI + HCG + PCT.

On another website, a guy advised me to run t3 at 12,5-25mg if I run a 7500 Kcal diet. Your advices are good man, very good, and I understand why you recommend 16 weeks. The only thing I don't want to is to play with the brain chemistry by taking an dopamine agonist, so I will not run tren. Injectable winstrol would be a better choice in that case ;). Thank you buddy for your support.[/QUOTE

T3 its a good idea on a bulk cycle as long that you dont go much more above of 25 mcg(its mcg not mg im sorry correcting you). T3 will acelerate your metabolism meaning that at that dosage your body will absorve more and quicker the macronutrients and will prevent you of getting too fat due the high calories intake.

T3 at the maximum dosage of 25mcg will not harm you in any way but if you take it higher than that, make sure to take clenbuterol at the end of the cycle to avoid the rebound effect. T3 might be somehow safe at low dosages but at higher dosages its not something to play it.


Thx Fireman. A bientot ;)

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