first of all, my name is Hugues, I am a french 20 y/o (21 in feb) boy who starts lifting at 15 y/o.
I started reading and learning about AAS, ancillaries, PCT protocols, and medical studies years ago (2-3 years). I have learned that the most important thing is health, and that the PCT must be perfectly well designed.
I read a lot about diet and training (diet is, as for me, the most important factor). I achieved a pretty bulky physique. (Pictures speak louder than words, so, there is a picture I took 3-4 months ago.). Remember, I am natural, I HAVE NEVER TOOK ANY HORMONAL PRODUCTS (EVEN PH's or DS). I aimed to do some cycles, but I never did ( I chosed to wait )
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I gain weight (muscle, water, glycogen, fat) pretty easily. I am versed into High Volume training (I tried a lot of HIT style train but it doesn't do much for me). High volumes (12 sets or more) works for me. High carbs works for me. When i want to gain weight I can go as high as 700g carbs a day, and my protein intake is roughly between 300 and 400g. 100g of HEALTHY fats only. I have learned how my body reacts to food.
I weighted 220 lbs at 5'11 on this picture, now I am a little heavier (227 lbs), and I intend to do my first cycle. I gave my body a little rest (less food, less training) for few weeks now.
I have designed this cycle 3 or 4 months ago, and I have received good opinions on a knowledgeable website about it .
Weeks 1-10 - Test E (500mg/week) - Frontloading (750mg the first day)
Weeks 1-8 - Boldenone (400mg/week) - Frontloading (600mg the first day)
Weeks 1-6 - Dianabol (40mg/day)
Weeks 11-12 - Oxandrolone (30mg/day)
Weeks 1-12 - Exemestane (12,5-25mg/day)
Weeks 1-12 - HCG (2 x 250iu/week)
If gyno symptoms : letrozole at 1,25mg day.
Weeks 13-16 - Toremifene (60mg/day) or Nolvadex (20mg/day).
Weeks 13-16 - Exemestane (25mg/day)
I added boldenone because it increases the synthesis of collagen and it enhances the appetite.
My last test E injection will be the monday, to allow full 3 weeks before the PCT.
Of course, the food is the most anabolic substance here, and I designed few diet. It will be a 7000-7500Kcal, low fat, low sugar, very clean diet, with some cheat day ( I will try to go as high as 8500kcal on these days ).
Thanks to have listened to me, and I apologize for the eventual grammar mistakes I did.
Lift hard mates
first of all, my name is Hugues, I am a french 20 y/o (21 in feb) boy who starts lifting at 15 y/o.
I started reading and learning about AAS, ancillaries, PCT protocols, and medical studies years ago (2-3 years). I have learned that the most important thing is health, and that the PCT must be perfectly well designed.
I read a lot about diet and training (diet is, as for me, the most important factor). I achieved a pretty bulky physique. (Pictures speak louder than words, so, there is a picture I took 3-4 months ago.). Remember, I am natural, I HAVE NEVER TOOK ANY HORMONAL PRODUCTS (EVEN PH's or DS). I aimed to do some cycles, but I never did ( I chosed to wait )
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I gain weight (muscle, water, glycogen, fat) pretty easily. I am versed into High Volume training (I tried a lot of HIT style train but it doesn't do much for me). High volumes (12 sets or more) works for me. High carbs works for me. When i want to gain weight I can go as high as 700g carbs a day, and my protein intake is roughly between 300 and 400g. 100g of HEALTHY fats only. I have learned how my body reacts to food.
I weighted 220 lbs at 5'11 on this picture, now I am a little heavier (227 lbs), and I intend to do my first cycle. I gave my body a little rest (less food, less training) for few weeks now.
I have designed this cycle 3 or 4 months ago, and I have received good opinions on a knowledgeable website about it .
Weeks 1-10 - Test E (500mg/week) - Frontloading (750mg the first day)
Weeks 1-8 - Boldenone (400mg/week) - Frontloading (600mg the first day)
Weeks 1-6 - Dianabol (40mg/day)
Weeks 11-12 - Oxandrolone (30mg/day)
Weeks 1-12 - Exemestane (12,5-25mg/day)
Weeks 1-12 - HCG (2 x 250iu/week)
If gyno symptoms : letrozole at 1,25mg day.
Weeks 13-16 - Toremifene (60mg/day) or Nolvadex (20mg/day).
Weeks 13-16 - Exemestane (25mg/day)
I added boldenone because it increases the synthesis of collagen and it enhances the appetite.
My last test E injection will be the monday, to allow full 3 weeks before the PCT.
Of course, the food is the most anabolic substance here, and I designed few diet. It will be a 7000-7500Kcal, low fat, low sugar, very clean diet, with some cheat day ( I will try to go as high as 8500kcal on these days ).
Thanks to have listened to me, and I apologize for the eventual grammar mistakes I did.
Lift hard mates
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