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Opinions on my 2nd Cycle


New member
Oct 24, 2008
I am a 40 year old Male 5'9" 180lbs w/ 12- 15% body fat. I have read this board extensively for months but this is my first post.

In August, I finished a successful cycle of 250mg per week of Sustanon for a total of 8 weeks. I work out 3 days on 1 day off. 3,500 - 4,000 calories per day/ 200 -220 grams of Protein a day (Beef, chicken, fish and LBA).

I am now considering beginning my second cycle in January. I don't want to be the next Arnold, just want to stay get bigger and leaner. Here is what I am thinking of:

Cycle length 8 Weeks
Sustanon 250mg/week
Dianabol 20 - 30 mg/day 1st five weeks
Deca mg/week 100 - 400 Pyramiding
Nolvadex 20 mg/day
Clomid 50 mg/ day PST

Any comments on this Cycle?
I am a 40 year old Male 5'9" 180lbs w/ 12- 15% body fat. I have read this board extensively for months but this is my first post.

In August, I finished a successful cycle of 250mg per week of Sustanon for a total of 8 weeks. I work out 3 days on 1 day off. 3,500 - 4,000 calories per day/ 200 -220 grams of Protein a day (Beef, chicken, fish and LBA).

I am now considering beginning my second cycle in January. I don't want to be the next Arnold, just want to stay get bigger and leaner. Here is what I am thinking of:

Cycle length 8 Weeks
Sustanon 250mg/week
Dianabol 20 - 30 mg/day 1st five weeks
Deca mg/week 100 - 400 Pyramiding
Nolvadex 20 mg/day
Clomid 50 mg/ day PST

Any comments on this Cycle?

What was your weight before and after your first cycle?
I am a 40 year old Male 5'9" 180lbs w/ 12- 15% body fat. I have read this board extensively for months but this is my first post.

In August, I finished a successful cycle of 250mg per week of Sustanon for a total of 8 weeks. I work out 3 days on 1 day off. 3,500 - 4,000 calories per day/ 200 -220 grams of Protein a day (Beef, chicken, fish and LBA).

I am now considering beginning my second cycle in January. I don't want to be the next Arnold, just want to stay get bigger and leaner. Here is what I am thinking of:

Cycle length 8 Weeks
Sustanon 250mg/week
Dianabol 20 - 30 mg/day 1st five weeks
Deca mg/week 100 - 400 Pyramiding
Nolvadex 20 mg/day
Clomid 50 mg/ day PST

Any comments on this Cycle?

What makes you think you need 3 different compounds on your 2nd cycle? Slow down, your problem is your DIET, you are not eating enough protien to grow. You need 1.5 to 2grams per pound (270-360). Trust me, taking AAS, is not going to make you into Arnold, it takes alot more than that.
I am a 40 year old Male 5'9" 180lbs w/ 12- 15% body fat. I have read this board extensively for months but this is my first post.

In August, I finished a successful cycle of 250mg per week of Sustanon for a total of 8 weeks. I work out 3 days on 1 day off. 3,500 - 4,000 calories per day/ 200 -220 grams of Protein a day (Beef, chicken, fish and LBA).

I am now considering beginning my second cycle in January. I don't want to be the next Arnold, just want to stay get bigger and leaner. Here is what I am thinking of:

Cycle length 8 Weeks
Sustanon 250mg/week
Dianabol 20 - 30 mg/day 1st five weeks
Deca mg/week 100 - 400 Pyramiding
Nolvadex 20 mg/day
Clomid 50 mg/ day PST

Any comments on this Cycle?

IMO sustanon isnt that great of a test for steady blood levels, I know the idea behind it, but you still have some peaks and valleys as a result of the different esters...A better option would be test enathate or cypionate at the same dose.

As far as deca goes one would be better off running it steady say 200mg/week...Pyramiding works better for orals and is somewhat of an outdated process..

D-bol at 20mgs a day for 3 weeks to kick start is pleanty for a second cycle.

TO get clomid levels constant quickly it is best to run 300mg the first day, ie six tabs spead out and then coast at 50 mg/day for the remainder preferably at least 4 weeks after last dose of deca and test, possibly 6.
What was your weight before and after your first cycle?

I didn't gain too much weight. I started at 175lb but my body fat was much higher (didn't record it). But when I started I had a bit of a gut flab/ love handle action after the cycle it had all but disappeared.
What makes you think you need 3 different compounds on your 2nd cycle? Slow down, your problem is your DIET, you are not eating enough protien to grow. You need 1.5 to 2grams per pound (270-360). Trust me, taking AAS, is not going to make you into Arnold, it takes alot more than that.

You may be absolutely right.... three compounds might too much. Maybe I will try your recomendation upping my protien intake, test enathate and jump starting with 3 weeks of Dbol.

Thanks for the solid advise. I love this site even more
I would advise to keep the sustanon shots and deca but split them up 2 times per week,like monday and thursday......No need to pyramid the deca,for your weight and cycle experience 500mg sust and 2-300mg deca should suit you just fine.
If you really want to add dianabol,keep the dose low enough to ward off side effects such as 10-15mg day for 3-4 weeks in the beggining.

Good luck however you decide to cycle,Eat and train......then rest sufficiently.
Anabolics are great,but the miracles happen when all the puzzle pieces are in place


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