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Plateau on 600mg test - bump to 750 or add another compound?


Apr 28, 2012
I’m a big fan of DCs stuff & never really wanted to go above 600mg test / week but having used 500/600mg over the past few years I just can’t get past 225lbs ish at a reasonable bodyfat % (6’1”). Genetics very average at best (honestly probably significantly below average). Protein is currently around 375g / day, calories around 4500 depending on activity level (any higher & body fat creeps up).

What is my best bet - to increase the test or add in another compound? I like the idea of keeping it bio-identical but with diminishing returns I doubt another 150mg will get me to 240lbs (LOL). Would also consider gh if you guys think it would be worthwhile. Thoughts guys?
I don't want to disappoint you but you will probably have to exceed 1g to reach 240 lbs (lean).

adding gh is always a good option but it is not dependent on increasing anabolics - gh will not give you more size it will only improve your body composition the growth you get with steroids
You may not like my opinion, but if I was you I would add 400 DECA on top of your 600 test, plus some GH, for me it's existing using different compounds because even if it's just placebo effect combined drugs just seem to work better
if i remember right testosterone supposedly has anabolic/anrdogenic ratio of 100/100
so one could say (just going with logic I cant say this is absolutley true) if you wanted to get more anabolic on test you would also have to up the androgenic element of it also and thats where some side effects happen for SOME guys (not me) soooo it kinda makes sense to add an anabolic like deca, npp to up the anabolism without upping the androogens as much. more anabolism should equal more muscle. so you could up test id say a gram for sure OR add an anabolic and keep test dose the same. imo thatd break current plateau.
Whichever path you choose I would increase the dosage(s) slowly and gradually and only as gains stall for a time and that's assuming nutrition, training and recovery are all maximized first. Don't just rely on the peds. There is no magic dose to reach a certain size. Everyone is different with unique genetics, response to drugs, and natural starting points. Depending on your age, adding in just 2-3iu of HGH can help with body composition and is reasonably safe for most but won't do anything for size except a few lbs of extra water weight. Higher doses (6+iu) of HGH can be fun and the unique "extra full and hard" look that comes with it is desirable but usually quickly diminishes if stopped or reduced back replacement dosages (2iu). This is just from my experience and with others that I've worked with so take it with a grain of salt.
I get diminishing results with increasing test. Over 2g of test wasn’t as good as 600 and 600 deca or tren(for me). I try to keep my androgens and Anabolics at about a 1-1 ratio.

That being said I’d add in the second compound and bump up the test to 750 the next time you need a change.
I don't want to disappoint you but you will probably have to exceed 1g to reach 240 lbs (lean).

adding gh is always a good option but it is not dependent on increasing anabolics - gh will not give you more size it will only improve your body composition the growth you get with steroids
Yeah, sadly I think you’re right. I’m leaning towards adding in 200g of something else (probably primo but not 100%). Would love to run gh even at a lower dose but not sure I can justify the cost.
Yeah, sadly I think you’re right. I’m leaning towards adding in 200g of something else (probably primo but not 100%). Would love to run gh even at a lower dose but not sure I can justify the cost.
Isn't 200 primo way more expensive than GH? Plus I highly doubt you will gain more than a kilo a year with just 200 primo (on top of your test)
The question is to raise the test does ( which may be fine) but do you have a system in place for the rise of estrogen? If you can control estrogen then raising the test dose is a option.. or.. adding a anabolic which may not convert or does so a lower rate.. but just know that a raise in just 200 total mgs may start the growth process again but it's going to be limited.. but its a smarter way to go.. milk another 200mg for all its worth. . ( again none of this matters if your not training correctly. Recuperating correctly .. and eating spot on..).. then slowly add some more.. but be honest with yourself in your assessment of the training, eating etc.. if any of these variables can be improved upon then do so before adding anything..
The question is to raise the test does ( which may be fine) but do you have a system in place for the rise of estrogen? If you can control estrogen then raising the test dose is a option.. or.. adding a anabolic which may not convert or does so a lower rate.. but just know that a raise in just 200 total mgs may start the growth process again but it's going to be limited.. but its a smarter way to go.. milk another 200mg for all its worth. . ( again none of this matters if your not training correctly. Recuperating correctly .. and eating spot on..).. then slowly add some more.. but be honest with yourself in your assessment of the training, eating etc.. if any of these variables can be improved upon then do so before adding anything..
Spot on in my opinion.
Everyone reacts so differently OP you’ll have to try it for yourself.

I don’t do well on high test so for me personally I’d add another compound. 150mg of anything besides Nandralone or tren(excluding orals) wouldn’t do dick for me except some cosmetic effects if I’m really lean.

If you’re keen on keeping the overall MG dose low id go with nandrolone or tren.

6’1 240 10% or lower is fucking stacked. As Luki said you’ll likely need over a gram. Just start low, run blood work and build up. 👊💪
I’m a big fan of DCs stuff & never really wanted to go above 600mg test / week but having used 500/600mg over the past few years I just can’t get past 225lbs ish at a reasonable bodyfat % (6’1”). Genetics very average at best (honestly probably significantly below average). Protein is currently around 375g / day, calories around 4500 depending on activity level (any higher & body fat creeps up).

What is my best bet - to increase the test or add in another compound? I like the idea of keeping it bio-identical but with diminishing returns I doubt another 150mg will get me to 240lbs (LOL). Would also consider gh if you guys think it would be worthwhile. Thoughts guys?
I would get blood work, look at your metabolic panel, lipids, free and total test levels along with E2 and make a decision from there.

If your goal is to stick to bioidentical hormones then I would aim to maximize test levels before adding anything else. And at your stats you should have a lot more MG to play with before you are maxed out, but only bloodwork and vitals can confirm that.
The question is to raise the test does ( which may be fine) but do you have a system in place for the rise of estrogen? If you can control estrogen then raising the test dose is a option.. or.. adding a anabolic which may not convert or does so a lower rate.. but just know that a raise in just 200 total mgs may start the growth process again but it's going to be limited.. but its a smarter way to go.. milk another 200mg for all its worth. . ( again none of this matters if your not training correctly. Recuperating correctly .. and eating spot on..).. then slowly add some more.. but be honest with yourself in your assessment of the training, eating etc.. if any of these variables can be improved upon then do so before adding anything..
So true! I’m relatively new to all this but I can say that I had plateaued in weight for a month or so during this offseason phase. PEDs, Recovery, Diet all spot on according to my coach. He had me send him some training videos and turns out my form was WAY off on some major movements and I wasn’t stimulating the muscle correctly/adequately and was also utilizing some rogue exercise split that I had made up on my own! I switched to a split that he sent me, correctly started stimulating the muscles I was working and immediately started gaining weight again with all the other variables (diet, Recovery, PEDs) staying the same and that was now 30 pounds ago!
The OP writes that he has been on the same dose for several years and it is not increasing, so there is nothing to wait for if he wants to grow more just increase the doses because from what he describes here, the training and diet are in place.
This is the truth. If you’re legitimately maxing out diet, training and recovery, then there is simply one other option left if you want to grow. If you want to stick to bio identical then upping test is perfectly fine. If your goal is to add 15lbs, presumably at the same bf or a bit leaner and youve been stuck where you are for a few years on 600mg then adding 150mg more just isnt gonna cut it. Health is obviously a priority for you so its up to you to decide what you are comfortable with dosage-wise but it sounds like you already realizing youll need more than 750mg to achieve that goal.
Has the 500/600mg been used constantly for years or do you drop down to a lower inbetween courses, so to speak?
Has the 500/600mg been used constantly for years or do you drop down to a lower inbetween courses, so to speak?
Blasting and cruising. Drop down to 250mg or so, sometimes lower. Don’t really see the point in coming off completely (just being totally honest).

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