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Post show bloods - rebound options


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2014
Hello everyone, i have already posted in the definitive health thread but since there arent many views, im making this thread.
This thread might also be good for other guys competing, so lets get to it.
So, some stats to begin with:

I competed on saturday, pulled bloods this tuesday.
Last month or so, cycle was around
100mg cyp daily
100mg eq daily
100mg mast-e daily
70mg tren-e daily
50 oral winny
50 oral oxandrolone
arimidex 1ed
clen 80-100-120-80 - the 120 seemed redundant and caused more flatness than benefits.
GH - 8ius TP mon-thurs
10-12ius fri-sun.

Reasoning for this gh dosage: im refeeding on mondays usually. Once i was flat i upped it a bit to keep some fullness. Seems like a great approach to me that has actually helped me so for guys in prep - you might wanna try this. Just up your gh by 2-4ius for like two days when youre the flattest. Might be placebo but i dont care. Its not pricey so try it out.

Last ten days - cut test and eq
6 days out - last shot of tren and mast
Added tamoxifen at 14d out - 20mg - seemed to actually help lose some water retention
7d out
arimidex 1.5 ed - no added benefit or negatives from what i can tell. couldnt get aromasin or letro. Didnt seem to help or hurt me.
100mg oral winstrol
100mg oral oxandrolone
30mg oral halo
125mg proviron - honestly useless but had some remaining.
Clen was at 80mcg for the whole week - sweet spot for me.

In a retrospect, these high dosages of orals did bring some additional hardness but at the cost of serious mental health / anger issues lol - which then flattens me out.
Honestly next time im doing this, winstrol and oxandrolone will be at 70 since i felt its better than 50 but doesnt fuck up my head as 100 does.
Halo - could have been 20 and 14d out.

Anyways, lets get to the point - bloods in the attachment.

Supplements used the last month - too many to name but mainly heart stack from supplement needs, vital support from jp, additional nac, liv52 ds,..lots of stuff.
I keep these in and will continue taking them as needed. I will provide links in the latter post to these.

So, my question for you guys tu discuss:

1st option - cruise on like 250mg test, 6iu gh ed, 5iu humalog prewo 5x week
Cruise for 6-10 weeks - keep the shape im in and then start some blast - high test, eq, gh to 8, slin titrated up slowly.

2nd option - keep test high and maybe the eq - i was thinking of doing like 1g test, 600mg eq.
Historically high test and eq didnt ruin my hdl and i dont really need arimidex or aromasin for these dosages.
Blast for like 6-8 weeks and then pull bloods.
GH at 6iu for two weeks, then 8iu 4 weeks. Humalog preworkout 5iu 5 times per week - titrated up.

Health supps - keeping them all in but I was considering adding 10-20mg of cardarine for a month.
Cardio wasnt done for the whole prep so I can definitely add that in - or actually should really add that in - whether i blast or recover.

Thanks guys for your responses - I prepped myself and basically more than 80% of my knowledge comes from this forum so im really grateful I have found this place.

edit: some more stats about me - my comp weight was around 195lbs and im 5`9 - 29yo.
I can post some pictures later. if needed.
I also dont plan to compete again this or the next year. Maybe 2026 autumn or 2027 spring. So im essentially not in a hurry but still it itches me to gain some advantages of my sensitivity from this prep.


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Three main health supps i was on and im continuing with them. Guess i also should add some omegas? Whatever should be added just hit me up with a link. I have a great budget for health supps.


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I do not recommend any of the approaches you mentioned to use after competition

What I do in 99% of cases, which allows my guys to make good rebound and progress and at the same time bring all health results back to normal, is something like this, based on what you describe

200mg e2d test
primo or EQ 100/125mg e2d
gh this is how much your funds allow
short insulin before and after training
IA,t4 if needed

raise your food slightly (only if you need it), reduce the amount of cardio and do slow rebound - after 6-8 weeks you should be 100% ready to push things forward strongly

of course, during this period you introduce appropriate medications or IVs that are needed to quickly restore all health parameters
I'm always a little shocked when some of you guys hit it hard and bloods don't look all that bad. Your liver values are showing hepatic stress as expected after the orals. Blood lipids a bit skewed as expected. Some ions, Ca, K Na, Cl a little skewed as expected. Nothing that major. All those I would expect to resolve in 2-3 months with reduced stresses. Luki seems to get people back to the point they need to be. Given what seems to be your resilience probably not a bad plan. If your kidney and hematology markers were bad I would say different but those look OK.
I'm always a little shocked when some of you guys hit it hard and bloods don't look all that bad. Your liver values are showing hepatic stress as expected after the orals. Blood lipids a bit skewed as expected. Some ions, Ca, K Na, Cl a little skewed as expected. Nothing that major. All those I would expect to resolve in 2-3 months with reduced stresses. Luki seems to get people back to the point they need to be. Given what seems to be your resilience probably not a bad plan. If your kidney and hematology markers were bad I would say different but those look OK.
I would say completely the opposite - after contest prep, even though we have a lot of dht derivatives, trenbolone or toxic orals, in 90% of cases blood work is very good and certainly better than during the offseason, and why is this so?

In my opinion, the worst thing for the body is a large positive calorie balance. If we remain in even a slight deficit and do a lot of cardio exercises, our health, even despite using more toxic drugs in theory, will be in better condition than when we bombard them with huge amounts of food.
You can often see this in guys who are models or influencers who are shredded 12 months a year, using trenbolone and clenbuterol and other fat burners all year round and have no major health problems.
What ab
I would say completely the opposite - after contest prep, even though we have a lot of dht derivatives, trenbolone or toxic orals, in 90% of cases blood work is very good and certainly better than during the offseason, and why is this so?

In my opinion, the worst thing for the body is a large positive calorie balance. If we remain in even a slight deficit and do a lot of cardio exercises, our health, even despite using more toxic drugs in theory, will be in better condition than when we bombard them with huge amounts of food.
You can often see this in guys who are models or influencers who are shredded 12 months a year, using trenbolone and clenbuterol and other fat burners all year round and have no major health problems.
What about early versus late career?
I do not recommend any of the approaches you mentioned to use after competition

What I do in 99% of cases, which allows my guys to make good rebound and progress and at the same time bring all health results back to normal, is something like this, based on what you describe

200mg e2d test
primo or EQ 100/125mg e2d
gh this is how much your funds allow
short insulin before and after training
IA,t4 if needed

raise your food slightly (only if you need it), reduce the amount of cardio and do slow rebound - after 6-8 weeks you should be 100% ready to push things forward strongly

of course, during this period you introduce appropriate medications or IVs that are needed to quickly restore all health parameters
Seems like a great middle ground option.
Thank you Luki!

Do you also somehow change training for people during these times? More volume/pump/frequency?

I.e my legs are miles better than my upper body so i was thinking doing mainly hams, removing some quad work.
And adding volume to delts, arms.
With back more focusing on squeeze etc
Seems like a great middle ground option.
Thank you Luki!

Do you also somehow change training for people during these times? More volume/pump/frequency?

I.e my legs are miles better than my upper body so i was thinking doing mainly hams, removing some quad work.
And adding volume to delts, arms.
With back more focusing on squeeze etc
nothing changes in training all year round, i.e. all the time - medium to high volume, high intensity and many intensifying methods such as rest pause, myoreps, widowmaker, dropsets, etc.
I would say completely the opposite - after contest prep, even though we have a lot of dht derivatives, trenbolone or toxic orals, in 90% of cases blood work is very good and certainly better than during the offseason, and why is this so?

In my opinion, the worst thing for the body is a large positive calorie balance. If we remain in even a slight deficit and do a lot of cardio exercises, our health, even despite using more toxic drugs in theory, will be in better condition than when we bombard them with huge amounts of food.
You can often see this in guys who are models or influencers who are shredded 12 months a year, using trenbolone and clenbuterol and other fat burners all year round and have no major health problems.
exactly, the worst blood tests and ultrasounds are those in the phases in which a boy pushes a lot with food, this is because it indirectly weighs down the body by creating stress at the digestive/cardiovascular/hepatic/renal level

in pre-contest for a normal athlete who has to tighten his diet by "starving" it is very difficult to have death values, then each person is different, I personally am in condition all year round for 3/4 weeks after a competition, but because for me it is a lifestyle and it is not due to abuse of fat burners or anything else, or a Roman comes to mind, his pre contest is 6000 kcal? maybe more, even the day before the race you eat 400/500 corn flakes in a single meal 😅 😅
This is really interesting. I know food/stress/impacts but never really considered the offset: A competitive bber with low cals/high activity actually offsetting a much more strenuous drug stack in a pre comp phase. I have a feeling there's a lot to consider and apply there beyond just optimizing a post comp rebound or even bodybuilding in general. Very cool.

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