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Post workout meal question..



when I consume my post workout protein I use Dates( the fruit) to spike my insulin and have it with my protein powder- It is 103 on the glycemic index, but I was wondering if dextrose/ malto combo is better or using dates will be just as fine... dextrose is 105 on the glycemic index...and pure glucose is 100 as we all know- please help me out, b/c I was wondering if i should switch the dates to dextrose....thanks
i like 12 ounces of juice (grape, oj, apple) and usually try to eat a sweet potato or some oatmeal also, simple and complex. if you spike them with the juice and maintain with the complex you have high levels longer. That is just my opinion and works for me. tank...
do you think it will really matter? im sure you get extra things from the dates like vitamins, but in the end if all you're worried about is the GI, i dont think it really matters that much...especially PO when you're talking the difference between a GI of 100-105. not being an ass, just saying i dont think it matters, do whatever you makes you feel better...
yeah i am agree ment flex but I wanted to see what others may say like if dextrose is the best or what not- I will stick with it- It has a high gi and thats good enuf for me to hit up my system with some protein very quickly right after a workout...thanks for the replies
Sounds like you're not off track - just do what's gonna satisfy you.

I like to mix in fruit into my post cycle protein drink - blueberries and bananas. Then I also add a heaping tablespoon of dextrose.
Vitargo i use , but i recently heard Gaspari Nutrition is in the process of making a new post workout drink , its suposse to be unreal .
vitargo was the best i heard- but the dates I eat are 2 points less( 105 to 103) on the gi table I buy em in bulk in sams and it lasts for 3 weeks for 6 bucks! it is far cheaper than vitargo and dextrose in vitamin shoppe and for 2 points less on the gi scale its worth it imo plus all the vits and fiber...another question guys is if I have a cardio only day should I take in a post workout shake post cardio- its 65% my intensity, so I was gonna take in the shake unless you guys think otherwise..this way every day is even caloric wise...
jahras12 said:
vitargo was the best i heard- but the dates I eat are 2 points less( 105 to 103) on the gi table I buy em in bulk in sams and it lasts for 3 weeks for 6 bucks! it is far cheaper than vitargo and dextrose in vitamin shoppe and for 2 points less on the gi scale its worth it imo plus all the vits and fiber...another question guys is if I have a cardio only day should I take in a post workout shake post cardio- its 65% my intensity, so I was gonna take in the shake unless you guys think otherwise..this way every day is even caloric wise...

I thought that one should minimize fats and fiber in the first PWO shake/meal to maximize the spike. Doesn't fat and fiber both slow down digestion which would cause the spike to be lower and slower?

Of course, I have seen people post that they eat regular meal PWO and gain just fine.

If dates work for you, I wouldn't change it.

As I understand it, you shouldn't use a PWO shake after cardio because it will reduce your bodies ability to burn fat. If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.
Good Questions

Curiousity said:
I thought that one should minimize fats and fiber in the first PWO shake/meal to maximize the spike. Doesn't fat and fiber both slow down digestion which would cause the spike to be lower and slower?

Of course, I have seen people post that they eat regular meal PWO and gain just fine.

If dates work for you, I wouldn't change it.

As I understand it, you shouldn't use a PWO shake after cardio because it will reduce your bodies ability to burn fat. If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.
I would also like to know opinions on both of these.
thanks curiousity for the info- I , like yourself, have also read about the fiber and fat hindering the insulin spike, but the dates have no fat and 2 grams of fiber for 2 servings-which is 10 dates, which is how many I consume postworkout...it shouldnt block the spiking process imo- but the cardio info was good , will opt for a protein meal a little while after the cardio days...good to have that one answered! :)

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