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Protein isolate vs concentrate

I know pretty much everyone says isolate is better, but I honestly can't tell a bit of difference either way. Supposedly isolate is better if you have lactose intolerance. I don't have that though. I know concentrate is a hell of a lot cheaper and that's what matters when you're poor.:D
strongman_d said:
What is the diffrence between those two and which protein is better .

They serve different purposes ,

#1 use isolate for post workout shake
#2 Use concentrate for during the day and night-time shake
#3 Concentrate is alot cheaper and there isnt much difference

Personally , with the extra money you spend on isolate , i would just buy concentrate and choose to have the extra 2 shakes per day, unless your some rich mofo , then get isolate :p
barnyap said:
They serve different purposes ,

#2 Use concentrate for during the day and night-time shake

Explain this to me barny.

Nothing wrong with using a top grade concentrate in place of an isolate. But there is a big difference in protein quality from brand to brand.

Like anything else in life, you get what you pay for, a food supplement isn't a place to start getting cheap.
Well from the protein shop owner and a several other online services , they told me concentrate has a slower release and isolate has a quicker release , unless you want to prove them wrong , i'll just stick to what they said , personally i buy concentrate , great results , more bang for my buck! But if they were the same price i'd prob go isolate ( usually higher protein content and more amino acids )
Alot of times a good quality concentrate is beter than an isolate because it contains more naturally occuring whey microfractions, which is where the health benifits of whey, like better immunity, comes from. Isolate is only better if you are lactose intolerant and bloat badly from even small amounts of lactose, the protien concentrate I get contains only 1.5g of carbs 1.5g of fat and 11mg of cholesterol per serving so the lactose and other impurity content is extremly low.
bigains said:
Alot of times a good quality concentrate is beter than an isolate because it contains more naturally occuring whey microfractions, which is where the health benifits of whey, like better immunity, comes from.
good point bigains, with the stress being put on quality :)

barney, I believe all whey dumps pretty fast. If you usually have a drink before bed, I'd look more at milk based proteins personally for a more sustained release.
i drink no more than 3 a day , my mum cooks enough for a footy team at night , so i got that handled , i only drink the shakes when im outta food and post workout
strongman_d said:
What is the diffrence between those two and which protein is better .

This is pretty basic stuff but....

A good concentrate is about 75% - 80% protein, and a good isolate is anywhere from 92% - 96% protein with extremely low / zero lactose.

Although I never realized it before, my (ahem) gas has cut down alot after taking in strictly isolates. I used to take in combined protein sources in one drink (i.e., concentrate, isolate) but I prefer taking straight isolate for all my needs and the gas is non-existent. I'm not talking major nuclear bombs, but when I was not taking in pure isolate, I had gas. Now - no gas.
concentrate = tap water
isolate = filtered water

ball park understanding. if you poor concentrate is better than nuttin
Yes, Concentrate is about 5-10% less pure than Isolate, but Isolate costs almost 2x as much.

You do the math

The other good thing (besides the NO gas) is that isolate SHOULD easily mix with a spoon, even in water.

** I say should because I have never tried it myslf yet
, but I know ISOLATE is what IsoPURE is made with and their protein drinks are perfectly clear and easy to swallow

** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *
Whey protein is absorbed the fastest
I believe Casein (milk) is 2nd fastest
Egg protein is the 3rd fastest
Soy protein is the slowest for absorption
Jerkyboy said:
Yes, Concentrate is about 5-10% less pure than Isolate, but Isolate costs almost 2x as much.

You do the math

The other good thing (besides the NO gas) is that isolate SHOULD easily mix with a spoon, even in water.

** I say should because I have never tried it myslf yet
, but I know ISOLATE is what IsoPURE is made with and their protein drinks are perfectly clear and easy to swallow

** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *
Whey protein is absorbed the fastest
I believe Casein (milk) is 2nd fastest
Egg protein is the 3rd fastest
Soy protein is the slowest for absorption

I use both TP Isolate and Synthepure and neither of them are clear when mixed. However, Sythepure definetly mixes the easiest out of all the proteins I've used. The TP Ion-Isolate gets kinda foamy if you don't drink it right away after mixing it with water.
Alin- thats just because you're a *****........ whats that female word for cat?

I lost it. Give me time I will remember :D

ha, ha GOTCHA!
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BrooklynBB said:
This is pretty basic stuff but....

A good concentrate is about 75% - 80% protein, and a good isolate is anywhere from 92% - 96% protein with extremely low / zero lactose.

Although I never realized it before, my (ahem) gas has cut down alot after taking in strictly isolates. I used to take in combined protein sources in one drink (i.e., concentrate, isolate) but I prefer taking straight isolate for all my needs and the gas is non-existent. I'm not talking major nuclear bombs, but when I was not taking in pure isolate, I had gas. Now - no gas.

Agree 100% with all this. I am exactly the same.
Well, hell, my wife's goin to be glad I read this post. As I've gotten (ahem) older, the old gas deal seems to get worse. I drank a big fat protein shake (a little of everything) last night after a good hard workout, and was in the head an hour or so later, and about ran my wife out of the house. Well....OK, if you want real honesty, she about ran ME out of the house. Maybe the North Koreans nuke was kind of dinky, but I think what I did was probably not too far off from what they cut loose. Now I know - isolate all the way, even if it costs so much I can't make the house payment.
Concentrate makes me shit my brains out for hours...if i smell the stuff my ass puckers :eek:

Isolate is far better, if you can afford protein, you can afford good protein. Buy Good Protein, or not Its only your body ;)
Jerkyboy said:
Yes, Concentrate is about 5-10% less pure than Isolate, but Isolate costs almost 2x as much.

You do the math

Yep. You get what you pay for. And by the way, the math works out to:

Per 70cc Serving:

Concentrate----- 18-20grams

Isolate----------- 27-30grams

Multiply each by a standard 5 pound bucket and you get about 75 servings.

Concentrate 75 x 20 = 1500 grams of protein
Isolate 75 x 30 = 2250 grams of protein

750 more grams of protein in isolate, which means you can take less servings per day and still get your protein needs in from a better source.

Your protein yield is higher, the source is better, and trust me, your stomach will thank you even if you react slightly to lactose.

But I would say that if you're on a budget, don't skimp out and deprive yourself of isolate. Just buy a high quality isolate and mix it with your concentrate. You will see results. But like I said, I'm a believer in strictly isolate for my protein powder and will not use anything less in quality.
marshall said:
Explain this to me barny.

Nothing wrong with using a top grade concentrate in place of an isolate. But there is a big difference in protein quality from brand to brand.

Like anything else in life, you get what you pay for, a food supplement isn't a place to start getting cheap.
Very good point, Marshall, years ago I had no idea what I was buying, and why it wasn't working for me. That's why a lot of people out there start using protein suplements, for a month or two, and disapointed by the results, ended up quiting working out, some of them forever. There are not many brands on the market worth spending money on, just few. I am lucky to finally find a good one that works(not just for me). I am talking about isolated SynthePure, from Synthhetek, high in purity, lactose free, which disolve in anything. I live in Europe and the stuff arrives in max five days after my order.
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