After my QV problems i have decided to never inject QV products again. However, I still have some QV stan left and was wondering if i can take it orally and get any beifits out of it or not.
its 17aa so it will pass the liver 1st time around. u can take it orally but orals are a little less effective. if its the qv stan 100 id do 3/4 of a cc ed bc thats roughly 75mg orally which will give u about 50 mg a day
Definitely keep us updated on it bc I was thinking of picking up the qv stan 100. As much as the prop hurt I know at least I can drink the winny and still get results and for the price qv is doable.
ok my buddy talked me into giving it 1 more try. He said that i might have been getting sick b/ i had been ill for a few days before my cycle and i may have not recovered 100% before starting. As for the pain i am just going go gluts delts quads EOD. I feel that should give the muscule anouf time to recover. I will keep you posted.