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Lee labrada low sodium Vs Stan high sodium? why diffrent opinions?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2015
This topic is probably the most talk subject in the bodybuilding community. but everyone have different opinion.

Some pros says low sodium = dry, hard full look
some pros say high sodium = dry, lean, full look

Could our bodies really work so different? i am confused.
Now potassium is a big role when it comes to water retention we all know it who are into bodybuilding but why do some people suggest
2:1 ratio potassium to sodium when other suggest 2:1 sodium to potassium.

Aldosterone is a big factor when it comes to water retention. If potassium is much higher then sodium wouldn't that increase aldosterone?

Ex: lee labrada are big on low sodium not more then 2500mg to stay away from water retention
Stan efferding recommends high sodum for every half galloon water you drink he says 4000mg sodium.

I know there is many threads about that but i been reading all and everyone have different opinions. now lets take an example healthy person no kidney issues.

He drink 1 1/2 galloon water a day so according to Stan he should ingest 12.000mg sodium/day,
Lee labrada recommend 2500mg/day with same amount of water intake.

This suggestions comes from 2 top player in this sport so why can it differ so much?
This topic is probably the most talk subject in the bodybuilding community. but everyone have different opinion.

Some pros says low sodium = dry, hard full look
some pros say high sodium = dry, lean, full look

Could our bodies really work so different? i am confused.
Now potassium is a big role when it comes to water retention we all know it who are into bodybuilding but why do some people suggest
2:1 ratio potassium to sodium when other suggest 2:1 sodium to potassium.

Ex: lee labrada are big on low sodium not more then 2500mg to stay away from water retention
Stan efferding recommends high sodum for every half galloon water you drink he says 4000mg sodium.

I know there is many threads about that but i been reading all and everyone have different opinions. now lets take an example healthy person no kidney issues.

He drink 1 1/2 galloon water a day so according to Stan he should ingest 12.000mg sodium/day,
Lee labrada recommend 2500mg/day with same amount of water intake.

Thats a huge diffrence 5 times
Less sodium with us imo is always better, we are never deficient but almost always fighting water retention and BP management so unless it’s show week I just try to keep sodium low for health, the healthier you are the better you look and feel.
Less sodium with us imo is always better, we are never deficient but almost always fighting water retention and BP management so unless it’s show week I just try to keep sodium low for health, the healthier you are the better you look and feel.
I hear that to all the time less sodium is better but how can it be better if low sodium = Increase aldosterone = Water retention = high blood pressure?
I hear that to all the time less sodium is better but how can it be better if low sodium = Increase aldosterone = Water retention?
We’ll the body will seek its natural balance but higher sodium is stressful, low sodium isn’t and mind you if you’re eating food that isn’t fresh killed there’s sodium in everything. I’m not against a lil himalaya salt on my food but I use a little, a little with what’s in our foods already is enough. Just bc we drink more water doesn’t mean we flush sodium, that only occurs with crazy heat and/or sweating. The only water that doesn’t contain sodium itself is distilled water. Almost all bottled waters have added sodium to boot.
Less sodium with us imo is always better, we are never deficient but almost always fighting water retention and BP management so unless it’s show week I just try to keep sodium low for health, the healthier you are the better you look and feel.
I disagree completely, as an athlete, much less a bodybuilder, you need sodium and a lot of it
We’ll the body will seek its natural balance but higher sodium is stressful, low sodium isn’t and mind you if you’re eating food that isn’t fresh killed there’s sodium in everything. I’m not against a lil himalaya salt on my food but I use a little, a little with what’s in our foods already is enough. Just bc we drink more water doesn’t mean we flush sodium, that only occurs with crazy heat and/or sweating. The only water that doesn’t contain sodium itself is distilled water. Almost all bottled waters have added sodium to boot.
I disagree completely, as an athlete, much less a bodybuilder, you need sodium and a lot of it
Marssel: water follow sodium so if you drink alot and pee alot wouldent that make you loose alot of sodium?

Luki7788: when you mean alot what intake are we talking about?
I disagree completely, as an athlete, much less a bodybuilder, you need sodium and a lot of it
I need more sodium while prepping for a show. But when I’m in the off-season too much sodium can increase my blood pressure. Sure, drinking water with a high sodium diet will help you get some good pumps in the gym but it can also cause fluid to build around your ankles and elevate your blood pressure. I believe people who are very lean have less negative side effects on fluid retention from sodium and high aromatizing steroids converting to excess estrogen. Would you agree?
I need more sodium while prepping for a show. But when I’m in the off-season too much sodium can increase my blood pressure. Sure, drinking water with a high sodium diet will help you get some good pumps in the gym but it can also cause fluid to build around your ankles and elevate your blood pressure. I believe people who are very lean have less negative side effects on fluid retention from sodium and high aromatizing steroids converting to excess estrogen. Would you agree?
yes I will 100% agree
Marssel: water follow sodium so if you drink alot and pee alot wouldent that make you loose alot of sodium?

Luki7788: when you mean alot what intake are we talking about?
personally and most of my competitors use about 20g of salt a day

we must remember that 1 g of pure sodium is 2.5 g of salt
I disagree completely, as an athlete, much less a bodybuilder, you need sodium and a lot of it
I agree. Also, assuming you cook your own food and are not eating out I highly doubt your sodium intake is to high especially if you are hydrating properly.

Luki, do you add in extra potassium? I started adding it in and I no longer cramp at the end of my workout. Was just wondering your thoughts.
personally and most of my competitors use about 20g of salt a day

we must remember that 1 g of pure sodium is 2.5 g of salt
20g salt offseasson or we talking pre contest? I was thinking in the off seasson not pre contest.
I agree. Also, assuming you cook your own food and are not eating out I highly doubt your sodium intake is to high especially if you are hydrating properly.

Luki, do you add in extra potassium? I started adding it in and I no longer cramp at the end of my workout. Was just wondering your thoughts.
never adds potassium I noticed on myself and others that I always have potassium levels on the high side of the norm - especially if your diet contains a lot of potatoes and bananas and I eat at the moment and recommend eating a lot of them
basically all year round
wow thats a hefty amount 8000mg sodium a day, do you worry about your potassium intake? so you are more a 2:1 sodium to potassium guy a guess. thanks for the answers
never adds potassium I noticed on myself and others that I always have potassium levels on the high side of the norm - especially if your diet contains a lot of potatoes and bananas and I eat at the moment and recommend eating a lot of them
Yeah i eat potatos alot but sometimes i am scared to eat to much potassium because potatoes are high in potassium and that it will imbalance the ratio of sodium to potassium.

I drink 5 litre water per day and i pee basicaly every 15-20min and wake up in the night every hour to pee. Am i loosing a lot of sodium and potassium when peeing so much?
Stan is an athlete pure and simple. Sodium and Caffeine are far greater performance enhancers than any "steroid" ever will be. Labrada, a successful bodybuilder, was by no definition of the word an athlete.

Normal days I am between 7,500mg-10grams, highest I have gone per day however is 12,500-14,000mg. @luki7788 What sodium/electrolyte supplements are you liking the most to hit 20g per day?

My current list is
Dr. Price Electrolyters
Xtend Hydration
G1M Sport
Ascent Pre Workout
1 Gram Sodium Caps

Potassium/Magnesium caps are taken seperately + two servings of athletic greens daily.
I disagree completely, as an athlete, much less a bodybuilder, you need sodium and a lot of it
💯 agree 👍🏿^^^^^

My sodium is ALWAYS high, full and hard is what it does for me!
Yeah i eat potatos alot but sometimes i am scared to eat to much potassium because potatoes are high in potassium and that it will imbalance the ratio of sodium to potassium.

I drink 5 litre water per day and i pee basicaly every 15-20min and wake up in the night every hour to pee. Am i loosing a lot of sodium and potassium when peeing so much?
this is no longer your first topic with all due respect, but you can clearly see that you are thinking excessively - not necessarily
💯 agree 👍🏿^^^^^

My sodium is ALWAYS high, full and hard is what it does for me!
sodium cause water retention so i dont understand how you can be hard on high sodium in the offseasson when carbs are high same time shouldn't you be soft and bloated with high sodium?

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