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re: second cycle


New member
Dec 5, 2006
re: second cycle

I just finished up my first cycle about two weeks ago. I ran Deca for 10 weeks at 200 mg/week, Sust. 250 at 500mg/week for 10 weeks and Anadrol 50, 100mg/day for about 6 weeks. Combined with a very high protein intake of around 180-200 grams of protein/day. I started out weighing about 150lbs, I now weigh 170lbs. I was talking with a guy that frequents at the gym I go to, and he was running down a cycle that I should try. He recommended Equipoise, Sust 250, Dbol, followed by Clomid or Nolvadex. Equipoise 200mg/week, Sust 250 500mg/week, Dbol 50mg/day. Running the Equipoise and Sust 250 for 10 weeks and Dbol for about 6 weeks. Finishing up with clomid or nolvadex for 3 weeks for protection. So how does this sound for a second cycle? Im looking for second and third opinions on this.:cool:
magneeto27 said:
I just finished up my first cycle about two weeks ago. I ran Deca for 10 weeks at 200 mg/week, Sust. 250 at 500mg/week for 10 weeks and Anadrol 50, 100mg/day for about 6 weeks. Combined with a very high protein intake of around 180-200 grams of protein/day. I started out weighing about 150lbs, I now weigh 170lbs. I was talking with a guy that frequents at the gym I go to, and he was running down a cycle that I should try. He recommended Equipoise, Sust 250, Dbol, followed by Clomid or Nolvadex. Equipoise 200mg/week, Sust 250 500mg/week, Dbol 50mg/day. Running the Equipoise and Sust 250 for 10 weeks and Dbol for about 6 weeks. Finishing up with clomid or nolvadex for 3 weeks for protection. So how does this sound for a second cycle? Im looking for second and third opinions on this.:cool:
First your protein intake was no where near what I call high!! You need minimum 2gms per lb of BW. Second you really do not need to run orals for that long or at all. I'm a seasoned veteran and I'm only running test and deca. The dose is low! I'm 48 and gaining like no one's biz. The test and eq is good. If you get your diet in order then you will make all the progress you want. I have to say this, all you guys think you're hardcore cause you run a bit of gear and you think you are eating right. I would get 200gms of protein by my second or third meal and there's still at least two more meals to go!! I'm not taking a shot at you but you noobs need to understand it is more about the training and nutrition than it will ever be about the gear!! This shit does not work without the nutrition.
Though nutrition isn't as exciting to talk about as your cycle is, nutrition plays by far the biggest part of gains made on and off cycle. At 150lbs I can't help but think you have not maxed out your natural potential and should be able to make steady gains with diet and training only. I encourage you to keep learning and keep training until you can answer your cycle question on your own.
That being said here are my opinions and recommendations about the cycle. First, if you are off cycle and through with PCT get a complete blood panel done. I suggest getting some Synthergine for liver support before starting any second cycle.
Being under 200lbs the Sust dose is plenty at 500mg/wk. One of the mods wrote a really good thread on Sustanon recently. Search for threads on Sustanon and look for one written by OuchThatHurts. It is very informative and from personal experience.
The Equipose dose is very low and not a long enough cycle IMO. It should be ran at a minimum of 400mg/wk and with EQ longer is better. I would run it to wk 14 and run the Sust to wk 15.
D-bol I would start at 20mg/day if you have never used it before. For me after 40mg/day the sides/gains aren't worth it so that is where I stay. If 20mg works the first week try 40mg the second week and run it for 6wks. If the sides are to much then back the dosage down. Don't run it longer than 6wks IMO.
Good Luck.
First your protein intake was no where near what I call high!! You need minimum 2gms per lb of BW. Second you really do not need to run orals for that long or at all. I'm a seasoned veteran and I'm only running test and deca. The dose is low! I'm 48 and gaining like no one's biz. The test and eq is good. If you get your diet in order then you will make all the progress you want. I have to say this, all you guys think you're hardcore cause you run a bit of gear and you think you are eating right. I would get 200gms of protein by my second or third meal and there's still at least two more meals to go!! I'm not taking a shot at you but you noobs need to understand it is more about the training and nutrition than it will ever be about the gear!! This shit does not work without the nutrition.

thanks alot for responding to my thread. i apologize for getting back to you so late, i have been very busy. anyway, i will definitely take heed to some of the advice i have received. thanks again
Though nutrition isn't as exciting to talk about as your cycle is, nutrition plays by far the biggest part of gains made on and off cycle. At 150lbs I can't help but think you have not maxed out your natural potential and should be able to make steady gains with diet and training only. I encourage you to keep learning and keep training until you can answer your cycle question on your own.
That being said here are my opinions and recommendations about the cycle. First, if you are off cycle and through with PCT get a complete blood panel done. I suggest getting some Synthergine for liver support before starting any second cycle.
Being under 200lbs the Sust dose is plenty at 500mg/wk. One of the mods wrote a really good thread on Sustanon recently. Search for threads on Sustanon and look for one written by OuchThatHurts. It is very informative and from personal experience.
The Equipose dose is very low and not a long enough cycle IMO. It should be ran at a minimum of 400mg/wk and with EQ longer is better. I would run it to wk 14 and run the Sust to wk 15.
D-bol I would start at 20mg/day if you have never used it before. For me after 40mg/day the sides/gains aren't worth it so that is where I stay. If 20mg works the first week try 40mg the second week and run it for 6wks. If the sides are to much then back the dosage down. Don't run it longer than 6wks IMO.
Good Luck.

hey thanks for the advice, and i apologize for getting abck so late. i have been real busy, thats all. i will take heed to some of the advice i have received. thanks again

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