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Rpe rant

What I have been doing lately is using muscle rounds for a couple sessions and a couple days off.Have been progressing on my current ppl split nicely.This how I used deloads using fortitude training the last couple years.Thanks Dr Scott!
Dan green…end of list of people I have seen of trained with that successfully implement RPE
To each his own, different things work for different people, but I just can't wrap my brain around RPE/RIR. I can't tell you with any accuracy how many reps I have "in the tank", but I can surely tell you when I hit failure. That's all I know...it's moving, it's moving, it's NOT moving!!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
Training to failure is not always virtuous, intelligent, or efficient.

This thread is basically everyone patting each other on the back for how hard they think they train and thinking anything less is “pussy shit”.

95% will never post a pic to show the big muscles they got from training “to failure”.

20% of the pics posted will be under the best possible circumstances so as to artificially inflate their progress.

Context is important when considering all training variables, which includes training intensity, recovery, and volume. You would have to know multiple variables of someone’s life/diet/recovery/cycle/etc to have any intelligible thought or opinion.

Then again, I’m just some jerk with minimal experience and a low IQ posting his random opinion on the internet. Don’t believe a word I say, especially if it deviates from the most popular opinion.
I don’t discount the concept of not training to failure, etc. just for me personally I’ve no idea how they implement it with any certainty. I see plenty writing 2 RIR on a workout, I’ve been training several decades and would still find the ability to know I had 2 RIR very hard
I don’t discount the concept of not training to failure, etc. just for me personally I’ve no idea how they implement it with any certainty. I see plenty writing 2 RIR on a workout, I’ve been training several decades and would still find the ability to know I had 2 RIR very hard
The argument Mike Israetel uses " your last set of squats was 6 rir" to discount anyone saying they achieve failure. Comparing squats to oh Hammer press or leg extensions or cable bicep curl is apples to oranges. If anyone says I'm not tough enough to ever hit failure on a dumbbell curl or tricep press down I guess I'm not very tough as hitting failure or even drop sets on such exercises aren't exactly a test of mental fortitude.
With all this talk about nervous system stress from training too close to failure or whatever, people might as well use a device that measures HRV (think it is heart rate variability). Then you actually know when you need to back off. Everyone is different. I know for me every day is different... Depending on how much sleep you got, how recovered, etc.

Fred Hatfield already covered this 40 years ago for bodybuilding with his ABC training.
Very true 🙏
the best is when mike posts his puking videos like its super cool. How you puking on 3rir day unless you just slammed a 2000 calorie meal in your car before walking in the gym. lol makes no sense unless he just puking for comments.

Ron partlow makes a good point in that people generally already don’t push hard enough but think they do without encouraging them to leave more reps in reserve

Ron partlow makes a good point in that people generally already don’t push hard enough but think they do without encouraging them to leave more reps in reserve
Grad video. Best parts "imagine how much bigger Ronnie would be if he left a rep in the tank each set. Then talks about how everyone makes those so complicated now days, mental masturbation, that he's pretty sure the top guys didn't get there because they pop a boner pill as part of their pre workout 😂

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