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She became super attached after sex?


Well-known member
May 3, 2016
This chick was into me but not crazy about it, until we had sex and after that she's been super attached, wants a relationship and everything
I'm alright in the bed but our sexual chemistry is definitely on point.
Just confused how she went from being meh to chasing my ass, is it the hormones after sex doin the magic lol?
My wife wasn't attracted to me at first either. As a matter of fact, she thought I never come back because we lived in two different countries. Eight years later and we are still together. I also stopped trying to figure out women a long time ago.
So you layed pipe, hit the right spot, and she got attached? That tends to happen with a lot of women. If you’re just looking for a FWB relationship, you should be honest with her and let her know that it was fun while it lasted, but you’re not looking for a LTR.
Otherwise, you’ll end up really hurting her. It’s easier for a chick to bounce back from a one time thing and learn from it than it is to get strung along just to be dropped like a sack of potatoes later.
There’s no way to avoid being the dick, but at least if you rip the bandage off quickly, the stinging will go away faster for her. If she’s gonna put out before being positive the dude is into her, figuratively, it’s a valuable lesson for her. She can cry to her girlfriends over a pint of ice cream about it and snuggle her cat until she gets over you.
This chick was into me but not crazy about it, until we had sex and after that she's been super attached, wants a relationship and everything
I'm alright in the bed but our sexual chemistry is definitely on point.
Just confused how she went from being meh to chasing my ass, is it the hormones after sex doin the magic lol?
How long have you been dating? It involves a lot of primal biology but because we have the biology we do, it makes us behave, and it allows us develop into, who we are. I'll give you the good news first: you're probably about to have a lot of crazy sex. Like the kind of sex where the next day you almost have to break the ice over some casual conversation because you're ashamed of yourselves.

People take a real high brow approach to pair-bonding mechanisms these days but I don't. Your first enjoyable sexual experience creates an impression on your brain probably lasting the rest of your life. It was originally what held tribal marriages together because they did not have personal relationships as we do today. They may have, but women were as servants to their mates then. Even fairly recently this has been true. You've heard the term "lady-in-waiting" or "ladies-in-waiting"? Basically, what we call bridesmaids today (we don't have servants). These were single women that would prepare the bride for a wedding or other occasion. They were not married, "in-waiting" I assume as in 'waiting to get taken as a wife' which is likely why we have "waitresses" and "waiters" today. Single because the married women would have had status and husbands to serve. It was quite the hierarchy.

The downside (if one exists at all) is that the bonding that occurs can be pretty powerful. Once you've reached my age, you may have had so many partners that the bonding mechanism becomes less and less. I have to have a good intellectual and personal relationship because sex just doesn't cut it. Parting ways is just, "Did you get your toothbrush and lotion from the cupboard? Tampons? Okay, baby. I'll call you. Bye!"

But she could get rather clingy, jealous, insecure...etc. So don't fault her too badly for it. It's chemical. But you will have to get to know her now with all the sex and mind games and signaling in the way. You ate dessert, now you have to get to the meat and potatoes of whatever this is, is.

Keep me posted! I'm actually a little envious right now. Will need details.

How long have you been dating? It involves a lot of primal biology but because we have the biology we do, it makes us behave, and it allows us develop into, who we are. I'll give you the good news first: you're probably about to have a lot of crazy sex. Like the kind of sex where the next day you almost have to break the ice over some casual conversation because you're ashamed of yourselves.

People take a real high brow approach to pair-bonding mechanisms these days but I don't. Your first enjoyable sexual experience creates an impression on your brain probably lasting the rest of your life. It was originally what held tribal marriages together because they did not have personal relationships as we do today. They may have, but women were as servants to their mates then. Even fairly recently this has been true. You've heard the term "lady-in-waiting" or "ladies-in-waiting"? Basically, what we call bridesmaids today (we don't have servants). These were single women that would prepare the bride for a wedding or other occasion. They were not married, "in-waiting" I assume as in 'waiting to get taken as a wife' which is likely why we have "waitresses" and "waiters" today. Single because the married women would have had status and husbands to serve. It was quite the hierarchy.

The downside (if one exists at all) is that the bonding that occurs can be pretty powerful. Once you've reached my age, you may have had so many partners that the bonding mechanism becomes less and less. I have to have a good intellectual and personal relationship because sex just doesn't cut it. Parting ways is just, "Did you get your toothbrush and lotion from the cupboard? Tampons? Okay, baby. I'll call you. Bye!"

But she could get rather clingy, jealous, insecure...etc. So don't fault her too badly for it. It's chemical. But you will have to get to know her now with all the sex and mind games and signaling in the way. You ate dessert, now you have to get to the meat and potatoes of whatever this is, is.

Keep me posted! I'm actually a little envious right now. Will need details.


So I met her 2 months ago, went on a couple of dates, good dates but I was the one pursuing. We didn't see each other for a few weeks then we linked up again 2-3 weeks ago and had sex, and after that her behavior changed, she started pursuing me, almost like she really started to like me. She even rushed me into a relationship, saying we should take a shot at our relationship and see where it goes, she changed her Facebook status, started posting pics of me. I honestly felt rushed and confused but luckily I like her so I'm not leading her on, I'm willing to give it a shot
You're surprised? Typical broad. Long dick her right and she's like a herpe that never goes away. Treat her like shit she can't get enough of you. Lord
☝️ D8zXiDvXkAAbM7V.jpeg
You're surprised? Typical broad. Long dick her right and she's like a herpe that never goes away. Treat her like shit she can't get enough of you. Lord

I be surprised if any girl would want to be around you, but you did mention you rather masturbate a week ago................which is now making perfect sense now.
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Truth is don't be a dick but also make her feel like you a reward. Never act like she is more important then you. Woman also love a little bit of chase at the end we all want what we can't have.
Mail order bride, huh?
Going after another member's wife? Pretty on brand. Maybe you should read the Counselling Forum Rules up top..
Going after another member's wife? Pretty on brand. Maybe you should read the Counselling Forum Rules up top..
Tonight she told me she's in love with me... I'm not on the same level yet,
This has been the weirdest relationship start so far. I went from chasing her to being chased and she fell in love with me that fast? Possible she liked me from the start but wanted me to pursue her?
Tonight she told me she's in love with me... I'm not on the same level yet,
This has been the weirdest relationship start so far. I went from chasing her to being chased and she fell in love with me that fast? Possible she liked me from the start but wanted me to pursue her?

If you are happy with her, I say let it flow. And women has always been weird. Take it from a guy who been married twice. 😂
I guess I shouldn't be shocked by the confusion. It's only been 60 years since the introduction of realiable birth control. A woman devotes a lot of her time in child rearing and needs a provider to birth the child and sustain the child through many years. The psychology has developed to support that fact. Waves of feminism, family law etc have convinced the masses that men are not needed and women can have it all. What I see is a lot of broke ass single parent families, fatherless children and a continuing demonization of the strong male. A big part of thatstrong male persona is being a devoted spouse and father. When you guys that bounce from vagina to vagina turn 50 you will have either no family or a broken one or 3 with baby-mammas and the kids will be a mess from lack of a strong father figure and an embittered woman that can't understand why she couldn't have the father, which she and her children needed.
Mine becomes super-attached DURING sex, that is until my swelling goes down and she is able to get away. :cool:
I guess I shouldn't be shocked by the confusion. It's only been 60 years since the introduction of realiable birth control. A woman devotes a lot of her time in child rearing and needs a provider to birth the child and sustain the child through many years. The psychology has developed to support that fact. Waves of feminism, family law etc have convinced the masses that men are not needed and women can have it all. What I see is a lot of broke ass single parent families, fatherless children and a continuing demonization of the strong male. A big part of thatstrong male persona is being a devoted spouse and father. When you guys that bounce from vagina to vagina turn 50 you will have either no family or a broken one or 3 with baby-mammas and the kids will be a mess from lack of a strong father figure and an embittered woman that can't understand why she couldn't have the father, which she and her children needed.
So family planning, women in general, weak males, child rearing, female psychology, technology, societal trends, the legal system, personas, promiscuity, and damaged children is what you're saying?
So family planning, women in general, weak males, child rearing, female psychology, technology, societal trends, the legal system, personas, promiscuity, and damaged children is what you're saying?
and Hollywood...
STAGE 5 CLINGER "Oh Jeremy, I knew our first time would be magical"
This chick was into me but not crazy about it, until we had sex and after that she's been super attached, wants a relationship and everything
I'm alright in the bed but our sexual chemistry is definitely on point.
Just confused how she went from being meh to chasing my ass, is it the hormones after sex doin the magic lol?
Sexually chemistry plays the largest role in relationships. She owns you now!😉

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