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Should I stop VAR and HGH? Prep time.. HELP FAST


May 18, 2010
hey guys, been gone a while. Lots of work. I need some advise. I have a shoot/commercial coming up in two weeks. I am looking really good... probably at 8% right now.
Problem is although body fat seems to be visibly dropping day by day, the scale is not budging much... Normally I wouldn't care about the scale but in order to get paid I also need to drop weight as well as be shredded.
Stats now = 208 lbs
Shoot date Nov 3rd

Goal weight will be 198-200lbs (will use diuretic, over the counter)

cardio = 1 hour fasted AM ED 5 min warm up, 30 min HIIT, 25 min incline brisk walk...

PM i do a circuit style training with low weight, short rest, 500 reps total...

My diet is no direct carbs, just fresh made juice in the am with 1 carrot and kale and cucumber and parsley and ginger... Total cal intake is about 1,400

I am taking 2IU GH in the am pre cardio and 50mgs IP VAR ED...

Do you guys think I should DROP one or the other or both? or do you think they are not a factor of me not dropping weight fast?

Also taking MP NYC stack 2x daily
I think your body is trying to hold onto as much bodyfat as possible right now since your cals are extremely low for your weight and you are doing too much cardio compared to your daily intake of cals. I could be wrong as I am not a nutritionist but that's just what I think. As for the gh and var, do not drop them.
I would definately leave var
As for hgh...it depends you should know better if you're holding water with hgh, look better-drier off hgh or better-fuller on hgh, that being said - I don't think comercials/photoshoots are bodybulding competitions where you need to sunk every ounce of water out of you. Probably you only need to manipulate carbs/water/sodium intake and leave drugs your are on
I would definately leave var
As for hgh...it depends you should know better if you're holding water with hgh, look better-drier off hgh or better-fuller on hgh, that being said - I don't think comercials/photoshoots are bodybulding competitions where you need to sunk every ounce of water out of you. Probably you only need to manipulate carbs/water/sodium intake and leave drugs your are on

I agree with most of what you say. However, at 2ius of gh a day, I highly doubt there would be any/much water retention.
No expert here either but I think dropping the gh ~1 week out along with the diuretic will do the trick.
welcome back my man!
good luck with the shoot
thanks RAJJIN... any one else want to chime in? are cals too low? i can't imaging upping them would be beneficial?
Probably stop the GH 5 days prior, or as soon as i start the diuretic?

Keep the VAR the whole time? it will help with fat loss but not keep weight?

thanks RAJJIN... any one else want to chime in? are cals too low? i can't imaging upping them would be beneficial?
Probably stop the GH 5 days prior, or as soon as i start the diuretic?

Keep the VAR the whole time? it will help with fat loss but not keep weight?


If you want to keep your cals that low, then quit doing so much cardio! Your body is trying to hold on to as much fat as possible because of this. That's just what I think and what my fiancee is telling me. She studied to become a nutritionist but later decided to major in psychology. There's science behind that as well. I heard Evan Centopani also say that as well in one of his workout vids. As for the var, it helps somewhat keep muscle while you are dieting down.
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I would drop gh now... I imagine you will drop a few pounds of water from that. Keep the avar in at the same dose. I wouldn't be doing so little carbs but it's too late to change that now so just keep them the same for now. However I would have a refeed day (few meals) asap then continue your usually method. Start your otc diuretic 1 week away from the shoot.
Bump for ValleyAA even though he may already have it figured out.

Where are the guys that are doing contest prep and have experience with dropping the GH a certain amount of time out from stage ready?!? Can you guys chime in on this??...How much water weight did you drop from what dosage and how far out?? ValleyAA still needs/wants to keep that 'look' too.

As for the advice on the caloric intake etc., I think it's decent but take into consideration that he's almost out of time and doesn't need to change much up at this point...at least for the 'just in case' issue. He's just about there and water weight could get him down to the 198-200lb's.

C'mon guys! This is ProfessionalMuscle.
Bump for ValleyAA even though he may already have it figured out.

Where are the guys that are doing contest prep and have experience with dropping the GH a certain amount of time out from stage ready?!? Can you guys chime in on this??...How much water weight did you drop from what dosage and how far out?? ValleyAA still needs/wants to keep that 'look' too.

As for the advice on the caloric intake etc., I think it's decent but take into consideration that he's almost out of time and doesn't need to change much up at this point...at least for the 'just in case' issue. He's just about there and water weight could get him down to the 198-200lb's.

C'mon guys! This is ProfessionalMuscle.

I honestly think what I listed out will do what he needs. There are many variables such as how much water he will lose from the gh as we don't know how much he is carrying. We know he is using 2IU but that means nothing. Although I am guessing that is a top brand as I rememer Valley always loved his gh. Valley you have also been following low carbs but not sure how long and not sure if your having any carb refeed days. How much weight have you lost in the last 2 weeks?

It's far too late to start playing about with your diet as you only have just under 2 weeks. But I would definately have a few high carb or cheat (not too bad) meals very soon. I would definately diet with higher carbs in the future though. I am also guessing your goal weight is just what you feel is best and not a critieria for the job (they won't know the difference in 5 pounds).

I am a newbie to gh but have seen alot of guys drop quite a few pounds after stopping it... again though too many variables (some drop 1 pound others drop 6). You will know more a few days after dropping may drop ther gh. Avar will help keep the look your after so keep that in. Things can be changed in the 2nd week if you need more weight off but I can see you getting there by dropping the gh and using a diuretic and keeping to your low cals. Definately have a refeed day to get your metabolism firing again.

Obviously extremes are adding in more drugs such as t3 or dnp but in my opinion not worth it and will negatively effect your physique. But they are options to simply drop scale weight. Let me know how you get on. You always looked great so I am sure you will do well.
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If you're 208 right now, you should easily make 200 by November I would think by just the diuretics.
I honestly think what I listed out will do what he needs. There are many variables such as how much water he will lose from the gh as we don't know how much he is carrying. We know he is using 2IU but that means nothing. Although I am guessing that is a top brand as I rememer Valley always loved his gh. Valley you have also been following low carbs but not sure how long and not sure if your having any carb refeed days. How much weight have you lost in the last 2 weeks?

It's far too late to start playing about with your diet as you only have just under 2 weeks. But I would definately have a few high carb or cheat (not too bad) meals very soon. I would definately diet with higher carbs in the future though. I am also guessing your goal weight is just what you feel is best and not a critieria for the job (they won't know the difference in 5 pounds).

I am a newbie to gh but have seen alot of guys drop quite a few pounds after stopping it... again though too many variables (some drop 1 pound others drop 6). You will know more a few days after dropping may drop ther gh. Avar will help keep the look your after so keep that in. Things can be changed in the 2nd week if you need more weight off but I can see you getting there by dropping the gh and using a diuretic and keeping to your low cals. Definately have a refeed day to get your metabolism firing again.

Obviously extremes are adding in more drugs such as t3 or dnp but in my opinion not worth it and will negatively effect your physique. But they are options to simply drop scale weight. Let me know how you get on. You always looked great so I am sure you will do well.

First of all let me just say how good it feels to be back... You guys are like family to me and I miss you all. Thanks for chiming in everyone...

So the GH is Ansomone Directly from the factory in China (went there to get it, lol) so yes high grade pharm quality :)

I actually have used DNP low dose 250mgs about 7 of the past 10 days, so maybe holding some water from that as that tends to happen on DNP.

My weight DOES depend on my paycheck, unfortunately.... I shot a commercial for "Americas number one selling weight loss supplement" 2 years ago and now i'm shooting again for them and my weight needs to be within a couple pounds. My official weight was 199 last shoot so MAX i can be would be 201 but 200 to be safe... I am stronger than before (so extra tuff to get that light)
Last time i shot i used Taraxatone (natural diuretic) and I believe i dropped about 6 lbs over night... So my body tends to hold water...
Also i Imagine that using the diuretic will get rid of any water your body may be holding from GH and DNP... I will probably discontinue the DNP as of now because mentally I am getting thrown off by that stupid scale, although the DNP may be helping me take the fat off extra well????...
8 lbs in 2 weeks, 9 to be safe... I am guessing i will lose 5-6 of water... so not a lot and i look great. But i need to be extra cautious to assure my $$$$ at the end of the day...
First of all let me just say how good it feels to be back... You guys are like family to me and I miss you all. Thanks for chiming in everyone...

So the GH is Ansomone Directly from the factory in China (went there to get it, lol) so yes high grade pharm quality :)

I actually have used DNP low dose 250mgs about 7 of the past 10 days, so maybe holding some water from that as that tends to happen on DNP.

My weight DOES depend on my paycheck, unfortunately.... I shot a commercial for "Americas number one selling weight loss supplement" 2 years ago and now i'm shooting again for them and my weight needs to be within a couple pounds. My official weight was 199 last shoot so MAX i can be would be 201 but 200 to be safe... I am stronger than before (so extra tuff to get that light)
Last time i shot i used Taraxatone (natural diuretic) and I believe i dropped about 6 lbs over night... So my body tends to hold water...
Also i Imagine that using the diuretic will get rid of any water your body may be holding from GH and DNP... I will probably discontinue the DNP as of now because mentally I am getting thrown off by that stupid scale, although the DNP may be helping me take the fat off extra well????...
8 lbs in 2 weeks, 9 to be safe... I am guessing i will lose 5-6 of water... so not a lot and i look great. But i need to be extra cautious to assure my $$$$ at the end of the day...

Sounds like you will have to make sure you don't come under the weight :D I think you know what to do... as you say you have been there before. I would just keep doing what your doing. It's good to have you back :)
Am I missing Something?

If you want to keep your cals that low, then quit doing so much cardio! Your body is trying to hold on to as much fat as possible because of this. That's just what I think and what my fiancee is telling me. She studied to become a nutritionist but later decided to major in psychology. There's science behind that as well. I heard Evan Centopani also say that as well in one of his workout vids. As for the var, it helps somewhat keep muscle while you are dieting down.

Ok this has been bothering me as I've been trying to wrap my brain around this concept. Your fiance is a nutritionist and you both agree that my body is "trying to hold on to fat" because my cals are too low and i'm doing too much cardio and exerting to much effort etc...
So I believe this is bro science, I too have probably said this to someone before. As i grow older and learn more about biology the LESS sense this makes to me.
So If i am running on the treadmill for 60 minutes it should take my body XXX amount of calories to exert that effort correct? just because i am essentially in a calorie deficit my body wouldn't use LESS calories to exert the same amount of effort would it?
so if we know that a deficit of 3,500 calories equals one lb of body loss and If i am taking in 1,400cal ED and my body is burning XYZ amount daily just to function... then where does this EXTRA energy come from that is not calories?

I'm confused by this idea and it bothers me because it would seem that if my goal is to get my WEIGHT down as fast as possible i would want to eat the bare minimum and exert the maximum amount of energy i physically can... that is the bare bone mental structure im working with... Am I missing something?
I understand our body has "survival mechanisms" I know fight or flight etc... but im not sure how any of that would apply to what I am talking about?
I would say it does apply just from personal experience. What I've always done if in a weight loss platue is had a massive cheat day, about 7000 calories of utter shite and within a few days I'll lose a few lbs. Not sugesting you do this as we all respond differently and it could back fire on you big time. I do believe a couple of higher calorie days a week mabey on the 3000 range would benefit you though. If I dropped my cals to 2500 I would lose about a lb day for 2 weeks then body would adapt and I'd stall. I like cycling calories. Even when cutting hard I eat about 5000 cals on leg day and fast for 24 hours a few times a week. I really belive you've got to keep the body guessing. If my paycheck depended on it and I had a dead line id get some clen and t3 on the go pretty sharpish and drop the gh about 10 days out to be sure. Might be worth dropping the var as it sounds like you might have to lose a little muscle to make weight and var is very muscle sparing in a low calorie environment

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Ok this has been bothering me as I've been trying to wrap my brain around this concept. Your fiance is a nutritionist and you both agree that my body is "trying to hold on to fat" because my cals are too low and i'm doing too much cardio and exerting to much effort etc...
So I believe this is bro science, I too have probably said this to someone before. As i grow older and learn more about biology the LESS sense this makes to me.
So If i am running on the treadmill for 60 minutes it should take my body XXX amount of calories to exert that effort correct? just because i am essentially in a calorie deficit my body wouldn't use LESS calories to exert the same amount of effort would it?
so if we know that a deficit of 3,500 calories equals one lb of body loss and If i am taking in 1,400cal ED and my body is burning XYZ amount daily just to function... then where does this EXTRA energy come from that is not calories?

I'm confused by this idea and it bothers me because it would seem that if my goal is to get my WEIGHT down as fast as possible i would want to eat the bare minimum and exert the maximum amount of energy i physically can... that is the bare bone mental structure im working with... Am I missing something?
I understand our body has "survival mechanisms" I know fight or flight etc... but im not sure how any of that would apply to what I am talking about?

Your body tries to hold onto as much fat as possible when you are essentially starving yourself with cals that low and doing a lot of cardio on top of it. That's what I mean by survival mode. You even have other vet members saying that your carb intake is way too low as well. In theory your points should make sense, our bodies don't work that way. Too many variables and our bodies adapt to changes quickly as well. Homeostasis. It's not bro science or else everybody would be able to get to 2% bodyfat and have a lot of lbm on them if we all dieted down and did cardio like you do. I'm not taking anything away from you bro, as you you look good in your avatar(no homo), but I think that you could've dieted down a little better.
I would also like to add that because of homeostasis, refeed days work well. Shocks the body and increases metabolism which further proves my points in my previous post.
There are 1001 ways but generally speaking I think it is best to diet on fairly high protein and carbs and minimal fat. When I say minimal I literally mean just some fish oil and what you get from meats and maybe some eggs in the morning. This may not be the healthiest method but I know many who use it with great success.

This method will also give you the energy for your workouts and will keep you looking fuller in general. But sure anything taken to the extreme will never make you feel great. Carbs should be kept above 200g imo. If you have a big guy (with lots of muscle) who trains hard then that amount could be double that. Just my opinion but there are so many effective methods.
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I would also like to add that because of homeostasis, refeed days work well. Shocks the body and increases metabolism which further proves my points in my previous post.

Excellent post and what I was getting at when I recommended a refeed day.

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