A lot of guys might disagree with me when I say this, but I think the majority of AAS users aren't trying to be professional body builders. In my opinion they are trying to achieve personal goals. We see the majority of women wearing makeup, high heels, fake nails, etc. in an effort to enhance their appearance. Some even go to the extent of breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and other surgeries to acquire what we perceive as beauty. Men are no different and feel the tension of society's ideals on there shoulders. The difference here is that men want a powerful, sleek, muscular look. Cosmetic surgery is an option, but it’s very expensive, risky and some what feminine in nature. I mean come on if you met a guy with pec implants what would you think. I would think he is a lazy douche bag…AAS has provided a lot of these guys with an affordable and acceptable solution to their problem. AAS may be controversial, but in my experience it doesn’t ostracize you from everyone. Not something you may want to break the ice with, but most women are cool with it as long as your not going over board, just like plastic surgery, make up, etc… Obviously, since we have so many guys trying to achieve these goals in a short period of time, with a lack of reliable knowledge and products from a black market there is going to be serious repercussions. A lot of these guys apply the “more is better” philosophy which leads to problems. In addition, I think you guys did touch on the fact that if they are reading literature with professional body builders, they are apt to follow it. Even if they don’t want to be the next Jay or Ronnie, in their mind how can they fail at their personal goals if they are following someone’s advice who has already achieved and surpassed them?
I think it would be helpful for a lot of guys who are in good enough shape to try AAS to know what wonders 12 weeks of test will do with hard work and proper diet. There’s no need to use compounds like GH when your 5’10 170lbs and you want to be 185lbs. I think there is too much overdosing now too, no one is patient anymore. Diminishing returns is a rule of life and it goes for AAS too. Just my two cents….