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Slin help neded!

Old Qua.

New member
Oct 23, 2002
I'm curently using slin 2 times a week (12IU actrapit, after woorkout only).
But sins I'm right norw on a low carb dieat and trying to lose some fat I have just startet to take the Slin as IM injektins, becorse I want to decrease the periode in withs I have to eat carbs!

Can some one tell me how lorng the Actrapid will be in my system after IM injektions?

The Actrapid comes in The easy to use Novolet pen, but this also mens that you can't pool back to see if you have hit a veen!
Can some one tell me wath will hapent too me if I by a mistake
injekt it in a veen?
and what are the risk of doing so?
Also wath site is the best to use?
Hi bro the insulin should still bein your system for up to 3 hours shooting im. In regards to hitting a vein I have been doing insulin for many years and never hit vein. All would say is it would get into your system faster if you did. I usually do shots in delts or quads :)
No fears

BIGKIWI is right - 3 hr. is a good estimate for IM injections. Of course, given that you're dieting, be extra careful as your insulin sensitivity is higher and the effects of insulin persist even after blood levels have returned to baseline.

I use a Novopen, which doesn't let you aspirate either - no problems. If there were a large risk in doing an IV injection, those devices (hopefully) would not be available. If you're still concerned b/c you can't aspirate, you can pull the needle out *slightly* during the injection to change its depth and, if there is a deep vein, you at least won't have injected the entire bolus into it. Just make sure you don't come out of the muscle (inject where the skin is thin - quad's and delt are good) and don't pull out to the pt. of being in a surface vein (which you should look for before the needle goes in...)

BTW, IV injections increase blood slin levels essentially instantaneously. 1 circuit around the cardiovascular system (take about 1 minute at rest) and thinks are mixed and delivered pretty well...

BIGKIWI....Fats before slin shot

How many hours should you wait to inj after eating a high fat meal??
Coastal I would always do my insulin shots in morn after cardio then after training. I wouldn't change my timing of having an insulin shot because of eating a high fat meal at all :)
Of course...

Coastal I would always do my insulin shots in morn after cardio then after training. I wouldn't change my timing of having an insulin shot because of eating a high fat meal at all :)

You have to remember that KIWI is a true-to-life, given-to-us-by-God, no-bones-about-it FREAK who would probably be huge living off Doritos and training with a Cory Everson home gym... LOL.

If I remember, KIWI's current cutting diet contains about 40+g of carbs in each of 10 + meals, so he's well over 400g carbs per day. Even though he's a big dude, this is enough carbohydrate to fill up his glycogen stores throughout the day, even if he doesn't take full advantage (by eating a fatty meal) of the glycogen synthesizing effect of his slin shots.

Old Qua., it sounds like you're not eating much carbs during the rest of the day, which tells me you might really need to focus you carbs around your 'slin injections if you want to maintain muscle glycogen and be able to train with reasonable intensity...

Old Qua., it sounds like you're not eating much carbs during the rest of the day, which tells me you might really need to focus you carbs around your 'slin injections if you want to maintain muscle glycogen and be able to train with reasonable intensity...
I Don't know whey, but I have newer had eany problems with eating no carbs, and I'm abel to train with super high intensety without carbs!

This is my first time using slin, and I have bin using it for 3 weeks.
but at 12 Iu The only thing I feel is that I'm geting a bit tired!
But ok, I don't know that I'm supost to feel like!
Do you think that I shot try to inkrease the dose by 2IU per time, until I realy feel that something is going on??

Old Qua.,

I hear you on the no-carb thing. I can muster up plenty of drive to push through workouts even when ketotic. Sometimes even more so than when I'm loaded up with food and carbs.

The issue, though, is maintaining your training performance (wt.s used, reps w/ a given weight) so the stimulus for retaining muscle mass is not diminished during the diet. This, of course, is a huge topic unto itself, but it definitely makes sense to try to keep muscle glycogen as full as possible: glycogen (and phosphocreatine) is the primary fuel when you're training.

Old Qua I would up it by couple iu and see how feel, effects of having low blood sugar are raised body temp, sweating, dizziness, blurry eyesight, body feels drained. I actually sometimes after having insulin shot fall straight asleep for 10-15minutes can't help it eyes just close on you this happens very rarely but something to watch out for. When training using insulin you should get alot better pump be alot fuller and even more vascular. :)

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