I hit my shoulder 3 weeks ago with prop100/tren75 (1.75ml total) and had a little swelling, slept on it wrong that night and had a lump that has gotten progressively smaller until now. It is about the size of a little pee that is sort of flattened a bit. It is only noticable from the front you can see it sticks out a tiny bit, but i can feel it with my fingers. I have been applying a rice bag everynight and having my gf massage it for 5 minutes. Doesnt hurt or anything just a tiny lump. Any advice? Scar tissue? Does it just need time to dissapate. I just am wondering what I should do b/c it bothers me that when my shoulders are pumped it because it sticks out a little bit. Any advice would help. and I am not going to inject there for a long time. thanks guys