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So I got 150 10mg var as a bonus- how to run- or pass?


Oct 31, 2009
So for a "freebie" I got 150 10mg var. Should I even mess with or pass it on? Any suggestions- Im not takin any orals and have not for years. Last time I had oxandrolone it was in the late 80's and they were 2mg! All my bloods are good. Im 42 on 1/2 g of tes (one or another a week) and 4iu GH/day. What would be a moderate effective dose to play around with or should I pass?
I love var. Only do 40mg a day with half a gram of test, use it for three weeks between my last jab and pct, puts my strength through the roof and pops my veins, then use tamox on pct in the hope it will straiten out any of the alleged lipid profile problems, only downside is it kills my appetite. Why waste it, never look a gift horse in the mouth : )
So for a "freebie" I got 150 10mg var. Should I even mess with or pass it on? Any suggestions- Im not takin any orals and have not for years. Last time I had oxandrolone it was in the late 80's and they were 2mg! All my bloods are good. Im 42 on 1/2 g of tes (one or another a week) and 4iu GH/day. What would be a moderate effective dose to play around with or should I pass?

I didnt figure out your math but I would run at least 40mg daily for a minimum of 8 weeks OR wait until you get more to do so.
I love var. Only do 40mg a day with half a gram of test, use it for three weeks between my last jab and pct, puts my strength through the roof and pops my veins, then use tamox on pct in the hope it will straiten out any of the alleged lipid profile problems, only downside is it kills my appetite. Why waste it, never look a gift horse in the mouth : )

So at 40mg a day i could theoretically run for 37 days- short time frame. Just be really kickin. Or i could get some more and go for 8-10 weeks lower the tes a bit see what happens. Thanks
I didnt figure out your math but I would run at least 40mg daily for a minimum of 8 weeks OR wait until you get more to do so.

Id need 100 more. No prob Sounds good. My thoughts were atleast 8 weeks on to give a fair assessment so if minimum is 40mg thats what I need to do.
Yup...I'd hit it at around 40mg's/day. My first run with anything was with anavar and I kept everything from what I could tell.

I'd keep all things equal(what ever you're used to) and add the var for the better assessment.
I only run 5 weeks, but Im paranoid with orals.
So at 40mg a day i could theoretically run for 37 days- short time frame. Just be really kickin. Or i could get some more and go for 8-10 weeks lower the tes a bit see what happens. Thanks

Or run it 5 days 2 off or pulse it on training days. I have done that with most orals and seem to get most of the gains and alot less sides.
I get real great results on 30 mgs a day, when done with test, I myself don't like orals, but I do anavar , no longer then 6 weeks at a time, cause despite of the notion that var is mild, it is an A-17 drug, hard on liver, Blessings bro. Minister.
Yes you should get some more and run for 8 weeks. If you run it with your test, don't decrease the test amount. Keep it the same and add the var. 40mg
common dosage for an experienced male
is 100mgs a day

i know lots of women who do 30 and 40 a day

Sponsor teased me (lol) with 150 (free)with other stuff so i should be thankful but its kinda an odd number. I been gtg with 1/2 g tes plus my GH so i will introduce the var see what shakes out. Order more if needed. Domestic- best sponsor on board- you all know who I mean. Just starin at this var wondering wtf to do with it but thanks to your responses i got my answers thanks guys! Why the hell not im old school like i said previous last time I had ox was late 80's at 2mg! Dam Im gettin old. I heard they legit makin oxandrolin called oxandrin at 50mg a pop! Shit- back in the day I knew guys scared of injections runnin only 10-20 mg of var I thought they were huge. I guess its all time relevant! Ima mess with it I been on aftermentioned protocol for almost 3 months and var pretty clean so Ill order another couple hundred. Dam those guys are good at gettin ya to want their shit. Hint hint DOMESTIC. My days of going anywhere else for a rental are over.
common dosage for an experienced male
is 100mgs a day

i know lots of women who do 30 and 40 a day


IMO people use way too high dose of orals. I realize maybe some of this stuff is underdosed, but still people can get by with less and still have great results. For some reason I can up by test to a gram week and don't notice much more then at 500, but even 20-30 mgs of real dbol or var and I notice the difference almost immediately. Maybe because I am on hrt and never go off test cpmpletely that I don't get as much out of it. In my case, I have been at this a long time and @5 '7 1/2 228@ 10% bf I have probably a good amount of lean mass past my natural limit. It is however easy to maintain with good diet and hrt dose of 200-300 wk. Every 3 months or so I do a little blast( maybe 600-750 at the high end, 300 deca or I will just do the test with a light dos of an oral) for 6-8 weeks and I still make gains. Maybe I respond well to gear because I never felt like there was a need to go crazy . In the past I messed with drol, tren and 1000 mgs test, but now at 40 I am more concerned with health. My hdl takes longer to recover and BP seems to go up easier then when I was young. I would be curious how many guys are starting to think the way I do as we get older? BTW sorry to get off topic from the original point.
IMO people use way too high dose of orals. I realize maybe some of this stuff is underdosed, but still people can get by with less and still have great results. For some reason I can up by test to a gram week and don't notice much more then at 500, but even 20-30 mgs of real dbol or var and I notice the difference almost immediately. Maybe because I am on hrt and never go off test cpmpletely that I don't get as much out of it. In my case, I have been at this a long time and @5 '7 1/2 228@ 10% bf I have probably a good amount of lean mass past my natural limit. It is however easy to maintain with good diet and hrt dose of 200-300 wk. Every 3 months or so I do a little blast( maybe 600-750 at the high end, 300 deca or I will just do the test with a light dos of an oral) for 6-8 weeks and I still make gains. Maybe I respond well to gear because I never felt like there was a need to go crazy . In the past I messed with drol, tren and 1000 mgs test, but now at 40 I am more concerned with health. My hdl takes longer to recover and BP seems to go up easier then when I was young. I would be curious how many guys are starting to think the way I do as we get older? BTW sorry to get off topic from the original point.
Na good post youngster (ha ha) im 42 and i agree. Thats why i settled on 500/week plus 4iu/day hgh which does wonders in itself. I appreciate the input brotha. My main point was "should I introduce the var- especially at a low dosage ie total or pass" but thanks for your input- for real.
100 mg ed is where the magic is with var. 50 mg , didn't notice much. I'd do a kickstart 100mg for 15 days. It's incredible/amazing at that dose. Solid fast gains. 8 lbs hard,solid and keepable. In 2 weeks, no kidding. If you haven't tried it at a high dose you are missing out. Gotta stuff yourself with clean food as well, but incredible results.
common dosage for an experienced male
is 100mgs a day

i know lots of women who do 30 and 40 a day


Holy smokes , at 100 mgs a day, that could run you up to $500 a month, besides anavar is not the mild ,friendly drug everybody thinks it is, there is a reason why pharma anavar is manufactured at 2.5,5 and 10 mgs, and that's because in clinical trials anavar raises liver counts dramaticly at higher amounts, doing high doses of var for long periods of time is very harmful. I think doing any A-17 drug for longer than 6 weeks at a time can cause damage , sometimes irreversible to liver, and it might not manifest right away, but it will over the years, seen it too many times, have to remember the liver is our life filter, it filters and purifies your blood, it's involved in oxigen and nitrogen balance, lipid counts and a bunch of other functions, if it's not firing at 100%, you will start to experience health issues, at first mild but they will worsen in time, so keep the dose as low as possible, like I said before ,I get nice gains on 30 mgs. God bless you friends
Holy smokes , at 100 mgs a day, that could run you up to $500 a month, besides anavar is not the mild ,friendly drug everybody thinks it is, there is a reason why pharma anavar is manufactured at 2.5,5 and 10 mgs, and that's because in clinical trials anavar raises liver counts dramaticly at higher amounts, doing high doses of var for long periods of time is very harmful. I think doing any A-17 drug for longer than 6 weeks at a time can cause damage , sometimes irreversible to liver, and it might not manifest right away, but it will over the years, seen it too many times, have to remember the liver is our life filter, it filters and purifies your blood, it's involved in oxigen and nitrogen balance, lipid counts and a bunch of other functions, if it's not firing at 100%, you will start to experience health issues, at first mild but they will worsen in time, so keep the dose as low as possible, like I said before ,I get nice gains on 30 mgs. God bless you friends

yes true

so how would you explain winny or dbol back in the day also????

2mg and 5mg????
yes true

so how would you explain winny or dbol back in the day also????

2mg and 5mg????

Well bro, winny and Dianabol was never intended for human use, as a matter of fact winstrol was used strictly for race horses and still is , therefore the high mgs tabs, doing 50 mgs doses of either one of those compounds is extremely liver toxic, a young liver is able to withstand for a while but as you get older , your liver loses the ability to pass this chemicals. In the last few years they developed a human grade winstrol(winstrol depot), but the oral version is still not approved for human use. Some companies make the dbal and winstrol at 5 and 10 mgs, when I do winstrol I use the depot and I use dbal I use 40 mgs split in 4 10mgs doses , and never run any oral past 6 weeks without taking a break, this is just my opinion, God bless you Tenny.

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