what the longest detection time on winny depot....hurry hurry thanks
tatmark1 New member Newbies Joined Nov 6, 2002 Messages 20 Apr 3, 2004 #1 what the longest detection time on winny depot....hurry hurry thanks
A50# Old School Moderator Staff member Moderator Registered Joined Jun 20, 2002 Messages 3,444 Apr 3, 2004 #2 Detection Time? I'm not real sure about detection time but the half life of Winstrol taken orally is 9-10 hrs and Winstrol Depot injected is around 1 day.
Detection Time? I'm not real sure about detection time but the half life of Winstrol taken orally is 9-10 hrs and Winstrol Depot injected is around 1 day.
A50# Old School Moderator Staff member Moderator Registered Joined Jun 20, 2002 Messages 3,444 Apr 3, 2004 #3 Detection Time I'm not real sure on how accurate this information is but at www.anabolicreview.com they have a Detection time list of various drugs. It says Winstrol Depot Injected can be detected for 2 months!
Detection Time I'm not real sure on how accurate this information is but at www.anabolicreview.com they have a Detection time list of various drugs. It says Winstrol Depot Injected can be detected for 2 months!
tatmark1 New member Newbies Joined Nov 6, 2002 Messages 20 Apr 3, 2004 #4 thanks i was thinking that was right
RIV New member Registered Joined May 12, 2003 Messages 287 Apr 3, 2004 #5 are you tested at your fights, is this what its about? i have never been, not even at a national muaythai tourny
are you tested at your fights, is this what its about? i have never been, not even at a national muaythai tourny
tatmark1 New member Newbies Joined Nov 6, 2002 Messages 20 Apr 5, 2004 #6 no im not but if i was i would pass...on or not