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Some scary stuff….

Yeah it is exactly like in UK , she will ‘dolled up’ herself with fake tan hair extension , nails -in hope that nobody will notice she is a f….g obese whale
And she will be like: oh look at me- i am godess… well tell you what ‘darling’ : if you will stand in place of michelin man- nobody would notice a thing.
people are fascinating

instead of spending all this money on fitness, supplements, and the appearance of their body

both men and women throw down loads of cash to cover their chewed up bubblegum-looking bodies with outrageously expensive clothing and accessories
Who cares? Live and let live - I know not everyone cares to be fit or muscular. Best to mind your own and not care/worry about what others prioritize (or don’t). Life’s too short to give fucks about what others are doing and vice versa
Pffttt... mine shops at Hermes. Bags cost more than cars. THAT gives me anxiety every time. Last time she bought a silk t-shirt for $3,500. I made her pay for it with her own money LMAO
15k for a low end Hermes and they aren’t even that nice looking. My girls Chanel bags look nicer than Hermes… never been impressed by them.

Not into designer things but you knows what nice… those huge Louis Vuitton. Trunks… they are like rolling closets… I’ll admit those are nice
Get separate banking accounts!!!!! Did that 20 years ago and I’ve never had a fight abt money since.

My first serious relationship showed me this…. Got cleaned the fuck out due to my own ignorance…

Pffttt... mine shops at Hermes. Bags cost more than cars. THAT gives me anxiety every time. Last time she bought a silk t-shirt for $3,500. I made her pay for it with her own money LMAO
LMAO... I have the best wife, she manages all my money (she works in finance), and she hates to spend money, in fact, I have to force her to buy expensive shit she says she doesn't need... Me on the other hand... I love to spend money in stupid shit like that :D
LMAO... I have the best wife, she manages all my money (she works in finance), and she hates to spend money, in fact, I have to force her to buy expensive shit she says she doesn't need... Me on the other hand... I love to spend money in stupid shit like that :D
I feel the same way and after digging out from under a load of debt I really don't want to spend money nowadays either.
How are women comfortable spending their man's hard earned money on stupid shit?
How are women comfortable spending their man's hard earned money on stupid shit?
I'm lucky.

My wife thinks it's nuts to spend someone else's money, husband or otherwise. What she buys means more to her because she earned it. She still treasures the Cartier she bought herself many years ago, among other "luxury" items she owns.

She won't even let me buy her expensive stuff (in part because I'll make the wrong fashion choices!).
I'm lucky.

My wife thinks it's nuts to spend someone else's money, husband or otherwise. What she buys means more to her because she earned it. She still treasures the Cartier she bought herself many years ago, among other "luxury" items she owns.

She won't even let me buy her expensive stuff (in part because I'll make the wrong fashion choices!).
That's a good caring woman.

There are two types of women.

Women who love how you make them feel VS. women who love you
How are women comfortable spending their man's hard earned money on stupid shit?
It's like a daring sport to see how much they can get away with before having to throw a tantrum or give a blow job.
I look at it this way, if I can spend money on rifles, optics, ammo and NVGs, I’m not going to bitch about a 4k purse. She’d never buy it though. She’d just put it in the vacations fund.
LMAO... I have the best wife, she manages all my money (she works in finance), and she hates to spend money, in fact, I have to force her to buy expensive shit she says she doesn't need... Me on the other hand... I love to spend money in stupid shit like that :D
me n my wife have exact opposite thing lol but it works! lomg as it works brother!
Every time I walk out my front door I trip over Amazon boxes. I'm waiting for one big enough to bury her in.
this thread is so full of cope lmao

'i got lucky, my wife lets me spend some of my money on stuff that i want'
How are women comfortable spending their man's hard earned money on stupid shit?
I like to be positive. If people are making a joke of it online, they’re clearly wealthy enough that these frivolous purchases are really not a big deal. Good for them.

No one comes online to brag about being fiscally irresponsible

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