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starting hcg mid cycle yes? no?


New member
Mar 3, 2009
wks 1-12
500 test e
600 eq
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50mg ed winni
wks 14-17
pct nolva,clomid

I just recieved 15000iu of hcg, I just started week 5 of my cycle, would it be practical to start 250-500iu wk of hcg right up to my pct? Or any better ideas or ways to incorperate the hcg into this cycle
wks 1-12
500 test e
600 eq
wks 8-13
50mg ed winni
wks 14-17
pct nolva,clomid

I just recieved 15000iu of hcg, I just started week 5 of my cycle, would it be practical to start 250-500iu wk of hcg right up to my pct? Or any better ideas or ways to incorperate the hcg into this cycle

Yes, start now at 250-500iu twice a week all the way till the end of your cycle, but stop the HCG 1 week before your last shot
Ok, I think ill do 500x2 the first week then cut back to 250x2 since it is a pretty mild cycle.
5cc bac + 1amp(5000iu)=1000iu per 1cc= 1/4cc=250ius
A mild cycle?

LMAO!!! :D If you say so. You have the right idea about using the hcg to keep your boys awake. Good luck with your mild cycle.
LMAO!!! :D If you say so. You have the right idea about using the hcg to keep your boys awake. Good luck with your mild cycle.

Who said anything about mild?
He asked a question about using hcg MID-cycle. Learn to carefully read before posting sarcastic bullshit :rolleyes:
Genius. A pro at hcg use, but can't read???

Who said anything about mild?
He asked a question about using hcg MID-cycle. Learn to carefully read before posting sarcastic bullshit :rolleyes:

Read post 3 before you open your mouth, or better yet try opening your eyes before your mouth. :eek: Not to mention HCG use has been beaten like a dead horse. All the info he needed has been posted about in a hundred threads or so.
Try the search engine. That way useless threads like this don't get posted, and reposted, and reposted. Do you get the sense i'm using sarcasm????? I would hope so.
Chill Bro. Do you have any idea how many times I answer the same questions in a day? I agree he should have read up before he posted but it's nothing to take shots at him for.

As posted, yes, get going on your HCG as you posted.
I have read so much information on hcg, and 100 different peoples ways of using it, my head was spinning. I didnt mean to beat the horse. I just wanted a first hand response to this. Thank You
No harm no foul.....

I have read so much information on hcg, and 100 different peoples ways of using it, my head was spinning. I didnt mean to beat the horse. I just wanted a first hand response to this. Thank You

My attitude was not directed at you any how. I just found it comical that the doses you listed you considered mild. That is all. Then JJ the all knowing, non reading member jumped my ass. There are all kinds of opinions on Hcg, i would say from my personal experiance to start it the 3rd to 4 th week in and pop 250-500 iu shots 2 to 3 times per week. I personally did the 250 every 3.5 days. It kept my nuts from getting atrophed. And actually in the beggining brought them back to normal size after some shrinkage.

Also just so you know, u can shoot it sub-q instead of IM if that works better for you. No sense in building up extra scar tissue in the muscle for some hcg.
Last edited:
I found a formula to start my hcg mid cycle first shot (40iu x days on 28=1000iu's) then 250-500 2x week. sounds good ?
just curious, what kind of needle do you use for hcg? insulin needle?

I also see that it comes in 5000ius a amp, do you mix it with something?

Should i get an empty 10ml vial and store it in there?

These maybe stupid ?'s but i've never used hcg before.
mix it with 1ml bac water in the amp and then draw it out in a fresh dart and then add that into an empty sterile 10ml vial. Then with a new fresh dart add 9mls of bac water. all in all for a total of 10 mls = 1500iu/ml. dose accordingly

make sure when your adding the mix to the 10ml vial to put just a needle in the vial to allow remove pressure when filling. make sure you keep it in the fridge and discard after a month.

mix it with 1ml bac water in the amp and then draw it out in a fresh dart and then add that into an empty sterile 10ml vial. Then with a new fresh dart add 9mls of bac water. all in all for a total of 10 mls = 1500iu/ml. dose accordingly

make sure when your adding the mix to the 10ml vial to put just a needle in the vial to allow remove pressure when filling. make sure you keep it in the fridge and discard after a month.


Is this formula for 15000iu's hcg?
I had 5000iu's mixed it with 5ml of bac= 1000iu's/ml? 0r 500iu's/= 1/2ml just wanna make sure im doing this correct
Is this formula for 15000iu's hcg?
I had 5000iu's mixed it with 5ml of bac= 1000iu's/ml? 0r 500iu's/= 1/2ml just wanna make sure im doing this correct

that thats based on 15000iu's so yes if you used a 5000iu amp with 5mls total bac water it would be 1000iu/ml or 500iu/.5ml


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