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Study RE: RHR on Gh


Active member
Nov 7, 2014
I’ve been searching for days as to why some Gh increases RHR. My findings are inconclusive, however, I found this study showing that pharma Gh does not increase RHR. 9iu/day increases RHR by 1 bpm. 18iu/day increased RHR by 5 bpm.

1.5 weeks ago I started some GH from a well known supplier who I love. At 3.33 iu/day, my RHR increased from 55-60 bpm to 88 beats per minute. On one hand, normal heart rate is 60-100 bpm, so I’m within range. On the other hand, a 50% increase in Resting Heart Rate overnight can’t be healthy. Needless to say, I’m stopping the Gh. It’s unfortunate because my muscles were already fuller, skin was tightening, sleep was increased by roughly 20%.

As mentioned, I’ve been searching for days but can’t find any conclusive evidence as to why some gh does this. Does anyone have any idea why?
I can confirm your data

RHR is usually between 42-46.
+2IU of Pharma GH and no swing in RHR
+2IU of UG GH and I go from 50-54

Is it the water retention then?

Assuming pharma includes a diuretic, as we've been told.

I'm not sure! Just asking!
I couldn't begin to postulate. It appears to work on some type of "magic" haha.

@Oldwhitedude I do not notice a degradation in my performance while on HG Growth, even taking dandelion root as a diuretic I notice I process micronutrients differently.
Increased intravascular volume (water) = Increased stretching of the heart = Increased heart rate and stroke volume

The correlation is logical, but not nearly linear.

Bodyweight went from 220-225lbs. This is a 2% increase in bodyweight (water).

Heart rate went from a 55/60-88 bpm. This is a 50% increase in heart rate.
I’ve been searching for days as to why some Gh increases RHR. My findings are inconclusive, however, I found this study showing that pharma Gh does not increase RHR. 9iu/day increases RHR by 1 bpm. 18iu/day increased RHR by 5 bpm.

1.5 weeks ago I started some GH from a well known supplier who I love. At 3.33 iu/day, my RHR increased from 55-60 bpm to 88 beats per minute. On one hand, normal heart rate is 60-100 bpm, so I’m within range. On the other hand, a 50% increase in Resting Heart Rate overnight can’t be healthy. Needless to say, I’m stopping the Gh. It’s unfortunate because my muscles were already fuller, skin was tightening, sleep was increased by roughly 20%.

As mentioned, I’ve been searching for days but can’t find any conclusive evidence as to why some gh does this. Does anyone have any idea why?
@Type-IIx said in another thread a while back that the increase in RHR only lasts a few days and is called a "RAAS response."

Perhaps he can clarify
Increased intravascular volume (water) = Increased stretching of the heart = Increased heart rate and stroke volume
I'm quite sure the increase has nothing to do with water retention, contrary to popular belief.
On 4-6ius I have a sustained increase of probably 10%. This is higher at first if I try to jump to that dosage - RHR and blood pressure issues requing increase in diuretic (so yeah water is real logical).

Once normalized BP went to 100/70 on original (not increased) dose of diuretic. RHR (not sure on new dosing) but normalizes at 10% per above. Also GH is known to cause water retention - basically by definition though amount varies by individual.
Oddly enough, I used to get a similar increase in RHR from a low dose of HGH but somehow, I no longer get that significant of increase despite using the same brand of HGH. I wonder if the batches are different or if my body has changed.
I couldn't begin to postulate. It appears to work on some type of "magic" haha.

@Oldwhitedude I do not notice a degradation in my performance while on HG Growth, even taking dandelion root as a diuretic I notice I process micronutrients differently.
What do you mean with the last part about dandeloin root?
@luki7788 mentioned this too in a prior thread, but believe Pharma HGH contains a mild diuretic whereas UGL do not.
@Type-IIx said in another thread a while back that the increase in RHR only lasts a few days and is called a "RAAS response."

Perhaps he can clarify
I think that’s highly individual and not common, at least from the small subset of people I’ve talked to. It raised my rhr considerably and for a lot longer than a few days. It did lower on its own but it was months, not days later. When it did lower, it still sits higher than when off it. I can’t speak for lower doses but this has been my experience with 10+ IU as well as others I’ve spoken with.
@luki7788 mentioned this too in a prior thread, but believe Pharma HGH contains a mild diuretic whereas UGL do not.
serostim for example does not contain a diuretic but I am sure that genotropin definitely has such an "additive" in its composition, probably the same with norditropin
serostim for example does not contain a diuretic but I am sure that genotropin definitely has such an "additive" in its composition, probably the same with norditropin
Nordi and genos I look super dry, yet full. Seros or TP’s and I will hold another 4-5 pounds in water. So can confirm from user experience.

Interestingly, Seros cause me to hold more water than any of them, but one could argue that’s due to the potency. 🤷‍♂️
I’ve been searching for days as to why some Gh increases RHR. My findings are inconclusive, however, I found this study showing that pharma Gh does not increase RHR. 9iu/day increases RHR by 1 bpm. 18iu/day increased RHR by 5 bpm.

1.5 weeks ago I started some GH from a well known supplier who I love. At 3.33 iu/day, my RHR increased from 55-60 bpm to 88 beats per minute. On one hand, normal heart rate is 60-100 bpm, so I’m within range. On the other hand, a 50% increase in Resting Heart Rate overnight can’t be healthy. Needless to say, I’m stopping the Gh. It’s unfortunate because my muscles were already fuller, skin was tightening, sleep was increased by roughly 20%.

As mentioned, I’ve been searching for days but can’t find any conclusive evidence as to why some gh does this. Does anyone have any idea why?

Growth hormone will change the way the body handles electrolytes which can definitely have an effect.

So we know that both more sodium and potassium are retained by the body but we also know we're left with less serum potassium.

If this creates an imbalance of relatively higher sodium and lower potassium that would lead to higher blood pressure and heart rate.

Add to that some of the medical ancilliaries a bodybuilder might take also deplete potassium somewhat.
I would look into Mannitol. Mannitol is known to effect cardiac function. I guess the starting place to go down that path would be to find out if prescription GH contains mannitol in it like the chinese generics does?
Growth hormone will change the way the body handles electrolytes which can definitely have an effect.

So we know that both more sodium and potassium are retained by the body but we also know we're left with less serum potassium.

If this creates an imbalance of relatively higher sodium and lower potassium that would lead to higher blood pressure and heart rate.

Add to that some of the medical ancilliaries a bodybuilder might take also deplete potassium somewhat.
Regarding your 1st sentence;
Growth hormone will change the way the body handles electrolytes which can definitely have an effect.

If this were the case for ‘Gh’ then why in the study I posted (1st post), does the heart of dozens of participants only increase by 1 beat per minute on 9iu of pharma Gh/day, and only 5 beats per minute on 18iu of Gh/day. Yet, many of us experience a 20-30 beat per minute increase on only 3iu of h that is not FDA approved/regulated?

Add to that some of the medical ancilliaries a bodybuilder might take also deplete potassium somewhat.

I am currently taking no medical ancillaries. My RHR was 55-60 beats per minute on +/-250 mg test per week, prior to the Gh.

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