There have been studies posted on the effectiveness of this. Don't know where to find them though. I have been doing TRT dosages with a 1/2 insulin syring for 4 years. No problems myself. I wouldn't think high dosages would be a good idea though.
I was listening to off topic radio ( one of the fellows writes for ) he, Arron Singerman ( sp?) was saying sub-q oil injections are bettr them IM.
Has anyone information on this, or used this method?
this is how my doc has his patients inject testosterone. good method. less pain. never had a problem with it
Yes, but TRT doses are a fraction of BB doses, so it's not a fully valid comparisson.
On another note, I had thought that test suspension was largely water based??? (I'm not sure, I've never done susp)
I thought that's why susp needs to be shaken up before drawing & injecting like shaking up an oil/vinegar salad dressing before pouring .
If that's true, then perhaps susp injection would be safe with typical BB sized injection when injected Sub-Q???
That would certainly be a nice way to avoid scar tissue buildup in muscles.
Does anyone here know whether suspension AAS formulas are partly water based or not?
I wouldn't do it personally, but I was reading on a forum recently about some guy raving about doing Prop Subq.. There's not gonna be much of a difference in absorption time.. I think the main reason this guy did this was cuz he experienced alot of pain with IM prop..
yeah, its common in trt circles, but you are looking at doses of 100mg/wk spread into multiple injects... so 1/4ml (or less) per spot, big difference in abcess risk from that to 1.5ml subq
most suspensions are water based and do have to be shaken for an even dose. but what some labs mostly ugls are putting test base into sterile oil. this is because water is a breeding gound for bacteria and cant produce a sterile product. its safer for the user.
actually the studies show there is a significant difference in absorption time... theres a significant difference between just pinning glutes + delts.
Well, that issue could easilly be bypasses by dosing the suspensions into glass ampules instead of rubber topped vials.
One ampule=one shot.
There would be no risk of infection because the ampules could be irradiated with UV light after sealing.
I've been doing 1ml injections. Over four years that is over 400 injects. Maybe just lucky, but never a problem.