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Superdrol/M-Drol kicker to Anavar?


Active member
Sep 9, 2012
Here's the deal: I have actual CEL M-drol that I've had for quite some time. It's expiration date was a few months ago, but I've kept it in the fridge and I think those dates are somewhat arbitrary (though if someone has actual knowledge to the contrary, I may reconsider). I've never run Superdrol/Mdrol, but I've read enough logs and posts over the years to know what I'm getting into.

The main criticism most people have of SD is (other than it's toxicity and sides) that you blow up very quickly on it, but lose all the gains in PCT or shortly thereafter, making it simply not worth it considering the toll it takes on your body. So I was thinking of running a low to moderate dose of SD for up to 3 weeks, while taking a LOW dose of Anavar (10mgs a day) just so the Anavar can slowly build up in my system. Once I stop the Superdrol, I plan to kick the Anavar up to the 50-70mgs/day range and run that for the rest of my cycle -- which would be for a total of 6 weeks, give or take.

The theory here is to use the SD as a "kickstart" to the anavar, but also hopefully make some decent size gains on the SD, and then use the remaining 3-4 weeks of Anavar to help consolidate and maintain those gains, rather than going straight into PCT and losing all or most of my gains, as seems to be the case for many SD users.

As to support supps and PCT, I will run strong liver support throughout the cycle and PCT (I have pharma grade UCDA, but will also take NAC, ALA, and taurine, as well as hawthrone for BP) and I also plan to pin HCG to help minimize shutdown. My PCT will consist of pharma grade Clomid. I will also run Raloxifene since I take finasteride and I'm more prone to gyno than most people for that reason.

I probably should have said from the outset that my goal here is to put on some lean muscle (from the SD) and to try to maintain that muscle and lose some fat (from the Anavar). So basically I'm looking to recomp.

Now I know that I "should" be running test with this. I've run prohormones and designer steroids in the past, but no injectables. The anavar is my first time buying actual AAS. If the source turns out to be legit, I'll very likely incorporate test or equipoise in my next cycle (I have to go easy on the test because I'm very prone to male pattern baldness).

I'd love to get input and feedback from anyone who has run either or both of these compounds before. Thanks in advance! :D
You should run test with your superdrol/var. I'm not 100% sure, but from what I've read, sdrol will shut you down and kill your natty test levels. My buddy had a very hard time with his libido while running a sdrol only cycle.
I think you should just run the var cuz Superdrol works, but is so harsh you won't be able to stand it. Run var with some test prop
I can tell you this, I just ran superdrol and my lipids were screwed. Wasnt all that impressed either. Just my opinion, be careful and good luck
"Superdrol is a hell of a drug" but I wouldn't run and ORAL.....to kickstart an oral....

Superdrol shuts you down HARD so think about that...why not run some test...kickstart with SD for 3 weeks, run test then throw var in there the last 5 weeks??
You need test in that cycle.
I can tell you this, I just ran superdrol and my lipids were screwed. Wasnt all that impressed either. Just my opinion, be careful and good luck

How bad were your lipids? Everyone seems to go off about their gains on SD -- interesting that you were not impressed. What was your dose and length of cycle?
Maybe I'll see about getting some test for the cycle. (It'll suck to pay for international shipping twice though). I think I'll only run it at TRT levels, or maybe just a bit above. I'm very invested in keeping my hair, and that really limits me as far as AAS goes. It's frustrating! :banghead:
SD is an amazing compound so there is no doubt you will notice quite a bit from it alone. I would worry most about the HDL/LDL effects and blood pressure - these are the real detrimental sides imo.

I don't know about the use of var to "kickstart" an oral only cycle as it sounds very harsh on the lipids.

Also, about adding test, I think most people are just quoting verbatim what they have heard over the years - I think I've heard that a SD only cycle can lead to gains that are kept (I would do more research though)
I always "plan" to work SD into my cycle, but always had to cut it short. I've tried running it only on training days, low doses, blasts, about every which way- but the lethargy I get from it is just too much for me. My urine always gets very dark when running it too. I just started a bulker 2 weeks ago, and have been running 60mg of d-bol and 75mg of Anadrol every day for my orals (by far the highest I've ever tried), and haven't noticed any sides yet (knock on wood). Sides from SD start with me about the 3rd day of use. Not saying it won't work for you, but for me it's just too harsh. Just try and see, because everyone is different, but keep an open mind as to whether it can work for you in the end and always keep in mind that there are other things out there that might work for you, even if the SD doesn't.
Agree..test base with the orals is Step 1.

Going with Superdrol and bridging to Anavar is not really a well thought idea. Think of SuperDrol as "anadrol" because realistically it is going to act in someways like that or dbol..either way compare it as you may but it's a strong oral.

Bridging to anavar, you are still going to lose a majority of your gains...since alot of SD is just water weight and size weight. The only good thing that might happen is you "might" keep your strength with the bridge, or potentially gain strength and drop some size.

I don't like 2 orals at once, though I know guys that do like 5 at a time and are ok with that. I think if you do go that route you need some serious liver protectant and then realize to yourself it is still a risk.

People don't understand that when you come off a product like SD, anadrol..or lets say you are even running high dose test...it is impossible physically for the human body to maintain that type of gain with a lower hormone profile. Even if you wanted a quick bulk and lean out, it would be pointless..How much pure muscle are you going to gain in 30days with a bunch of SD? I'd argue not alot.

If your blood plasma levels have you at a 4000nanogram level of testosterone, and then you taper off to say 1000nanos..guess what..you cannot maintain that level of strength and muscularity no matter how much food you eat, or no matter what you do. It simply cannot happen.

When people use strong orals, I find they are "chasing the high". They get depressed or increase dosages to try and get back to where they were.

I think you'd be better off going with a long term dose of moderate test only for a more pure gain then playing with orals and teeter tottering.

But that is simply my opinion. Lets see what others have to say.
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I understand your overall point about your body not being able to maintain muscle that it took massive amounts of exogenous androgens to build, once you drop back down to your body's natural level of androgens during and following PCT. But isn't that true of every compound? I've definitely heard that the faster you "blow up" on a given compound, the harder it is to maintain those rapid gains after your cycle. That's why I *thought* that maybe combining a rapid gain compound like SD with a "slow and steady" compound like anavar might balance things out, but until now I've just run prohormone and designer steroid cycles, and I certainly do not claim to have the expertise of many of you on this board.

With respect to superdrol in particular, my understanding is that the gains are dry, as this compound does not aromatize. I'm not 100% committed to running it, but I just want to learn as much as I can. (And for support I have pharma grade UCDA, which is what a doctor would prescribe for hepatic cholestasis, which is the condition that can occur if you run 17a orals for too long or at too high a dose).

I am definitely looking to add testosterone to this cycle now though, after listening to you more experienced users. I'd just run it at TRT levels, since my hair can't handle more than that, but that will at least help with the shut down -- I hope. I need to find a decent domestic source (ideally) because I don't want to blow a bunch of money on international shipping for like 1 vial of test E or something.

Agree..test base with the orals is Step 1.

Going with Superdrol and bridging to Anavar is not really a well thought idea. Think of SuperDrol as "anadrol" because realistically it is going to act in someways like that or dbol..either way compare it as you may but it's a strong oral.

Bridging to anavar, you are still going to lose a majority of your gains...since alot of SD is just water weight and size weight. The only good thing that might happen is you "might" keep your strength with the bridge, or potentially gain strength and drop some size.

I don't like 2 orals at once, though I know guys that do like 5 at a time and are ok with that. I think if you do go that route you need some serious liver protectant and then realize to yourself it is still a risk.

People don't understand that when you come off a product like SD, anadrol..or lets say you are even running high dose test...it is impossible physically for the human body to maintain that type of gain with a lower hormone profile. Even if you wanted a quick bulk and lean out, it would be pointless..How much pure muscle are you going to gain in 30days with a bunch of SD? I'd argue not alot.

If your blood plasma levels have you at a 4000nanogram level of testosterone, and then you taper off to say 1000nanos..guess what..you cannot maintain that level of strength and muscularity no matter how much food you eat, or no matter what you do. It simply cannot happen.

When people use strong orals, I find they are "chasing the high". They get depressed or increase dosages to try and get back to where they were.

I think you'd be better off going with a long term dose of moderate test only for a more pure gain then playing with orals and teeter tottering.

But that is simply my opinion. Lets see what others have to say.
Sdrol is methylmasteron. It's a dht derivitive and can very harsh on your hair, moreso than test at a trt dose. You should be more worried about hairloss off sdrol than test.
Sdrol is methylmasteron. It's a dht derivitive and can very harsh on your hair, moreso than test at a trt dose. You should be more worried about hairloss off sdrol than test.

Superdrol has a very low androgenic rating, making it generally considered safe on the hair, despite being DHT derived.

I'm definitely looking to add test to the cycle, just at around a TRT dose, or maybe a little above.

Is there a domestic board sponsor anyone can privately recommend? If I'm not supposed to ask this, then please let me know and I'll delete.

Superdrol has a very low androgenic rating, making it generally considered safe on the hair, despite being DHT derived.

I'm definitely looking to add test to the cycle, just at around a TRT dose, or maybe a little above.

Is there a domestic board sponsor anyone can privately recommend? If I'm not supposed to ask this, then please let me know and I'll delete.


Primo is low in androgenic rating as well and many people have hair fall out from it because it's dht derived. Low androgenic rating doesn't mean anything for hair loss. My friend ran sdrol and not only did he get jaundice, but his hair started falling out. It took awhile after he stopped sdrol for him to stop shedding. Use at your own risk.

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