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New member
Nov 23, 2002
I have something I want to tell you all about. My hope is that you will all read through this posting, and realize it is not a forbidden commercial application, but rather something I have put together which can benefit ALL participants of this Board. I hope you like it--the response so far has been very appreciative.

Perhaps some of you are already familiar with my work on the Meso-rx and T-MAG Forums. I am a physician who has become very much interested in working with steroid athletes (and providing HRT for men), and spend time nearly every day answering questions on the Forums of a medical nature. I do this in order to try to help keep guys as safe and healthy as possible while engaging in steroid usage. It became obvious to me that AAS athletes frequently have worries about getting counterfeits, ripped off, confiscated and/or busted. Because I have a medical license to protect, I cannot prescribe steroids (except as HRT), as there are no legitimate medical indications for increasing muscle mass here. However, there ARE legitimate medical indications for treating low testosterone and high estrogen levels. As I have spent the past six months learning all I can about steroids (mostly from the Boards—they don’t teach this stuff in medical school!), I have come to realize it is unhealthy and detrimental for these athletes to not use the “ancillaries”. To that end, I have established a website to provide hCG, Clomid, Nolvadex and Arimidex to help protect the health (and gains) of steroid athletes. We’ve also thrown in anti-hair loss meds, testosterone (for my HRT patients),and even Viagra—all stuff the hormonally-supplemented want and need.

Because I want to make sure EVERYONE can afford the ancillaries (or HRT), I dispense these meds AT MY COST—THIS IS WHY THIS IS NOT A COMMERCIAL POSTING. I do not make a single penny on it. Because of that, we are now getting quite close to Black Market prices (i.e. $1.75 for Clomid and Nolvadex, $40 for hCG, $90 for testosterone) and, if the guys are really interested, expect the prices to drop even further as I can buy them in larger quantities. Even so, now these FDA-approved meds can be acquired in a scam-free environment, guaranteed delivery, and with the protection of a physician’s script, dispensed from a U.S. pharmacy.

I’ve read a lot of posts from guys wishing they had a doctor who would do this for them. Of course, legend drugs can only be prescribed to patients, so I have to take a medical history and get a release from anyone who wants them. I WILL FREELY WRITE FOR THE APPROPRIATE ANCILLARIES FOR ANYONE WHO IS TAKING STEROIDS. This all takes time, and I have to pay someone to help me with the paperwork and handle the website. So I have to charge SOMETHING, but have set my Consultation Fee to be the lowest in the industry. Once you pay that, you may re-order as many times as you wish, for a year, for only a small Follow-Up Fee. Because I do not accept insurance (we do, however, try to get your insurance company to pay for the meds), no insurance company can ever demand to see your medical records—I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ACCESS YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS. I also offer labwork and the interpretation of same, on demand. In other words, this is real medicine, not one of those Internet pharmacy operations that don’t know what they are doing, but charge $2000 for $400 worth of gear.

The website address is:
*Sorry - this is too close to being a source post - you can e-mail for website addy *

You can reach me personally at:
[email protected]

I’m also proud to be one of the very few doctors who recognize the healthful benefits of maintaining serum testosterone levels at the top of “normal” range. Unlike many of the docs who do provide Hormone Replacement Therapy for men, I know what I am doing. My goal is to help as many men as possible live life to its fullest. It is not to write for every medication I can, in order to make as much money as possible by charging ridiculously high prices. Again, I dispense them AT MY COST.

Once I have completed some training early next month, I will also be offering HGH. I expect to have the lowest prices anywhere in the US.

I’m very much interested in EVERYONE’S thoughts regarding this first-of-a-kind concept. This note is very similar to one I will be sending to every Message Board I can. Since I am not profiting from the meds, my hope is my efforts will be appreciated as a non-commercial effort, and will be met with appreciation, rather than a cyclone of flames. Also, I need to shake out the bugs from this venture, before trying any actual advertising.

Unfortunately, there are not enough hours in the day for me to answer medical questions on every Board. I will make sure, however, to follow this thread in order to answer any questions you may have.

If I may be of any help to you, please do not hesitate to contact me.

John Crisler, DO
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We certainly welcome your input at this board swale - Welcome doc!

Your post is very "borderline." While you aren't selling "scheduled" drugs, they still require prescription. You must realize that "most" members here are either vets or mods from other boards. The prices you suggested are VERY HIGH! I just bought 40,000iu hcg for what you quoted (real stuff).

Big A has sponsers that pay to advertise, so I know unless he gives you permission to advertise any product, it's "his" decision - and didn't hear anyone say Big A approved this.

Don't let me discourage you from posting - in fact, I encourage you to post and reply.

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Steak Helmet said:

Too late bro :(

GO BEAVS!!! gotta get back to the game!

xcelbeyond said:
We certainly welcome your input at this board swale - Welcome doc!

Your post is very "borderline." While you aren't selling "scheduled" drugs, they still require prescription. You must realize that "most" members here are either vets or mods from other boards. The prices you suggested are VERY HIGH! I just bought 40,000iu hcg for what you quoted (real stuff).

Big A has sposers that pay to advertise, so I know unless he gives you permission to advertise any product, it's "his" decision - and didn't hear anyone say Big A approved this.

Don't let me discourage you from posting - in fact, I encourage you to post and reply.


WTF $40 for 40,000 IUs of HCG.

I have MANY sources but if this is true I realize I gotta find new ones.

I am a Notre Dame fan, but I wanted the underdog to win. Plus it would allow Washington State a chance to go to the national title game...wait GO OSU :)


Too late bro

GO BEAVS!!! gotta get back to the game!


First off, hey, about that t-mag thing: it was my first Board--I didn't know any better! I just rolled through all the Boards I could find this weekend, posting the same message I left for you guys. Little did I expect the backlash of anger and hostility it has brought me. Thank you, then, for the civilized nature of your responses. I can see this Board maintains a higher level of intelligence than some of the others. Yes, I knew there may be some trouble, but, frankly, with the demands of my medical practice, there just wasn't time to do this any other way. I am here, as on other Boards, merely an appreciative guest. But I have come up with something--and have been working on it nonstop for the past 5 months--that can benefit nearly every AAS athlete, or those who want HRT. One of your own has gone and gotten himself a Medical License, and is now coming back to be with the Bro's. As for the prices, I must stress (on my mother's eyes) I DO NOT MAKE EVEN ONE PENNY from dispensing the meds. They have the prices they do because I cannot yet buy in enough bulk to get it down--that is already changing. My pharmacist does take just a little on them (FAR, FAR LESS than any of the "sources" out there), but he has to order, stock, fill my scripts, package them, send them out, etc. Many of my patients get their stuff paid for by their insurance companies--so it's the availability of FDA-approved stuff and confidentiality that interests them. My Consultation Fee nets me less than $50 per hour--do you know any doctors who are willing to work for that much? For right now, it costs me money to do this. If it gets really popular, though, I'll be alright. So, there's no money of any consequence being made here, and therefore I am not a "source." Still, I must say, I sincerely apologize if this has been in any way appropriate. I will check back in to this Forum to see what's up. If the individual(s) who graciously support this Board think it would be a good idea to give their members the option of having a physican who knows about steroids--and knows what to do--then I will be more than happy to do whatever is in the best interests of this Board and its good members. I hope you all had a great weekend.
I think that you should post some responses to members questions to show us that you are willing to put the time in and help. I know you have taken the time to get your Doctorate for that I respect you. But who knows if you maintained a C- all the way through that higher education? I think you are very knowledgable, but you need to show some before posting what you did. I thank you for offereing your services, not too many doctors would. I feel you should reply to some posts on here just to show that you are not all about CASH.

I hope I am not stepping out of my boundries here with the MODS and such. I am just stating my opinion.
Take care
hey can someone check out if this bro is legit or for real. those prices are high compared to street prices, but very low for HRT and if he was legit i would use him. i ask because im get my gear from HRT legally because the line of work im going into if i ever got caught braking law i will never get a job. so can someone see if hes for real. oh ya f i have insurance and have had blood work already done can i transfer results from a antiaging clinic to you DOC/SWALE to use to fill my script like how orthopedics share X rays to make a diagnosis.
What are charges and what not for blood work? This might be worth it as i am only an 2 hrs away and could use a doc for these things.
I'd heard this is where the highest percentage of elite athletes and knowledgeable Vets are, that is why I wanted to make sure to let you guys know what I am up to. I'm therefore not surprised by the reasonable and considerate nature of your responses to my "borderline" post (it's always better to work with pro's). Indeed, if my concept is going to catch on, it'll be because the Mods and Vets are behind it. Let me clear up a few points. First, I really mean it when I say I am not here to sell drugs. They are secondary to the general medical care I provide my patients, albeit a necessary component of keeping guys healthy while "on". My Consultation Fee does not make me enough to make this worthwhile financially. I am doing it because I REALLY believe conventional medicine has been giving steroid athletes the shaft from day one (yes, I'll be catching flak from my physician peers for saying that). To me, it's ridiculous for a patient to present with hypogonadism and high estrogen levels (which is what you have while cycling), yet refuse to treat him for it with medications. Hey, Pulmonologists don't condone smoking, yet do not hesitate to provide albuterol and Atrovent to combat the side effects of it! This situation is no different. Guys, I'm working my tail off trying to change the environment for AAS athletes. I'm also on my soapbox to make sure EVERY (outside 2 contraindications) man who desires the benefits of HRT may have it. That is why I charge so little for my Consults. To my thinking, that means this is not a commercial use of this Forum. The prices are where they are at because that is what I have to pay for them. That will change as my volume goes up. In fact, I have already been able to lower the prices twice. I promise to pass every penny of any savings on to the guys who are my patients. I know you guys have never seen anything like what I am proposing. I swear on my mother's eyes it is as real as a heart attack. If I EVER mislead anyone, or steal money from a patient, I will lose my Medical License. Those of you who know about such things will find relief in that. Guys, if this is going to work, I need your help. What you have here is a doctor who is willing--no, is FIRED UP--to fight to change things for you. I've got a lot of work to do ahead of me educating my peer physicians on how to properly care for steroid athletes (i.e. most don't even know what single LFT is necessary as a marker for steroid hepatotoxicity). This has got to become a common practice. I'm currently hard at work writing a lecture to take out on the circuit. Before I can, though, I have to attain "authority" status. That requires book learning (which I am doing with all the passion of a Residency in steroids) and, more importantly, the experience of working with literally HUNDREDS of athletes and men on HRT. That's why I need to have the steroid community solidly behind me. Check me out over on the Meso Board (which I consider "home"). The guys there will be happy to put in a good word for me. I can also provide testimonials from 2 of my patients. That is because they took it upon themselves to post on a couple other Boards about how much they like what I am doing for them (I can NEVER divulge a single fact about ANY patient to ANYBODY--not even to the insurance companies--without that patient's permission). Well, I've blathered on long enough. I promise I will check this Board out tonite, and will drop in 3 times per week from now on to see if I may be of any assistance to your good members by answering medical questions.

A few suggestions and observations.

NO flame meant just I really am trying to understand your train of thought.

You are a medical Dr. starting a new type of service.

MOST of the drugs you sell are easily available from well know companies here in the US who openly advertise they have them for sale.

ANd if you are dumb enough to import them with AS the govt usually will confiscate the AS which are schedule III drugs and send you the Clomid, Nolvadex and Arimidex so what service are you really providing that is not readily available?

Divide up your posts a little more, it will make them easier to read.
CROWLER, thank you for your comments. Sorry about the length of my replies, I'm just trying the best I can, with the time I have to work with, to get everything in.
It occurred to me that a lot of guys are sick of being scammed. A lot of guys wish they had a doctor who knew what to do, and would provide them with their ancillaries. A lot of guys need to stay away from the Black Market for professional reasons. I'm here to help "a lot of guys". I'm not for everyone, but I'm confidant I can help many. The prices are where they are at because that is what I have to pay for them. "A lot of guys" have them covered by insurance, so the price is a moot point. Also, these are ONLY FDA-approved medications (of course!) out of a pharmacy. No fakes, no inconsistent-assay, no risk of scamming. Guaranteed delivery--if I don't, I'll lose my Medical License. I'm going to stop at this point (learning my lessons).
I think your ideas and intentions are admirable. PERSONALLY, I and many others, can get real gear cheaper and chose that route.
I prefer to self administer my own doses as Ive learned what works for me and what doesnt. I use doses that could not be justified for HRT.
But thats not to say there is no place for your service for many other guys. And no doubt its a better rate than the rip-off rejuvanation outfits Ive seen.
Good luck with your plan and hope the future brings you success
with this area of work. Keep us posted.
Thanks, Mike

...I appreciate your comments. I think you summed it up pretty well. Yes, I'm not for everyone. But I can be a welcome answer for guys who are a good fit. And, I can smoke the other HRT operations out there. I've already picked up several patients from them. I'll just say there is a real lack of practical knowledge out there coming from these docs. A few weeks later, I have their patients tuned-up, happy and with thicker wallets to boot. Also, for my AAS patients, I do not waste time trying to argue about what does or does not work for them. Indeed, THEY are the ones who teach ME about this stuff!
I guess what I am looking for is a Doc to prescribe the actual AS. How about if we send you a saliva sample you test it for low TEST and if it is you send us a prescription for AS.

Can you do this?

I still do not understand your logic. You state that you are there for guys who can not go black market because of job etc.

Well why would they need the Ancilliaries if they never got the AS from the black market to begin with. It just does not make sense.

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