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Test E initial kick and sides, 2 weeks into in, nada


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 20, 2008
hypothetical situation of course...

Let's say a dude got some Test E from a VERY highly rated supplier, started it 2 weeks ago, 500mg/wk, would you think by now some libido kick and sides would start appearing, like sore nips and acne? In the past, dude has had bacne on test and sore nips relatively quickly, but last experience was with Sustanon, which will 'act' quicker, that's my understanding. Is it time to start thinking dude got some bunk from a supplier everyone raves about, or be patient, it takes time for test E to kick...
Give it another week or 2. Is he taking anything fir estro already. If he is, that that might explain the no libedo boost. Also could have frontloaded. Personally if I was gonna run 500mg every week I would split my frontload into 2wks. Like 750mg the 1st 2wks.
2 weeks isn't long enough to a lot of people to feel the effects of test e, especially at 500mg/wk. Give it a couple more weeks.
I don't think Gyno and Acne are side effects you should be looking for. I don't get acne and usually Gyno takes longer than two weeks to flare up. Libido, Strength, Lack of Fatigue, etc are all indicative of your products quality. Be patient, many people don't notice anything for 2 weeks anyways...
I let my test levels totaly depleate recently(not by choice) and when I started a new cycle, I frontloaded 750mg of test a week with tren and eq, with a bottle of prop, a gram of prop over 2 weeks and it still really took 3 weeks for the test to kick.
he would probably not get side effects; but some weight gain muscle fullness and better recovery definitely.
You will start to feel about 3 weeks onwards.
Ok, thanks for the info, i'll tell him:D

He has had acne on hrt levels of test, every form of test, so he 'expects' acne, unfortunately. Maybe this version of Test is higher quality and might not cause as much acne, unless acne is generated from hormone levels going bing bang boom
2 weeks is kinda short IMO .... and sides sometimes happen and sometimes dont

the only side I would be worried about is muscle gain, not acne, not headache ...
i can feel libido around 2 weeks more like the begining of week 3 not everyone does though. sides not for a while especialy acne.
im on some hg test e 500mg a week took 3 weeks for me to start waking up at night with boners.
2 weeks is kinda short IMO .... and sides sometimes happen and sometimes dont

the only side I would be worried about is muscle gain, not acne, not headache ...
Well yeah, who wants the sides, i just never have NOT had them
Test E for me was subtle at 400mg. It took almost 4 weeks to kick in, no libido increase at all even once it kicked, no acne, little water. But gained 12 lbs. I added Proviron in week 5 thinking I was binding too much test and it seems I was right. It changed the whole cycle dramatically for the better.

Test C, from the same supplier (here) and on a similar diet, is a different story at a LOWER dose. More like HRT+. Libido is better, recovery is better, no acne thank God, and gaining just fine.

Try Proviron. Ill never run a cycle without it now.
As others have said, it can depend greatly on the individual.

I have very low natural test levels, so I feel supraphysiological test very quickly. 500mg of omnas and I start getting increased sex drive within days. Test C at 500mg starts within 10 days, first through water gain/strength gain. My lifting buddy who has a very high natural level can do 750mg of Test C and not get anything for 3 weeks, but then just takes off. He likes to kick start his cycles with orals for that very reason.

If you know your body very well, it is easier to call a fake. I had 100 amps of fake Cidos (still am pissed about how much $ I lost on that one). Took 750mg for two weeks and lost a few pounds. Based on past experience, obvious fake, and soon it was all over the internet that that batch was indeed fake. The only downside about that period of waiting where you are unsure if what you have is real is the thought-- "if it IS fake, what the heck am I injecting into my body on weekly basis...."
As others have said, it can depend greatly on the individual.

I have very low natural test levels, so I feel supraphysiological test very quickly. 500mg of omnas and I start getting increased sex drive within days. Test C at 500mg starts within 10 days, first through water gain/strength gain. My lifting buddy who has a very high natural level can do 750mg of Test C and not get anything for 3 weeks, but then just takes off. He likes to kick start his cycles with orals for that very reason.

If you know your body very well, it is easier to call a fake. I had 100 amps of fake Cidos (still am pissed about how much $ I lost on that one). Took 750mg for two weeks and lost a few pounds. Based on past experience, obvious fake, and soon it was all over the internet that that batch was indeed fake. The only downside about that period of waiting where you are unsure if what you have is real is the thought-- "if it IS fake, what the heck am I injecting into my body on weekly basis...."

damn sorry about that luck bro, scary indeed!:eek:
realx brother...two weeks is too short for test e. 3-4 weeks..relax

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