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Thankyou DC!!!!!!


New member
Dec 7, 2003
Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know about the progress I'm making working with DC personally. I started working with him 6 weeks ago, and I did my first weigh in yesterday since starting. The day I began training with DC I was 187lbs. Ii thought I was decently sized! HA! Weighed in yesterday, 219lbs!!!!! 32 pounds in 6 weeks, AMAZING! I couldn't beleve it when I stepped on the scale. And even more incredible is that I am not holding that much water at all, and I feel and look leaner than I did before starting at 187! I can't wait to continue to grow. I just wanted to publically thank Dante for his help and guidance, and the incredible change he's made in my life and physique. Thankyou so much bro, and here comes 250, then 300!!!

what super sups you using..

those results are great
so was it DC or Dante that helped you :D

seriously, congrats

instynct999 said:
so was it DC or Dante that helped you :D

seriously, congrats

i think we're up for AYCE next weekend bro..

Those are amazing results!!!
Thanks bro's , when I stepped on the scale I was amazed myself, but I am a very dedicated trainer and follow everything he says to a T, and it proves that it definetly works, I can't wait till 300!
I have heard you talk about this on another board before..congrats..Had you ever taken anything before starting your training with DC..

I have watched what he has done with people before and the results are amazing..but I also notice that most of them are first time users. Although his program is effective at packing on tissue, if done correctly.
weight77:but I also notice that most of them are first time users

Doggcrapp:: really? where did you read that information because I sure as heck havent seen anyone on any forum say "well this is my first time on juice" anywhere.
That statement is absolutely false, most of the people I train are clean. The rest are advanced people (clean or enhanced) who are stuck and come to me. First time users? I wish--christ everyone would be gaining 75lbs with me and the before and after pictures would look ridiculous. Im thinking hard and I can only think of one guy in that "first time" category.
hey man! Whats the comotion? (sp?)

I wanna grow too!
I think he means that when they started the DC program, it was just like their first time. I know it was for me-->:D
I found the program.. I am going to give it a go. Since I am new to this program I will not do the rest-pauses at the momment. What rep range should I aim at? I am currently doing 4-6. Is this okay?
weight77:but I also notice that most of them are first time users

Doggcrapp:: really? where did you read that information because I sure as heck havent seen anyone on any forum say "well this is my first time on juice" anywhere.
That statement is absolutely false, most of the people I train are clean. The rest are advanced people (clean or enhanced) who are stuck and come to me. First time users? I wish--christ everyone would be gaining 75lbs with me and the before and after pictures would look ridiculous. Im thinking hard and I can only think of one guy in that "first time" category.

No disrespect intended..I am just looking at it as anybody would..baby said he put on 32lbs in 6 weeks and he looks leaner..either that is bull or he is using something (or a bit of both)..I dont care what anybody is doing nobody is puting on 32lbs of tissue in 6 weeks clean..it is just my observation of it..

ALSO You did post about your own clients on BeyondMass and you and I talked about it..so the comment I made before was not made up or false..
Weight77::No disrespect intended..I am just looking at it as anybody would..baby said he put on 32lbs in 6 weeks and he looks leaner..either that is bull or he is using something (or a bit of both)..I dont care what anybody is doing nobody is puting on 32lbs of tissue in 6 weeks clean..it is just my observation of it..

Doggcrapp:: no I wouldnt assume he is clean either but thats his business so IM not going to comment on it

Weight77::ALSO You did post about your own clients on BeyondMass and you and I talked about it..so the comment I made before was not made up or false..

Doggcrapp:: we talked about using heavy weights in training in one thread , and in another you commented that everyone I trained must be loaded to the hilt or something like that. I said "75% of the guys I train are clean and the guy who has gained the most mass with me in the shortest time was clean" and he was, with the same bodyfat--I have the pics 174lbs to 237lbs with the dates--5 months apart. He had previously been 200 I believe and got hurt and with no lifting and leaning out he went down to 174lbs. Can I duplicate that with others? No that is outrageous and he is an obvious mesomorph. I brought a local marine from 212 to 262 leaner in one year and he was a mesomorph also--and absolutely clean as a whistle. The tools I have to work are peoples genetics and I would be a fool if I said I could make anyone natural or enhanced gain 50-63lbs in one year--I cant, your talking about special genetics there. And I would be a liar if I said I every person I trained was clean.
----Nothing was ever said between us about "first time users"
--I know of one guy who I've personally trained who was a "first time user"---thats out of about 50 or 60 I estimate. Ive got a couple enhanced guys that are very advanced that have put on "only 10-15lbs" with me so it goes both ways. Thats usually because i have to keep on their ass to stop missing meals. This guy above didnt miss a meal in 6 plus weeks and went up on every exercise in every week (except he missed on one set in that whole time)--I say give him his due. My largest guy I train is 6'3 345lbs--I got about 3 other 300lbers and the rest are scattered from 200 to 290lbs somewhere---are all these guys first time users?
Congrats those are some amazing gains 32 pounds in 6 weeks in something to talk about...

I work with DC also, and have gone from an offseason weight of 250 to 280 in just over a year now...My weight gain came on fast, as I got as heavy as 287 (but was somewhat bloated at that weight, I was eating to much junk) and then as the year went on I have gotten much harder, and now I think im harder at 280-282 than I was at 250-252...


Im working on 250 as being my contest weight someday...LOL

Hopefully with Dante's help, my Screename will be Babygetoboy300!
Also, just to say, I didn't say whether I was clean or I was on. That is my personal business and I decide to keep it private. I came on here honestly just to tell everyone because I was so astounded with my gain, and am so happy and proud, and also to give props to DC for helping me. I am meticoulous with my training and eating and I dont' care how much you use or don't use, it all comes down to diet and training. I was eating 6 huge meals everyday, never missing one, eating exaclt how I should, and trianing exaclt yhow I should and making huge strength jumps. I am extremely proud of it, and think it shows how big a part diet is in the scheme of things. My genetics also allow for quick weight gain, so it is easier for me to put on weight then to diet down, but I don't appreciate it putting down my and DC's hard work and knowledge to get me to this point. I am so proud and happy. If I knew this would happen I would have never posted, I didn't come on here to post and show that i'm the best or the biggest or any of it, or to show I'm the best and lie about my gains. I eat hard, train hard and am very strict. And dante's programs work, point blank. Everything about gear use and whether I did or didn't is my business, and I appreciate my privacy.
babygetoboy said:
Everything about gear use and whether I did or didn't is my business, and I appreciate my privacy.


IMO I think with anthing there are always going to be people who will sit there and try to find any possiable reason to put someone else down or find falut with what they do or their methods or just plain don't belive things like that can happen. In my experance these people are usually the ones that are jelous because they're not getting the results they desire or don't have the passion and will power to do what it takes to get there.

Anthing is possiable (within reason) with a lot of hard work and effort!!

I'm starting with DC in a few days and can't wait, I'll keep you all posted with my results.

Great gains

Nice works 32lbs in tons in short time.

I have started DG program (on my own), i have used rest-pause in past, but now have put it into all of my training. 2 working sets per exercise. Started the streching which seems to be one of the keys to this program and more of most painful!

Also using his diet outline of course modified for myself/bodyweight cals etc... basicly doing 450-500g of protien/300g of carbs all by 1pm ( i train at 6am). Lots of good fats which does seem to keep me feeling full in evening. After 2 weeks i am very happy with results. Keeping cals bit low so i can lean out a bit, but process and engergy is good. Going to start a bulking in about 2 weeks with much higher doses of "supplements" as well. Looking forward to results.

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