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The anabolic response to protein ingestion during postexercise recovery has no upper limit in magnitude and duration in vivo in humans

You'd make an absolutely shredded corpse.

Y'know, silver lining and all that.
This is the problem we have with modern science. How many of us had a halt in progress the moment they added lot of carbs whole process move again. I did it so many times. Like always bro science over science.
P.s this is answer to a post above.
I've heard about these stories but we don't see athletes dying despite months of dieting where they consume little or no fats and carbs. Maybe people are saved because they eat vegetables, egg whites, some protein powders and white meat? They maybe also supplement with fish oil capsules.

Rabbit is much leaner than chicken? So why isn't it a more common meat among us? Could it be that rabbit has some particularity that makes it so toxic?
It’s not common at all because no one is just eating only boiled chicken breast day in day out for months even in a contest prep.
Who are these competitors that are doing this that you’re referring to?
Even so you’re getting more fat from chicken breast than rabbit.
Rabbit isn’t toxic. You’re too caught up on the name.
It’s a form of malnourishment.
Rabbit is leaner than chicken. Rabbit is one of the leanest protein sources.
This is the problem we have with modern science. How many of us had a halt in progress the moment they added lot of carbs whole process move again. I did it so many times. Like always bro science over science.
P.s this is answer to a post above.

I completely agree.

One of my pet peeves is when somebody or an entire group of people will share that something had a positive effect, and some scientific influencer will come along and tell them they're wrong.

For example back in 2016 when the MPS research was misinterpreted every little poindexter was running around telling actual serious bodybuilders that they were wrong for doing a bro split.

It's madness. People's experiences count and should not be so easily dismissed. We can't dismiss reality for theory.
It’s not common at all because no one is just eating only boiled chicken breast day in day out for months even in a contest prep.
Who are these competitors that are doing this that you’re referring to?
Even so you’re getting more fat from chicken breast than rabbit.
Rabbit isn’t toxic. You’re too caught up on the name.
It’s a form of malnourishment.
Rabbit is leaner than chicken. Rabbit is one of the leanest protein sources.
Even people like Mike Matarazzo used to basically eat meat only in the last stages of prep.
But we're talking about 6-7 lbs of semi-fat beef.
Even people like Mike Matarazzo used to basically eat meat only in the last stages of prep.
But we're talking about 6-7 lbs of semi-fat beef.
Yes the thing is the fat. They’re getting enough fat. Hes not eating the leanest protein source possible only. He’s also not doing it for months on end day in day out but even if he was the fatty acids will keep the protein starvation from happening
I learned this when I did carnivore over a year. You can eat as much protein as you can handle and not get fat. The issue is your body relies on protein to build, maintain and provide energy. Not really sustainable long term for our goals here.
It could happen to a human with any extremely lean protein source - egg whites, whey protein, white fish, etc. The reason you don't hear of it outside of survival tales is it typically takes months to harm the body and no bodybuilder is staying on that extreme of a contest diet for that long. Even if they push for 2-3 months, they likely still have fish oil and a cheat meal here or there aiding them.

Rabbit meat isn't common but whole rabbits can be found at specialty grocery stores in the US.

Personally I've always been disgusted by eating rabbit, don't ask me why, but I've never seen it in the diet of bodybuilders, I don't know why, maybe because is more expensive than chicken?

On the other hand, I was thinking about these explorers who got poisoned from eating hare. They were in an extreme weather situation which in itself is debilitating, they weren't lifting weights (so they were losing fat and muscle tissue from their calorie deficit), and they weren't drinking a gallon of water a day.

We know how important water is for releasing toxins and helping the kidneys and liver.

And as you said, even the most dedicated athletes will break the diet if their body is about to collapse.
Like with EAA's, there're Essential Fatty Acids your body can't synthesize on its own. Without them you can't last that much.

Also, could it be that the industrial chickens and turkeys we eat have some traces of fat that are not found in free-range hares?

And when we cook, let's pour in some oil.
Personally I've always been disgusted by eating rabbit, don't ask me why, but I've never seen it in the diet of bodybuilders, I don't know why, maybe because is more expensive than chicken?

On the other hand, I was thinking about these explorers who got poisoned from eating hare. They were in an extreme weather situation which in itself is debilitating, they weren't lifting weights (so they were losing fat and muscle tissue from their calorie deficit), and they weren't drinking a gallon of water a day.

We know how important water is for releasing toxins and helping the kidneys and liver.

And as you said, even the most dedicated athletes will break the diet if their body is about to collapse.
In a first world country it’d take a pretty concerted effort for it to happen.
It’s even more rare than iodine deficiency which is in modern times is pretty unheard of.
It doesn’t really take a lot of fats or carbs to keep it from happening.
John meadows dieted on eggwhites and ketchup and I’m sure he didn’t feel great but he was fine for the weeks he did it.
Personally I've always been disgusted by eating rabbit, don't ask me why, but I've never seen it in the diet of bodybuilders, I don't know why, maybe because is more expensive than chicken?

On the other hand, I was thinking about these explorers who got poisoned from eating hare. They were in an extreme weather situation which in itself is debilitating, they weren't lifting weights (so they were losing fat and muscle tissue from their calorie deficit), and they weren't drinking a gallon of water a day.

We know how important water is for releasing toxins and helping the kidneys and liver.

And as you said, even the most dedicated athletes will break the diet if their body is about to collapse.

Actual rabbit starvation is rarely seen. It occurs when the body hasn't enough bodyfat left to survive. That takes a long time of eating nothing but extremely lean protein.

What is usually reported as rabbit starvation/protein poisoning however is more like what you said extreme weather, unsanitary conditions etc

Actual rabbit starvation via low bodyfat is extremely rare and very often just mistakenly reported when it's actually death by other causes.
Obviously I'm beating a dead horse here because everyone on this forum knows this...

...but back to protein requirements. Just reaffirms what actual bodybuilders have been saying for decades. 1.5 to 2g/lb is the way forward:

Dr. Scott talks about the Study in the recent Episode on Muscle Minds (starts around 10 mins in)

Can some one else extrapolate what @homonunculus is saying here? I'm just more confused lol.

Would starting protein synthesis with 30g EAA immediately PWO, then 50g hydrowhey, then 50g whey iso, then 50g casein be "optimal"?

Obviously made that above up but trying to piece together his thoughts.
Man bodybuilding is such a simplistic sport but people really try to over complicate things.
Man bodybuilding is such a simplistic sport but people really try to over complicate things.
Yeah I try and get as much protein in around workouts as I can digest. So EAA intra, whey iso shack with a high protein meal. Definitely more than 100gr of protein as simple as possible. Done this long before the study came out.
Can some one else extrapolate what @homonunculus is saying here? I'm just more confused lol.

Would starting protein synthesis with 30g EAA immediately PWO, then 50g hydrowhey, then 50g whey iso, then 50g casein be "optimal"?

Obviously made that above up but trying to piece together his thoughts.
IMO this is way over kill maybe nab some bcaa and waxy maize (pre/intra) workout but if you’re eating 5-7 times a day solid clean food you won’t need extra anything over the day imo maybe that bump during training but I’ve tried the crazy and got nothing more than I got from clean food all day 6-7 days a week.
IMO this is way over kill maybe nab some bcaa and waxy maize (pre/intra) workout but if you’re eating 5-7 times a day solid clean food you won’t need extra anything over the day imo maybe that bump during training but I’ve tried the crazy and got nothing more than I got from clean food all day 6-7 days a week.
Why would anyone still use BCAA when EAA's are available everywhere?
IMO this is way over kill maybe nab some bcaa and waxy maize (pre/intra) workout but if you’re eating 5-7 times a day solid clean food you won’t need extra anything over the day imo maybe that bump during training but I’ve tried the crazy and got nothing more than I got from clean food all day 6-7 days a week.
why would it be overkill to have a huge protein feeding post workout?
I drink my inta (40g cyclic dextrin, 20g clear whey, gluta, leucin...), then come home, take my mixer and put in 800ml water, 8 icecubes, a bit xanthan, 5 scoops whey and mix it to the most delicious shake on earth and 30min later i have a whole food meal consisting of 300g meat
since i do that my recovery is top notch even when cutting
why would it be overkill to have a huge protein feeding post workout?
I drink my inta (40g cyclic dextrin, 20g clear whey, gluta, leucin...), then come home, take my mixer and put in 800ml water, 8 icecubes, a bit xanthan, 5 scoops whey and mix it to the most delicious shake on earth and 30min later i have a whole food meal consisting of 300g meat
since i do that my recovery is top notch even when cutting
if it’s working then it’s not overkill

Who cares if you’re not utilizing 100%

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