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The s*** people try…


Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Jan 26, 2013
My mom sent me this link - apparently it’s making the rounds in her social circle, everyone is buying this to ward off heart problems they deem to be stemming from COVID, or the C19 v’ines.

I’m not taking a stance in anyway on that topic with this post, just setting context

Look at this shit. $150/bottle. Ingredients far underdosed, and hawking phytonutrients and anti-oxidents… a random non-stem pre workout has more efficacious doses of agmatine, arginine, and citruline, and you can get the rest of the label from a bit of fruit/veg in the diet.

I just hate when people take advantage of old people
My mom sent me this link - apparently it’s making the rounds in her social circle, everyone is buying this to ward off heart problems they deem to be stemming from COVID, or the C19 v’ines.

I’m not taking a stance in anyway on that topic with this post, just setting context

Look at this shit. $150/bottle. Ingredients far underdosed, and hawking phytonutrients and anti-oxidents… a random non-stem pre workout has more efficacious doses of agmatine, arginine, and citruline, and you can get the rest of the label from a bit of fruit/veg in the diet.

I just hate when people take advantage of old people

oh my gosh that would be woefully underdosed, if it did anything at all. It seems with supplements there is the "bodybuilding level" rip off products which is where you have the more catered to bbers, athletes, etc. group. It's product that may have some positive aspect, may have a decent (or not) dose, and just all around may have some application even if the ads are ludacrious.

Then you have the true mainstream "advertised on espn" products. The ones with frank thomas and Shaq advertise where they talk about how they feel young and their bbc is finally erect. Look at the doses and ingredients https://www.gnc.com/testosterone-su...mKU--P3yQHB4DHisqChoC1z4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

That's the stuff that is just...I mean...beyond what you'd think could even pass as a placebo.
We are living through the golden age of fraud.

You dont need to get onto the internet, turn the tv on, or leave your house to find out.

Everyone alive should be able to see this for themselves.

Sad stuff man. But gullible people… it’s not even their fault, really. It’s just ignorance coupled with trust.
I fell for it 25+ years ago when I was a teen. Fuckers made me believe if I took them pills I’d look like a massive monster! I was just ignorant! That’s exactly what these supplement companies are banking on too!

Social media makes it worse cause it’ll travel so far so fast. These “influencers” though add to it by touting that it works to gets their clicks…. When I was susceptible it was only visible through muscle magazines.

My mom sent me this link - apparently it’s making the rounds in her social circle, everyone is buying this to ward off heart problems they deem to be stemming from COVID, or the C19 v’ines.

I’m not taking a stance in anyway on that topic with this post, just setting context

Look at this shit. $150/bottle. Ingredients far underdosed, and hawking phytonutrients and anti-oxidents… a random non-stem pre workout has more efficacious doses of agmatine, arginine, and citruline, and you can get the rest of the label from a bit of fruit/veg in the diet.

I just hate when people take advantage of old people

with the shit ppl spend on pre workouts how many btls of cialis can you buy?
never understood the point.
I fell for it 25+ years ago when I was a teen. Fuckers made me believe if I took them pills I’d look like a massive monster! I was just ignorant! That’s exactly what these supplement companies are banking on too!

Social media makes it worse cause it’ll travel so far so fast. These “influencers” though add to it by touting that it works to gets their clicks…. When I was susceptible it was only visible through muscle magazines.

This. I can sit here and say, in my opinion, there is nothing on this earth that comes from a supplement company that would make me look better or heathier if I used it, than I am without it.
This. I can sit here and say, in my opinion, there is nothing on this earth that comes from a supplement company that would make me look better or heathier if I used it, than I am without it.
My only pushback is TUDCA 😂.

Completely agree man. Hell, even my iso/EAA/HBCD intra can be swapped for real food, honey, etc - it’s just a convenience thing, and if money got tight, I’d dump that and probably look identical lol
My only pushback is TUDCA 😂.

Completely agree man. Hell, even my iso/EAA/HBCD intra can be swapped for real food, honey, etc - it’s just a convenience thing, and if money got tight, I’d dump that and probably look identical lol
That reminds me of astragalus, I use it so maybe I believe in one but I wouldn't bet money that my creatinine would go up if I stopped taking lol

Yeah I think the question is, if you ask yourself....it you stopped using those supplements you listed and kept everything else the same and replaced calories with food, would you look any worse? Would a dexa scan show any loss in muscle? Lol
I fell for it 25+ years ago when I was a teen. Fuckers made me believe if I took them pills I’d look like a massive monster! I was just ignorant! That’s exactly what these supplement companies are banking on too!

Social media makes it worse cause it’ll travel so far so fast. These “influencers” though add to it by touting that it works to gets their clicks…. When I was susceptible it was only visible through muscle magazines.

I fell for that Cybergenics nonsense back in the early 90s and this is not really a new phenomenon like that link in the OP. Always a hustler trying to make a buck and nowadays hustling on the old folks crosses a line to me.
Fraud was probably easier pre internet. Things are much easier to look up these days. Although deer antler still seems to sell.

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