I just wanted to let you guys know that I have really enjoyed my time here, and that I have undoubtedly learned more here than anywhere else on the internet about bbing. This is a great place for someone like me, even though I feel that sometimes I don't have as much to offer as some of the more experienced people on this board. In any case, I just wanted to say thanks to everybody, and that I have enjoyed talking to all of you during my time here. Some might accuse me of post whoring, but that's okay... I like to talk about bbing, and never claimed to be an authority. I won't be able to spend as much time on here after the end of august because of certain things, but I won't be gone, that's for sure. The attached picture is about how I feel around you guys most of the time, since I'm not a large man, yet, but just like this little guy, I'm training anyways. Thanks for reading,