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Dec 10, 2009
i heard this term tonight when watching a bodybuilding video......could someone explain this term......how do you get it......how do you get rid of it.....havent heard of it before.....thanks for your help
ha ha was it an MD video with G. Farah? anyways sometimes during the carb up period before a show, guys are pushing so much food that the bellie pretty much stays full and distented with so much food, sometimes its better to eat smaller more frequent meals over a longer period of time to avoid this. of course this is just one version of distension :cool:
ha ha was it an MD video with G. Farah? anyways sometimes during the carb up period before a show, guys are pushing so much food that the bellie pretty much stays full and distented with so much food, sometimes its better to eat smaller more frequent meals over a longer period of time to avoid this. of course this is just one version of distension :cool:

YES - that was the video.....thanks for your reply
My Distention

Last year I screwed up my math and way over dosed my peptides amd GH. I had a huge belly. Not fat but it really stuck out. My wife told me I looked terrible. I dropped the peptides and gh, took a very mild diuretic and slowly it went away. Too much test or similar AAS can also lead to bloating.

It's very common and looks terrible IMHO

I also remember reading that long term, high dose GH use can cause your organs to grow and make your belly stick out. Many of the pros look pregnant. Also IMHO. And many say it's from GH. I dunno.
I though gh gut and distention were two different things. I have never used slin but thought it caused distention in your lower abdomin and is permanent. Don't know for sure though.
I though gh gut and distention were two different things. I have never used slin but thought it caused distention in your lower abdomin and is permanent. Don't know for sure though.

slin causes fat to be stored in and around your organs and can cause the distended abdomen, that's why you can still see a six pack because the subq fat storage is zip but theres a lot of fat behind the abdominal wall. also the organ growth from high dose GH is suspect as well.
ha ha was it an MD video with G. Farah? anyways sometimes during the carb up period before a show, guys are pushing so much food that the bellie pretty much stays full and distented with so much food, sometimes its better to eat smaller more frequent meals over a longer period of time to avoid this. of course this is just one version of distension :cool:

another version is beer gut or truck drivers belly,but theyre all the same thing, think of it like camel humps, in our evolution our gut was programmed with feast and famine. When a big kill came along people ate like pigs for days, even weeks, even seasonal feasts, summer fall, our gut expands to meet the demand, then shrinks down after. i dont mean belly fat i mean, the intestine gets larger(wider) when systematically packed with food day after day over time.
slin causes fat to be stored in and around your organs and can cause the distended abdomen, that's why you can still see a six pack because the subq fat storage is zip but theres a lot of fat behind the abdominal wall. also the organ growth from high dose GH is suspect as well.
I have had more then one doctor tell me its fat under the muscle. they said its the last to go and the hardest to get rid of.
I though gh gut and distention were two different things. I have never used slin but thought it caused distention in your lower abdomin and is permanent. Don't know for sure though.

i thought the same as well ...

i know when i tried slin for a month my stomach strated to get bigger, i thought it was from eating too much though ...

months later now and its just abpout back to normal ...
I have had more then one doctor tell me its fat under the muscle. they said its the last to go and the hardest to get rid of.

I have also heard that visceral fat (fat inside abdominal cavity protecting organs) is the last to go and the only effective way to reduce it is cardio. So perhaps guys who don't do much cardio have a difficult time getting rid of it/
I have also heard that visceral fat (fat inside abdominal cavity protecting organs) is the last to go and the only effective way to reduce it is cardio. So perhaps guys who don't do much cardio have a difficult time getting rid of it/

it's the last to go because it's survival instinct for the body to keep it, it IS protecting your vital organs and your body doesn't want to lose that protection. caloric restriction will eventually force your body to utilize that fat.
it's the last to go because it's survival instinct for the body to keep it, it IS protecting your vital organs and your body doesn't want to lose that protection. caloric restriction will eventually force your body to utilize that fat.

I read something different. Supposedly it's the first to go because of the excellent blood flow to the area and the amount of beta-2 receptors present which are very sensitive to lipolytic stimuli.
Some of us already have a somewhat natural distended belly. The way my lower back is arched so much, it causes my stomach to stick out more.
I read something different. Supposedly it's the first to go because of the excellent blood flow to the area and the amount of beta-2 receptors present which are very sensitive to lipolytic stimuli.

you may be right, because i've only heard that it was harder to lose, more broscience because i haven't read any literature directly regarding visceral fat loss. I recant and digress.
Before ORD when igf became very popular, I did back to back cycles of gropep igf and my gut was sticking out like a basketball. Guys at work would always poke at it. I had very low body fat and was very muscular but the gut was very prominent. Once I dropped the igf, I'd say it took 2 months before my belly went back to normal. For this reason I don't touch the stuff for muscle growth. Maybe just for repair in small increments if I try it again.
Heavy squats and deads thickened my stomach to the point it sticks out farther than my chest even with abs showing.
Different things can cause a distented stomach its not always drug/peptide related
Never heard of that.

think of it like this the muscles of the midsection grow from the strain put on it from the heavy weights just like the rest of the body. The good thing is when you diet down you have some thick abs to show off
that makes sense. do you do any kind of ab work besides heavy compound movements?
I dont do any direct ab work at all.My abs grow to easy now and are my best responding bodypart. Same thing with forearms,they get enough indirect work to grow very well.

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