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Thia life is fragile. Had Bilateral pulmonary embolism

animal eater

Active member
May 20, 2008
I am lucky to be alive and well. Two days after a long international plane ride, 4 hours of which my daughter fell asleep on my lap, I was at a party and started feeling pretty lousy.

First off I do not drink, never done silly amountsof AAS and in my 41 years have never been in a hospital as a patient. After feeling pain in my upper back, then in my lower chest (right side actually) and could not sleep at all, I decided to call a friend who was in town visiting and who's father is also a cardiologist. Lucky I did as it may have saved my life. They made a few calls and got me into the hospital ASAP where a battery of test including x-rays, ultra sounds and CT where performed pronto. My heart rate was double what it normally was and BP was way beyond normal.

The Cat Scan revealed I had a bilateral pulmonary embolism. Not good, infact after heart attacks if it isn't quickly diagnosed it is the second highest instant killers in man. The good news was that I had an incredible team looking after me and because I was as fit as I was, my body was able to hang on. The down side is I had 5 days of injections and will be on blood thinners (warfrin) for the next 6 months. Now I actually have to watch myself when I shave or it can get ugly.

In the weeks to come I will test to see if it is genetic, blood pressure related or just a completely fluke thing that occured because of a 14 hour plane flight with a six year old sleeping on my lap. I flew back across the world today and feel ok. I must start work tomorrow and next week will resume some light training.

For the first time in my life I feel very very mortal in deed and I dont like it.
i hate seeing stuff like this, thank god your ok bro. i have never had any heart related issues, but thanks to some guys on here like maldorf who do a great job of educating us how fragile such things are i definatley take measures to protect my heart that i wouldnt had i not found this board.

have you had any past blood pressure problems? do you supplement with the typical heart stuff (aspirin, q10, etc?) ?

glad your ok just reading this stuff is scary.
i hate seeing stuff like this, thank god your ok bro. i have never had any heart related issues, but thanks to some guys on here like maldorf who do a great job of educating us how fragile such things are i definatley take measures to protect my heart that i wouldnt had i not found this board.

have you had any past blood pressure problems? do you supplement with the typical heart stuff (aspirin, q10, etc?) ?

glad your ok just reading this stuff is scary.

Thanks for your kind words. Normally my BP would sit near 120-70. When they did test on lungs and heart they were totally fine which was a relief. Again it may have been a freak one off that can happen with long airline trips and having a little one lying on your lap.

I think I will find the anxiety related to the situation more challanging then the physical part. Hell one in three who experience this stuff die from it and I was discharged the same day. Someone was looking after me.
I'm happy for you and your family that you caught it in time. A lot of guys just ignore pains which would have proved deadly in your case. Take care of yourself!!!
God bless man...

I'm glad you are doing okay now. Stories like this are always stories we think only happen to other people.

I also hate hearing stories like this but am very glad you were smart and went and got it checked out.

Many people, especially men, don't!!

Enjoy your 4th of July weekend brother!
i could see the long flight with air pressure but, can you explain what the child on lap has to do with it? cutting off your circulation to legs?
Thanks for all the kind words fellows. I am often a bit guilty of shrugging off pain and thinking it will go away. For some reason a voice inside me said check it out.

To answer the question about the child on my lap, the thinking is that blood flow was compromised and may off added to a lack of proper blood flow.
I am very happy to hear that you are ok and that you didn't ignore the signs.

Can I ask if there is or was anything, at all, in your recent bloodwork that in looking back COULD have been a sign? Or was everything perfect with your blood panel? I am wondering about the possibility of hematocrit levels, etc..

In situations like this it is always good not only to get the word out to people that things like this can happen but to see if there were any signs that were missed to that point. Thanks bro for any input.

I am very happy to hear that you are ok and that you didn't ignore the signs.

Can I ask if there is or was anything, at all, in your recent bloodwork that in looking back COULD have been a sign? Or was everything perfect with your blood panel? I am wondering about the possibility of hematocrit levels, etc..

In situations like this it is always good not only to get the word out to people that things like this can happen but to see if there were any signs that were missed to that point. Thanks bro for any input.

Skip, to be honest, my blood work has always been quite good. Creatinine levels always on higher side of normal due to increased protein and muscle mass but still not anything that raised any flags. In the middle of the event itself my white blood cells were altered but this was more a less a fight or flight response. I have recently found out that both my father and brother are on bp meds. I have been under lots of work stress recently but this in and of itself shouldn't cause such a spiking of BP.

As mentioned earlier, sometimes people can have a genetic disposition to this and therefore I will have additional genetic testing done in the week to come. I am glad that my hear rate is back into the 60's because let me tell you lying down and seeing 135 coming up is no fun at all.

I have always had a relatively high testosterone levels for someone who has done damn near no anabolics. One thing I read which may or may not be bullshit is that higher test levels often result in thicker blood. I did feel someone relieved then multiple doctors said that I was in better shape in terms of how my body was fighting if off then anyone they have seen with a bilateral pulmonary embolism. In this case additional lung and heart function along with more than average muscle mass may of saved my ass.

My doctor also noted that as long as my heart rate is back to normal then I should be fine to exercise. I still have a bit of hesitation to return to the numbers that I am accustomed to lifting. I think I might just back things off for a bit. Better safe then sorry.
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god bless you! and wish you the best, and hope you stay positive, and continue to live a happy normal life!
. Now I actually have to watch myself when I shave or it can get ugly.

In the weeks to come I will test to see if it is genetic, blood pressure related or just a completely fluke thing that occured because of a 14 hour plane flight with a six year old sleeping on my lap. I flew back across the world today and feel ok. I must start work tomorrow and next week will resume some light training.

For the first time in my life I feel very very mortal in deed and I dont like it.

Hopefully Im sure they did a CBC. WHat was your hemoglobin/hematocrit? AAS will raise those quite a bit and can be a danger even at low doses. My hemoglobin is now 19 just from being on HRT with 120 mg/wk. Im now getting phlebotomies.

THat coumadin, Warfarin, isnt bad at all man! Im on it for life now. Yeah, ill be taking it till the day I die. I have not suffered as much as a bruise while on it and dont bleed that bad at all. YOull not even know youre on it. I take 6mg/day and my INR is to be between 2 and 3.

You truly are lucky that you escaped with your life. I agree that it was your being proactive about how you felt that saved you. Good thing you didnt try to "tough it out".

PS, as you probably know, it was a blood clot that nearly killed me 2 years ago with a heart attack.
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Well, I just walked through the doors of my gym an hour ago ( I own and operate) and feel pretty good. Took BP for the hell of it and it read 125/75. All things considered, I am pretty lucky. My doctor said as long as heart rate is normal - no takicardia sp? then it is ok to train. Again I will have to put the ego aside and take it easy for a while.

Have any of you out there had a bilateral and if so what was the damage/ recovery like for you?
Hopefully Im sure they did a CBC. WHat was your hemoglobin/hematocrit? AAS will raise those quite a bit and can be a danger even at low doses. My hemoglobin is now 19 just from being on HRT with 120 mg/wk. Im now getting phlebotomies.

THat coumadin, Warfarin, isnt bad at all man! Im on it for life now. Yeah, ill be taking it till the day I die. I have not suffered as much as a bruise while on it and dont bleed that bad at all. YOull not even know youre on it. I take 6mg/day and my INR is to be between 2 and 3.

You truly are lucky that you escaped with your life. I agree that it was your being proactive about how you felt that saved you. Good thing you didnt try to "tough it out".

PS, as you probably know, it was a blood clot that nearly killed me 2 years ago with a heart attack.[/QUOT

Fortunately both hemoglobin and hematocrit are both within healthy normal range. The more I examine and the cardiologist does the same, the more I think it may of been a freak travel thing. I must confess I fealt a bit uneasy getting on a plane for 14 hours yesterday. But knowing that I was on Warafin and having a valium as well calmed me down and I arrived in one peace. All things considered, I don't want this experience again.

Also, I am not on AAS so that wouldn't of been an issue.
Fortunately both hemoglobin and hematocrit are both within healthy normal range. The more I examine and the cardiologist does the same, the more I think it may of been a freak travel thing. I must confess I fealt a bit uneasy getting on a plane for 14 hours yesterday. But knowing that I was on Warafin and having a valium as well calmed me down and I arrived in one peace. All things considered, I don't want this experience again.

Also, I am not on AAS so that wouldn't of been an issue.

Travel can do that for sure. It does happen. That's a very long flight. Good to know youre hct/hgb are normal. THe docs should test you for clotting disorders. Things like factor 5 and prothrombin disorder. These are genetic and can be tested for. I have prothrombin disorder it turns out and I know Emeric on here has factor 5. We are both on coumadin. Have them run the tests. Its a test run on the clotting cascade, and if certain things look abnormal, they will run genetic tests.
Travel can do that for sure. It does happen. That's a very long flight. Good to know youre hct/hgb are normal. THe docs should test you for clotting disorders. Things like factor 5 and prothrombin disorder. These are genetic and can be tested for. I have prothrombin disorder it turns out and I know Emeric on here has factor 5. We are both on coumadin. Have them run the tests. Its a test run on the clotting cascade, and if certain things look abnormal, they will run genetic tests.

It is all in the works maldorf. We will get to the bottom of this. I told my wife it takes more than a bilateral PE to keep me down.;)
It is all in the works maldorf. We will get to the bottom of this. I told my wife it takes more than a bilateral PE to keep me down.;)

Yep, what doesnt kill you make you stronger. I am a stronger man emotionally and spiritually now than ever. You are here for a reason. If it were your time youd not be here right now chatting with us. I hope that you get those tests run and get some answers soon so you can at least know what went wrong. Even if you test positive for something, you will feel some relief. Not knowing is the hardest thing to deal with IMO.
WOW, pretty scary stuff. It goes to show just how mortal we really are. I am very pleased to hear you have come out the other side bro. You read your body very well and acted fast. That is what saved your ass. Had you ignored the signs, well we won't go there. Let's just say it is a pleasure to have you here among us all. Take good care bro and be safe!
I would also be interested to know your hematocrit. Even if it was within normal range, a high normal range with some mild dehydration could easily put you into a possibly dangerous range. I have seen my hematocrit climb several points from mild dehydration that I wasn't even aware of.

Also, would you be ok with sharing some detailed information on your AAS use?
WOW, pretty scary stuff. It goes to show just how mortal we really are. I am very pleased to hear you have come out the other side bro. You read your body very well and acted fast. That is what saved your ass. Had you ignored the signs, well we won't go there. Let's just say it is a pleasure to have you here among us all. Take good care bro and be safe!

Thanks oldfella. Good to be here. It is a good lesson to the rest of the gang. Sometimes you have got to be in tune with what is normal within your own body. The problem is that as people who train hard and are more often a bit sore and dinged up more often then the general population, it can be hard to distinguish the two especially when you are an older harder training 41 year old bastard like me.
I would also be interested to know your hematocrit. Even if it was within normal range, a high normal range with some mild dehydration could easily put you into a possibly dangerous range. I have seen my hematocrit climb several points from mild dehydration that I wasn't even aware of.

Also, would you be ok with sharing some detailed information on your AAS use?

Hemacrit was dead center normal reading. Off of memory I think it was 47 0r 48 when refrence was something like 42-52 as normal.

As far as past history, it isn't even worth mentioning. A few prohormone cycles ages ago and one Dr. prescribed sust/ deca cycle a few years ago which alievated an injury that chiro, physio, coritisone, etc didn't fix. As I had done research and though deca might help I mentioned to Dr. while of course insisting if I was taking deca that test was a must to compliment. Hell that only was a 8 or 9 weeker.

As stated before my normal test has always been high for someone my age so I figure why bother pushing the envelope. I am strong but will never ever have the genetics to be a top competor of any type. I figure that averaging between 200-2o5 at around 8-10 percent bf is good enough. If I get any bigger, the wife complains that my legs chafe, I lose my neck and look more like a meathead then an athlete. Just goes to show you, you can't please everyone.:(

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