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Think I tore my ham


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Kilo Klub Member
Apr 9, 2012
before anything, I am trying to get see my doctor but I MIGHT not be able to because I decided to pursue a different job and have to go back to studying.

doing stiff leg DB DL, felt a rubber band feeling popping in my ham, dropped the weights and layed on incline bench.

No bruising, can bend it, can walk (well limp), been icing it and taking anti-inflammatory. If I accidentally flex my ham it hurts, I can do standing leg curl (no weights) but it'll hurt 2 to 3 out of 10. If I try to do liss cardio (walking) after a few steps it starts hurting (few days ago, haven't tired it again yet).

Thoughts? Recovery time duration?

I think it should be okay for me to hit upper body as long as I'm not standing, or using my legs as a "strong base". Right?

P.S. I'm mid fucking cycle. Fucking fucking fuck me!
Upper body should be ok, just be careful even loading plates on a bar/machine and where you place load on your leg. I would probably stay away from dumbbells, ie: picking up weight and walking to a bench, then sitting to perform set. Take your time
From what you described I doubt you seriously tore it. Ive had just what you described happen to me 3 times in the last 10 years. One was pretty bad, the other 2 times I was ok within a week. The bad one bruised me from my ass cheek to my calf. I was hooked up to a harness doing a car pull.
Upper body should be ok, just be careful even loading plates on a bar/machine and where you place load on your leg. I would probably stay away from dumbbells, ie: picking up weight and walking to a bench, then sitting to perform set. Take your time

Ya that's what I'm thinking. I have a day to make up but I don't know what to do for cardio. Swimming? My gym doesn't have a swimming pool, I'll try to do bike to see how it'll be.

From what you described I doubt you seriously tore it. Ive had just what you described happen to me 3 times in the last 10 years. One was pretty bad, the other 2 times I was ok within a week. The bad one bruised me from my ass cheek to my calf. I was hooked up to a harness doing a car pull.

Oh man I'm really sorry to hear about that. What did you do during that one week to help recovery? And how long did the other one take to recover from?
Doing back exercises can be A real challenge. Bracing with your legs.
I could not do back for A year when a Ripped mine off. But my injury was a total Rip off the glute.
just make due with what you can do, and be more careful in the future.

I would advise against cardio.. as you are trying to heal... not make things worse.
Ya that's what I'm thinking. I have a day to make up but I don't know what to do for cardio. Swimming? My gym doesn't have a swimming pool, I'll try to do bike to see how it'll be.

Can you find a hand crank machine? What are they called? It all arms, seated. What about a rowing machine but again just bent legs and all arm pulls?

I would get some bpc 157 too. Studies were done where they surgically cut a mouse`s hamstring and healing was crazy fast vs no bpc.
It also sounds like some more attention to mobility work would be good for you as well. If there's no bruising youre pretty safe..
Keep stretching your hams, calves and butt. Doesn't sound like a bad tear. Go easy for a little while. Half intensity workouts are better than injuring further and doing no workouts.
ya I did arms today and it's weird not using one of your legs to stabilize but like we all agree, a lighter workout is better no workout at all. I'm just going to do more reps more slowly and pause and stretch on all of them.

I didn't know how long I should wait before stretching it. I should be safe from today, right?
How much pain are you in? 1-10?

I don't think stretching would hurt a tear unless the tear was very significant and acutely inflamed. The amount of force needed to create a tear is greater than the force created when your stretching yourself. However, if their is a ton of pain than there is a ton of inflammation and it would be counter productive to stretch. But if it is feeling better than stretching would increase blood flow and tissue repair.

You can't go wrong with icing and rest until you see a doc though. They would need imaging such as cat scan, MRI or ultrasound to see if it were torn for certain and may just tell you to rest and take antiinflammatories and if it doesn't heal than get imaging.

Protein digesting enzymes, proteiolytic enzymes, eaten on an empty stomach are supposed to be good for muscle and connective tears as well.
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No bruising, can bend it, can walk

That's the opposite of when I tore mine my freshman year in college. My leg swelled to 2x size, turned black, purple, blue, yellow, couldn't put any weight on it. Heck, I couldn't even sit upright. Even after surgery, and this is in 1984, it still was never right.
So I went to a specialist and I've torn my calf...out of all the places. Since the calf is attached to the hamstring that is the reason I felt it pop.

But I did cardio today (just walking) afterward I took a shower and I guess I was standing on my leg for too long because my hamstring on my injured leg started tightening up really bad.

Also I told him about having both my labrums torn...he did a few physical tests and then flexibility and was shocked that they are actually torn. He said to keep working out my rotater cuff and stay flexible and I should be good to go.

So I guess the lesson in also this, is to always stretch like a mother fucker, I didn't do it intensely for 2 days and my shit got all fucked up.
I had a partial tear years ago from playing softball.

Lots of pain with some bleeding. Took a full week off then upper body only about 7 weeks.

Slowly got back to doing legs. It wasn't a terrible experience. Pain was the worst part.
Ya man. Keep yourself stretched out. Roll your foot over a tennis ball. Stretch the calves and hammies. Get a foam roller. Hope you heal quick.

Did they say how bad the tear was?

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