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Tired of training and running AAS


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Anybody ever get tired and burnt out of training and tired of running AAS? I'm going through one of those stages right now, it usually happens to me once or twice a year.
I feel burnt out from training quite regularly but i train DC Style and that's 1 of the reasons there's a DC Cruise. I usually take a week completely off from the gym and halfway through that week, i'm dying to get back in there again!
I get burnt out on the efforts of prepairing the meals here lately (last 6 months) but I love the training and learning.

I feel realy shitty if I miss more than 3-4 days in a row
I get burnt out on the efforts of prepairing the meals here lately (last 6 months) but I love the training and learning.

I feel realy shitty if I miss more than 3-4 days in a row

thats one of the things that burns me out the most is prepping meals and eating on scheadule. thats why in my off training times, i eat whatever and whenever i want. Ill throw like 3 shakes in and the rest is fair game..... helps me want to get back to making meals and knowing exactly whats going in my body.
The eating gets to be more wearing than anything. That and like I stated in a thread once the dishes. Otherwise I know it is time to take a break when I have more than one bad workout in a week. That or I start to really not want to train. Take a week off and usually good to go from there.

I will agree with gunsmith with that more than 2-4 days and I start to soften up, really only noticable to me, and put on fat. This usually triggers the eye of the tiger again.
I do think the eating and prepping of meals gets old but it's just part of it. I never get tired of training... NEVER. Shit, i wish I could train all day everyday and progressively get stronger...I hate off days. I am 26, still somewhat young in the 'game' but been training for 10 years super consistantly, so maybe that's why i dont ever feel burnt out,,, but I still honestly can't wait to get to the gym everyday.
Been clean for a year so can't speak on the aas part of it, miss the consistant gains, but that's about it. It's a little harder now, but f*ck it, mind over matter.
I do think the eating and prepping of meals gets old but it's just part of it. I never get tired of training... NEVER. Shit, i wish I could train all day everyday and progressively get stronger...I hate off days. I am 26, still somewhat young in the 'game' but been training for 10 years super consistantly, so maybe that's why i dont ever feel burnt out,,, but I still honestly can't wait to get to the gym everyday.
Been clean for a year so can't speak on the aas part of it, miss the consistant gains, but that's about it. It's a little harder now, but f*ck it, mind over matter.

Great mentality to have!!
^ x2 I agree

you seem like a great level-headed guy w8tlifterty
Thanks for the compliments guys! I have matured over the years for sure. Use to be very one-sided, not very 'balanced' so to speak. I lived and breathed bodybuilding. I somewhat lost my way somewhere along the path. Stopped having fun and truly enjoying why I originally got into this... Now, l just do it for myself again, and I forgot just how much i love everything that goes into this lifestyle. I am much healthier than in the past and also currently damn near strength levels i had when "on". At a lesser body weight to boot... I just push it to the max and try and listen to my body, and having lots of fun doing it. :D
I agree about the food being the worst part. Its such a pain in the ass always grilling up chicken,etc... Some days I just say screw it and have a shake for breakfast, get some fast food for lunch, maybe have a bar or something and then go out to dinner. I always feel so good those days lol but also really tired. The constant preparing of meals, bringing them to work, all the supplements(pills),etc.. really gets old. The worst part is most of us are doing the same thing the pro's and top level amatures are doing and we dont look even close to them lol damn genetics. I hate how this is the only sport that you can work your ass off and try your best and still be nothing.
I'm in my late 30's and have been in the game for close to 20yrs, so maybe thats why I'm getting burnt out, I guess more on the eating part then the training and aas part of it. I get tired of eating, it's a pain in the a$$. Money is tight for me right now also so I'm not running as much as I'd like to and normally have in the past.
totally the opposite from much of you guys, the eating is so damn easy...i am a former fat ass though, so i can eat a LOT of food...and i mean a lot!

i get really burnt out of training...i don't have the greatest genetics (hence the fatass before, i'm talking i've gone from 5'11'' 240lbs 30% bf no muscle at all to about 170lbs 12-13% bf naturally) so i think thats what gets to me...
I'm in my late 30's and have been in the game for close to 20yrs, so maybe thats why I'm getting burnt out, I guess more on the eating part then the training and aas part of it. I get tired of eating, it's a pain in the a$$. Money is tight for me right now also so I'm not running as much as I'd like to and normally have in the past.

why did you start lifting in the first place? have you reached your goal? you must be really satisified with yourself

post your pics

it happens upto two times a year? maybe you are depressed maybe you need to find something else, what a waste of time money and why are you doing things that you cant enjoy 24/7? its not like you are making money off of it or its your career

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