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To all the guys with good genetics...


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Jan 28, 2007
when did you first realize you had good genetics? did a pro/knowledgeable bodybuilder tell you? I think this is an interesting question...would love to hear Phil and Big A's stories, among other members
i don`t know about phil
but i did see big A`s his ten years transformation pic
if you see the first pic where big A looks like a guy who will never even be able to get his arms more than 14.5 inch..... but the man has come up to 250lbs ripped... and maybe 280`s to 290 in offseason and arms around 21-22inch arms i guess.

its not like he just went out for a casual evening walk out from home.... and suddenly went upto the top of mount everest.

however Big KIWI was not like BIG A....Big KIWI did gain 100 pounds on his first year of body building.
The ones with great genetics probably just realized one day that they were either German or Black.
i don`t know about phil
but i did see big A`s his ten years transformation pic
if you see the first pic where big A looks like a guy who will never even be able to get his arms more than 14.5 inch..... but the man has come up to 250lbs ripped... and maybe 280`s to 290 in offseason and arms around 21-22inch arms i guess.

its not like he just went out for a casual evening walk out from home.... and suddenly went upto the top of mount everest.

however Big KIWI was not like BIG A....Big KIWI did gain 100 pounds on his first year of body building.

is there a thread with those pics? i would love to see big A 's transformation
My genetics aren't amazing, but they are good. I became very muscular around 12 or 13 without ever touching a weight. I had freaky peaked biceps and overly large forearms that the other kids would constantly ask me to flex. I set my high school bench press record at 345lbs at 15 years old.
I gained 40 pounds in the first 6 weeks of taking steroids, it of course was not all tissue, but the scale seemed to go up 10 pounds a week after the first two weeks. I completely transformed my body in that time and my bone structure seemed to grow alot also. I gained another 45 pounds over many years later, but they were much harder to come by and took alot longer.

I dont have the genetics to be a pro bodybuilder, but I think I have pretty good genetics for gaining muscle, my appetite is terrible and eating is a chore for me. I seem to only need about 2 meals per day. I have to force myself to eat more than that.

I have taken many long breaks from training over the years, I have lost alot of mass several times, and gained it all back in 3-6 months of training and eating.

I have known some serious genetic freaks and they are really incredible, large to begin with before gear on little food with low body fat and strong.

I always had very low bodyfat but I needed gear and alot of food to get big and strong. Real genetic freaks I believe can be big and lean and strong without gear and on very little food.
Phil stop staring at the screen and chime in lol... I see u on here!!!
my first hook up,alway got mad at me for not trying to do something with my body,he w ld tell me i eat losy yet my gains r to easy ,well he w ld go on and on,he w ld say tht i had what most w ld only dream on.dont know if it true and to b honest i dont care,i was just trying to get something to make my shoulder stop hurting so i didnt have to stop training for mma, not sure but i think tht i gained liked 25 lb r more in 4 r 6 weeks, what i ld like to really say is this ok. no matter what u do make sure u do it for urself and do it in a healthy way,and plz dont be one of those tht have to stop in mirrow be smart be healthy
I always had very low bodyfat but I needed gear and alot of food to get big and strong. Real genetic freaks I believe can be big and lean and strong without gear and on very little food.

So true

I had a friend when I was around 16/17 years old who was very skinny. He had come to the states from England and was pretty new around town.

I had been working out and already had a good physique for a highschooler. But with a very fast metabolism, I had to struggle for every inch of my gains, all the while consuming massive amounts of foods.

So my new friend decides he wants to work out too. He started with 11" arms, and within months he had 16" arms, then 17" arms around I'd say 8 or 9 months into working out.

This guy was shredded, fantastic muscle bellies, and all he did was drink beer, smoke cigs, and eat maybe 2 shitty meals per day.

Then he started steroids, and it was just unbelievable what he turned into..

The last I saw of him on facebook, he was pretty skinny, living in Australia as a beach bum. I had begged this guy to take up bodybuilding, but I suppose, easy come, easy go.
i would also be interested in seeing big A transformation pics....is it on a thread on PM? as for me, i would rate my genetics a 3.5 from 1-10. :(
Middle school I guess..gym class and such, banging out pullups easy and being way more muscular than the other kids in the locker room. High school starting lifting for sports and at 165 I could out lift any offensive lineman on the football team. After highschool I continued to lift but started eating like a bodybuilder and blew up.
Well i was around 20 years old, and i went back to this girls dorm room after a party. I took my pants off ans her eyes almost popped out of her head and she said, "That thing is going to split me in half!"

Thats when i knew i had good genetics!:p
After winning my first two shows as a novice and taking 2nd at my first national level show. Also a local promoter/judge telling me i had good genetics.:D
I thought I was gonna open this thread and read the following;

To all the guys with good genetics........

Fuck you.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Well i was around 20 years old, and i went back to this girls dorm room after a party. I took my pants off ans her eyes almost popped out of her head and she said, "That thing is going to split me in half!"

Thats when i knew i had good genetics!:p

Funny as hell!

But no pics please!
Talk about before and after pics . Have you seen the before and after pics of Nasser El Sonbaty. OMG he couldn't of weighed more then 150 tops and you would have NEVER EVER thought he could like like he does now. If I can find them again I'll post them . You will be amazed!

OK found them.

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