i completely ruputured mine doing judo, had it operated on using the patellar tendon graft method (i think is the prefered method).
Rehab was quite slow at first but back jogging after 3 months, sports training at 6 months then was back playing sport at 9 months, have now played 2 seasons of rugby and i have not had a single problem. After the years check up the knee that had been operated on was more stable than my good knee.
The mian thing i have to say though is do not rush it, the graft is quite stron straight after the surgery but it starts to slowly die as it does not have a blood supply, at about 6 weeks the graft is at its weakest, from then on it begins to vascularise again and becomes stronger.
Only issue i have is i cannot kneel down on hard surfaces but that is it.
hope that helps