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Triceps Injection

Dutch Tank

New member
Jul 24, 2010

I'm thinking of injecting Synthol into my triceps.. Just started in the bi's and liking it a lot.. Almost painless..

But how do you reach the tri's?

I'm thinking of putting my elbow on the table and putting the needle in from beneath.. But that's still difficult.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance..
That should work for your inner/long head. The outer lateral head can be reached the same way you'd hit your medial delt its just a few inches down
Here's what I do. Say you're hitting your right triceps. I put my right hand on my left lat. I'm pretty flexible, but if you're not it may be hard. That way my upper arm is in front of my body and my triceps are away from me. Then I just look in the mirror and pin. You may be able to do it by sitting at a table and putting your elbow on the table. Then you just have to have a mirror in front of you so you can see.
OK thanks guys.. I think i'll have it a go..

But still.. It is difficult to relax the muscle I think in that position?

I'm thinking of injecting Synthol into my triceps.. Just started in the bi's and liking it a lot.. Almost painless..

But how do you reach the tri's?

I'm thinking of putting my elbow on the table and putting the needle in from beneath.. But that's still difficult.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance..

I have my lady friend help me if I cant reach it.
I was wondering the same about my tris. I am pretty unflexable. :D Can only imagine the contortions I might have to go through trying to pin that area. guess the only way through is the way through...
This is something I posted on another thread to someone with a similar question on how to inject the tris. Hope this helps.

J4CKT said:
I started typing up a response trying to describe exactly how i was doing mine then thought and realised to was too hard to explain.

Basically hold your left hand (assuming your doing your left tris) over your right shoulder but not resting there, just hovering

From there you are basically doing whats shown in the vid but either blind or reversed if you are in front of a mirror.

Hope this helps (couldn't really do it on myself as it would have been too hard to film so i had to improvise a little and use a prop :p).

P2190002.flv video by j4ckt - Photobucket
Haha thanks jack.. But I know how to put a needle in my arm.. Just difficult too reach the spot.. And that doesn't show on the video..

And I wouldn't put it in that fast.. If you hit a nerve.......

I always put the needle in slow.. If you come near a nerve you feel it comming and can adjust the angle of the needle and go around it..
Ive only hit triceps twice, once in each tri, and holy f&*$ it was a pain in the ass...I basicly used the same method but instead of a table it was a wall...after that first time I said screw this and had the lady friend of the week put it in my other one...I have to say the whole process is alot smoother if you get some help...and I was just hitting it with gear

I'm thinking of injecting Synthol into my triceps.. Just started in the bi's and liking it a lot.. Almost painless..

But how do you reach the tri's?

I'm thinking of putting my elbow on the table and putting the needle in from beneath.. But that's still difficult.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance..

works for me
Thanks guys.. I think I'll finish the bi's first.. And do my triceps later..
Dutch Tank said:
Haha thanks jack.. But I know how to put a needle in my
arm.. Just difficult too reach the spot.. And that doesn't show on the video..

-This is the position of the arm which you are going to hit.
-Stand in front of a mirror so you can see what you are doing.

Dutch Tank said:
And I wouldn't put it in that fast.. If you hit a nerve.......

I always put the needle in slow.. If you come near a nerve you feel it comming
and can adjust the angle of the needle and go around it..

The video was just to show how to inject 1 handed in the required position
when you are hitting tris. But personally thats how I inject anyway and I
find it less painful then going slowly.


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