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Waist Same Size as Thighs


New member
Oct 23, 2013
It has been one of my goals for some time. There is currently a little less than 2" difference between my waist and my thighs. Is it an unrealistic goal? Has anyone on the board achieved this? Or know of a pro who has? Is it possible, or have I set an impossible-to-achieve goal for myself?
Genetically you must have one tiny ass waist and no hip flexors... my legs are 28+ but even at 6% my waist never dropped below 33-34 in, mainly cuz my hip flexors are stupid huge... when my posing coach first saw me in my trunks the first thing he said was "Jesus dude I think you have hip flexors on top of hip flexors!" haha
Wasnt sergio olivia the first to have a matching quad to waist ?

But great goal and if your only two inches off already damn huge thighs
Unless the poster is named Paul dillett then I don't think his avi is of him...

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Realistic if you have a tiny waist. Mine is 27", such a pain get jeans that for my waist and my legs. My legs aren't huge but they aren't in proportion to my waist by clothing standards.
Damn, I'd be way skinny if my waist was as big as my thighs :)
It has been one of my goals for some time. There is currently a little less than 2" difference between my waist and my thighs. Is it an unrealistic goal? Has anyone on the board achieved this? Or know of a pro who has? Is it possible, or have I set an impossible-to-achieve goal for myself?

I think that is a great goal! Pics would be cool, I'm trying to picture what that would look like?
there was a pro few years black. black guy.. desmond maybe? cant remember but his quads were in high 30's I think.... don't think his upper ever matched his lower (go figure) and he was a flash in the pan....
I just googled it and yes I was correct. Desmond Miller. quad freak and not a short guy so a bit more impressive imo.
I recall some article he said his quads were larger than his waist
after another look, desmonds legs don't look too crazy....
sorry for ramble:)
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there was a pro few years black. black guy.. desmond maybe? cant remember but his quads were in high 30's I think.... don't think his upper ever matched his lower (go figure) and he was a flash in the pan....
I just googled it and yes I was correct. Desmond Miller. quad freak and not a short guy so a bit more impressive imo.
I recall some article he said his quads were larger than his waist
after another look, desmonds legs don't look too crazy....
sorry for ramble:)

I remember him having a pretty serious health problem in 2008 right before I competed in the Eastern USAs. I'm not sure what he potentially would have accomplished but I have to believe that scenario derailed what he hoped to achieve.
ah yes

I remember him having a pretty serious health problem in 2008 right before I competed in the Eastern USAs. I'm not sure what he potentially would have accomplished but I have to believe that scenario derailed what he hoped to achieve.

I think that is correct.
there was a pro few years black. black guy.. desmond maybe? cant remember but his quads were in high 30's I think.... don't think his upper ever matched his lower (go figure) and he was a flash in the pan....
I just googled it and yes I was correct. Desmond Miller. quad freak and not a short guy so a bit more impressive imo.
I recall some article he said his quads were larger than his waist
after another look, desmonds legs don't look too crazy....
sorry for ramble:)

Sergio Olivia comes to mind, He claimed to have a 29" waist and 32" thighs. I saw him in person and believe his thighs were bigger.
I`d be willing to bet that NO pro has quads the same as his waist.

Most top, heavier pros have waists 34-36 on stage and quads about 30, so not even close.

Off season the waists are nearer 40.

Lighter guys (middles and light heavys) may have smaller waists for sure but also they have smaller legs.
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Sergio Olivia comes to mind, He claimed to have a 29" waist and 32" thighs. I saw him in person and believe his thighs were bigger.

If you saw him in person, and believed his claim to be true (or thighs were even BIGGER) then it seems possible.

Yes, the avatar is me. Paul Dillett???? Isn't he African-American? I know the tanners make me look dark, but ...

My thighs look biggest in this pic, because of the angle of the photo.

I still like tights more than the new style of shorts -- baggy and reaching down to mid-calf; they look stupid in my opinion.


is this real life?:confused:

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