It ruptured on it's own.
I went to the ER, and they didn't find anything wrong, so I waited a few days and I got really really sick. Went to my Dr. he gave me a script for antibiotics and a few days later I went back to the ER for 5 stitches on my tummy (I'm clumsy with knives), and they found the puss sack then. (They has to run an x-ray for the cut, to see if there was any metal or resudue in the wound).
I don't do any hard core workouts or anything like that, so I wouldn't know about recovery times or anything.
I do my yoga 3 times a week (30 mins each time), play golf (during the warm months) 2 - 3 times a week, and I work 3 or 4 days a week. That's pretty much it. I don't always "watch" what I eat, but I don't go crazy with my diet either. I pretty much eat what I want and keep it in moderation. If i start to gain a little weight, I lay off that type of food a little, and go outside and do yard work for a little while.
I don't ever want to be ''ripped" so to speak, but I don't wanna be a blob of goo either. I have a natural, slightly altheletic build and I'm happy with that.
*Although, a mini tummy tuck, and a new set of boobs wouldn't hurt either!