First of all I am a well educated person. I have graduated college with a high degree in the medical field. Im not sure if everyone has read the old muscle building books of the late 70's to mid 80's but I have. There were many pictures of Lance Dreher in these books. Trust me he was a steroid user. Im kind of puzzled as of why Lance would come to this board and try to "expose" us all. First of all this board is for information purposes only. Take what you want and leave the rest is the attitude of this board. No one is here pushing Muscle building drugs or telling others to use muscle building drugs. However you view this board the members have made a choice to use these drugs and should have every bit of information they can get on these substances. That is why this board is here. Im sorry that maybe your career in bodybuilding was not a great one Lance but come on give it up. In my eyes your an old washed up has been looking for a little bit of attention. I think you need a little "look at me im special" injections to satisfy your ego. Hell im sorry I even wrote this but your just bazarr in itself to put yourself through a year of BS for nothing. I guess what Im saying is your a waste of my typing this. So Lance enjoy feeling great about burning some people trying to help ya. GO get em tiger Your GGGGGGRRRRRREEAT.....