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What am i doing wrong?

I do preacher curls with dumbells , incline dumbell, hammer curls dumbell or rope. I also rotate weekly with cable one arm curls, spider curls, ez bar.
Triceps i rotate with rope push downs, close grip bench, skull crushers, overhead dumbbell raises, cables push downs, and dips.

I do 10-12 rep range on all.
I usually do 3-4 different exercises for biceps and triceps.
9-12 sets each total.
Just saw this.

You can skin the cat any way you want just cut the number of total sets in half
or the number of exercises in half, or both. Either way, reduce the volume, IMHO.

I would start there.
Just saw this.

You can skin the cat any way you want just cut the number of total sets in half
or the number of exercises in half, or both. Either way, reduce the volume, IMHO.

I would start there.
Im gonna go out on a limb and bet that this dude is about 130 and that’s why his arms aren’t growing
Im gonna go out on a limb and bet that this dude is about 130 and that’s why his arms aren’t growing

Maybe 'we' should start asking for pics before we jump in with advise.

I don't know, but it would not be a bad place to start. Then we can go into
more detail on exercise selection, nutrition, peds, rest, genetics.

Would go a long way towards giving him accurate advise.

Hell, we could be talking to a computer program for all I know ;)

Just a thought.
Firstly, we 100% need pics of your entire upper body. Most people who think they have small arms have proportional arms to their bodies they are simply not big enough all over. Arms are one area many people want to stand out and if the rest of their physique doesn't stand out their arms likely won't either. If your arms are smaller than the rest of your body then your genetics could be playing a massive part and you can't do much about that (besides syntherol).

Most people are overtraining their arms and not undertraining them. They are indirectly hit when training chest and back etc. So it's usually best to lower total volume. You do everything in the 8-12 rep range and that isn't bad but if you are struggling to gain I would 100% recommend mixing things up mainly in the form of some higher rep ranges. If it were other body parts I would state lower and higher rep ranges but you don't really need to be maxing out with 4-5 rep failure sets for arms as you will probably injure yourself (I would recommend it to advanced people though).

If everything is in the same rep range and you adhere to that everytime I assume you could probably train them harder. Are you taking some sets to complete failure? Less volume and more intense work.

I would recommend higher reps for bi-ceps and really concentrating on the mind muscle connection and feeling the "pump". Tri-ceps more of the same but also more heavy work (progressive overload) in the form of skull crushers, close grip bench and dips in addition to their usual pushdowns and extensions. 4 working sets for bi-ceps and 4 for tri-ceps is fine just make them count.

Another thing that get lost in trying to find the perfect workout split. Obviously training volume and frequency is extremely important but some get lost trying every workout plan created thinking a certain sequence of exercises will unlock magical gains and it's a waste of time. Most of the time it's usually execution and/or intensity that is letting them down unless they are doing a ridiculous amount of volume. I didn't see what split you are doing but something simple such as bi-ceps with back and tri-ceps with chest and shoulders is simple and very workable. Don't have a separate arm day and don't train them everyday even if that's indirectly. Make your working sets count and don't waste time with numerous subpar sets.
Maybe 'we' should start asking for pics before we jump in with advise.

I don't know, but it would not be a bad place to start. Then we can go into
more detail on exercise selection, nutrition, peds, rest, genetics.

Would go a long way towards giving him accurate advise.

Hell, we could be talking to a computer program for all I know ;)

Just a thought.
He's 230 I'm assuming high bf. If he's12+ arms if genetically weak will look small imo. Big torso wide stomach small arms aka a chest and back guy vs arms guy
Just saw this.

You can skin the cat any way you want just cut the number of total sets in half
or the number of exercises in half, or both. Either way, reduce the volume, IMHO.

I would start there.
For sure! Thanks!!! Ill remove a exercise for bis and tris. 9 sets for bis 9 sets for tris total? Or less sets then that?
For sure! Thanks!!! Ill remove a exercise for bis and tris. 9 sets for bis 9 sets for tris total? Or less sets then that?

How do you count sets? Is that 9 sets total for you? Or is that 9 working sets?

If I am doing DB Hammer curls I will probably do 3 warm up sets then 1 working set and that's 1 set to me. The heavier the movement the more warm up sets needed. If I am going to failure on some 20kg barbell spider curls I don't need to warm up because it's light. If I am lifting 30kg db's for curls I am 100% warming up. I may do 4 working sets but I probably done 9 total sets (5 warm ups). There is no right answer and you can do what you want but for now try doing lower sets. Guys get lost in the numbers and need exact amounts. If that's the case do 4 working sets and see how that goes. So 4 sets to complete failure with as many warms ups as needed.
Can you post a pic of your upper body?

I should add if you can take a video of one of your working sets for bi-ceps that would be great and would tell us a lot and we could really be able to help you more.
Maybe 'we' should start asking for pics before we jump in with advise.

I don't know, but it would not be a bad place to start. Then we can go into
more detail on exercise selection, nutrition, peds, rest, genetics.

Would go a long way towards giving him accurate advise.

Hell, we could be talking to a computer program for all I know ;)

Just a thought.
It’s been asked multiple times. He has yet to post any
How do you count sets? Is that 9 sets total for you? Or is that 9 working sets?

If I am doing DB Hammer curls I will probably do 3 warm up sets then 1 working set and that's 1 set to me. The heavier the movement the more warm up sets needed. If I am going to failure on some 20kg barbell spider curls I don't need to warm up because it's light. If I am lifting 30kg db's for curls I am 100% warming up. I may do 4 working sets but I probably done 9 total sets (5 warm ups). There is no right answer and you can do what you want but for now try doing lower sets. Guys get lost in the numbers and need exact amounts. If that's the case do 4 working sets and see how that goes. So 4 sets to complete failure with as many warms ups as needed.
I definitely will.
I normally do 1 warm up set then add little more weight and taper up till my fourth set which would be the heaviest and to failure. I was counting all of them as sets a total of 9-12 sets. I hear you and i will do 3 warm ups then 1 set of working set to failure.
I had great success when i was younger with dorian yates routine
Back/rear delts
I think i screwed it up by trying hany rambod training with 5 days straight and hitting arms twice a week. Overtraining i feel thats my issue

You nailed it by me cutting back me sets. Im sure that is going to help.
Im going back to dorian yates style.

High volume is not working for me.
Ill take pic later tonight.
For sure! Thanks!!! Ill remove a exercise for bis and tris. 9 sets for bis 9 sets for tris total? Or less sets then that?
Only you will know the answer to that.

Disagree because of what you said above
You’re incorrectly reading the post.

I watch the random gym guys do the same movements on the same plane, they don’t have arms. And the same with triceps, they are doing the same movements on the same plane. No arms.

The point: you cannot do 3 very similar movements. U need variety. Just like basic bench press cannot build a pro quality chest, neither can one movement done over and over again.
Hey Chem I didn’t read through the whole thread after this first page so hopefully not repeating but jus wanna answer your question you asked me. I read and listen to as much of the knowledge the brightest minds like Paul Carter, Scott Stevenson, Jon Meadows, Christian Thibadeau, Brad Schoefnield etc say about training. And although many ideas or beliefs are different with info they usually all say the 6-12 range and to complete m failure or at least with only 0-2 RIR (reps in reserve) is best for the muscle. That’s controlled reps the whole way through and in movements that work for YOU. Your gonna hear a million ways and methods but they all agree full heartedly on this…don’t over complicate it and keep it simple. Be consistent and patient my friend
Hey Chem I didn’t read through the whole thread after this first page so hopefully not repeating but jus wanna answer your question you asked me. I read and listen to as much of the knowledge the brightest minds like Paul Carter, Scott Stevenson, Jon Meadows, Christian Thibadeau, Brad Schoefnield etc say about training. And although many ideas or beliefs are different with info they usually all say the 6-12 range and to complete m failure or at least with only 0-2 RIR (reps in reserve) is best for the muscle. That’s controlled reps the whole way through and in movements that work for YOU. Your gonna hear a million ways and methods but they all agree full heartedly on this…don’t over complicate it and keep it simple. Be consistent and patient my friend
Thank you!
Appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge!
i agree so many different ways.
I need to listen to my body and keep it simple.
Thanks bud

I've heard of people doing this with success. Any thoughts?

I've heard of people doing this with success. Any thoughts?
I think for the non competitor, you can build a nice, functional physique doing say bench/squat/deadlift with one or two "show" exercises at the end and cardio on the off days.
I think for the non competitor, you can build a nice, functional physique doing say bench/squat/deadlift with one or two "show" exercises at the end and cardio on the off days.
AgreeeIt seems like a logical approach. Just adding volume for those parts that get looks without making some silly routine. Typically when people do this it's higher rep pump sets this guy is saying go heavy with the extra work.
I definitely will.
I normally do 1 warm up set then add little more weight and taper up till my fourth set which would be the heaviest and to failure. I was counting all of them as sets a total of 9-12 sets. I hear you and i will do 3 warm ups then 1 set of working set to failure.
I had great success when i was younger with dorian yates routine
Back/rear delts
I think i screwed it up by trying hany rambod training with 5 days straight and hitting arms twice a week. Overtraining i feel thats my issue

You nailed it by me cutting back me sets. Im sure that is going to help.
Im going back to dorian yates style.

High volume is not working for me.
Ill take pic later tonight.

Your thinking is off. You didn't screw anything up by doing too much volume. How do you know what too much volume is unless you experiment with it. There isn't one size fits all and there are many different paths up the same mountain. Many get great results with high volume training and many don't but at least try it and see for yourself and never think you screwed up. Often people do higher volume and gain more because of the increased volume. Then may end up doing too much but they come back down and gain again. As long as you aren't doing a ridiculous amount of volume if you pick the right movements, execute them well and train intensely you will improve.

Another thing yes overtraining is very real and you most likely have been doing too much and will benefit from less volume but harder sets. I don't want to confuse you anymore but sometimes people overcomplicate the crap out of training. An example I have known people to excessively over train a certain body part and in any literature or a scientific mind (or even a regular gym rats mind) it would be overtraining but they still got good results. I have known a few people to do set after set of arms (30+) and train them frequently and their arms grew. If someone wants to make their legs grow and they start training them for 2 hours 3 times weekly and become obsessed with growing their legs I bet their legs would grow. It doesn't make it needed or even correct and they could get the results doing less work but don't worry too much because you don't a few extra sets. If that's the case make sure your nutrition and rest are on point.

Now if something isn't working after months and months then obviously you need to change it to get results. You are not happy with your arm growth so follow the advice in this thread. Lot's of people over train and they are ruining potential growth but a lot of that is due to CNS fatigue and not recovering properly. I have known so many people to get great results in the gym and if they posted what they did most of the people on forums would state they train too much. My point isn't that you should do that and it probably would against you but at the same time don't be worried about pushing the limits at times.

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