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What kind of a Job do you have?

What kind of a job do you have?

  • Sales

    Votes: 152 18.8%
  • Teaching

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Food Service

    Votes: 24 3.0%
  • Healthcare

    Votes: 106 13.1%
  • Law Enforcement

    Votes: 53 6.6%
  • Administrative

    Votes: 39 4.8%
  • Health and Fitness

    Votes: 64 7.9%
  • Customer Service

    Votes: 35 4.3%
  • Military

    Votes: 35 4.3%
  • Labor/Skilled Labor

    Votes: 237 29.4%
  • Accounting

    Votes: 31 3.8%
  • Non-Profit

    Votes: 11 1.4%

  • Total voters

Johnny Smiles

Jun 9, 2009
I am curious what kind of jobs we all have. it would be interesting to see what jobs are most common with Bodybuilders and which ones are least common.

Include some information in your post like:
job satisfaction
years spent at that job
what you would prefer to do?
what do you see yourself doing in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?

Personal Trainer/Massage Therapist/Gym Owner

I love what I do. I'm working from 5am to 9pm and dont mind it one bit.
Started personal training in '04 and just happen to fall into the right place at the right time. Opened up my gym in March of '09 and about to buy out another close by.
I'm back in school(independent study program) for religious studies and may do something with that in the future but for now things are really good.
Awesome Pheedno

Personal Trainer/Massage Therapist/Gym Owner

I love what I do. I'm working from 5am to 9pm and dont mind it one bit.
Started personal training in '04 and just happen to fall into the right place at the right time. Opened up my gym in March of '09 and about to buy out another close by.
I'm back in school(independent study program) for religious studies and may do something with that in the future but for now things are really good.

that all sounds great! especially in these tough economic times its good to hear someone making success!
i would love to do all of that as well.
Highways engineer, not on ur list so can't vote lol

i tried to make them a little broad like Retail Sales would be Sales. i think highway engineer could be categorized as skilled labor? i don't know thats a tough one to put in a category. i just didn't want too many poll options.

I'm an operator at a refinery. I'm satisfied, can't make this type of money anywhere else. Been Here over 10 years.

I would prefer to win the powerball and be a fulltime vacationer.

3-5-10 years I will be here. It's a retirment job. Thousands apply here every year.
Just got done teaching at an International high school (best high school in all of China, most students go on to the world's greatest universities).

In January, beginning USMC OCS. I'm proud to be an American and strongly need to serve.
Small Business Owner

I own a couple of autobody shops w/my brother. I handle all the sales & marketing. I also do some consulting for an old business partner. Things are good! It's a interesting time to be in the automotive business. We have had to change our focus. Gone are the days that the business just walks through the front door. We picked up the pace and we're out there pounding the pavement everyday. Looking forward to tomorrow. We are well positioned when this economy turns the corner.
Last edited:
thats kinda different

I'm an operator at a refinery. I'm satisfied, can't make this type of money anywhere else. Been Here over 10 years.

I would prefer to win the powerball and be a fulltime vacationer.

3-5-10 years I will be here. It's a retirment job. Thousands apply here every year.

what is your education in?
thats a unique job. man how nice to know you have job security and you don't hate it or anything. be thankful brother.

what is your education in?
thats a unique job. man how nice to know you have job security and you don't hate it or anything. be thankful brother.

I'm thankful that's for sure. Especially when I see so many people trying to get on here, contractors as well.

Education: I have business degree. But they sent me to schooling for the refinery. Now days they have smthing called a process technical program at the local colleges, that is training for this type of business.
Sales. I hate it.
Im a journeyman electrician for my local power company. I work in one of the largest coal fired power plants in North America to boot. Job is pretty good. You have your good days, you have your bad days. More good than bad, that's for sure. It gets pretty hot where I work as well. About a month ago, I had an emergency job on the 12th floor. The temp was 171 degrees. I was only allowed to work 5 minutes each time I was up there and had to wear and ice vest.

All in all, we make damn good money. With benefits Id say close to $90 an hour total. I haven't made less than $73,000 for the last 7 years and that's in Michigan of all states.

Got a solid retirement plan in place and honestly, I can't see myself working anywhere else. I love what I do. Plus it's easy to eat as we get breaks every 2 hours and have plenty of time to get your meal in. Company also payed for me to get my Associates.

I thank God every day that Im this fortunate to work where I do in the economy that we're in.
I manage 2 restaurants owned by the same people. Im honestly tired of these kind of hours working for someone else. the stress can be unreal, between customers, staff, purveyors, and owners all needing 15 different things from you at the same time. your trying to please the customers, babysit the staff, do the profit and loss, pay bill, get bills owed to you paid, fix the compressor on the walk in, re stain the 3/4 rounds you put in after closing last night, fix the computers that just crashed, explain to the customer that the HAVE to pay tax on the food because its prepared, load kegs into the beer box because the girl bartender cant do it, get on the phone wiht ecolab to get the dishwasher fixed, put 15 different discounts or cupons on the 20 different checks the staff cant seem to figure out how to close, explain to the owner that the reaons that person wasnt greeted when they walked in the door is because the hostess is refilling toilet paper in the ladies room and you were on the roof pulling apart the compressor fan so you dont have to call the HVAC guy and pay $600 to get it fixed, and thats why your dirty and wearing a riped shirt. but, theres no payroll money to hire extra people, because the owners want payroll 15% below normal restaurant operating costs.

5 Years? what are you nuts? the ice machine might fall on me tomorrow... who knows. all i know is i want out.

seriously what i just described happened today between 12 noon and 4 p.m.
heavy equipment sales. Caterpillar for 13 years. Now I am at Deere and happy!
Private equity -- we buy companies, fix them up/cut out the fat/grow 'em, then sell them or take them public. Also invest in start-ups and consult with entreprenuers, so that covers the entire gamut of corporate finance. I got my career started through investment banking.

No "finance" on the job poll so... maybe accountant??? :rolleyes:

I love my job, and will keep doing this long after I no longer need to financially.
Retired military after 21 great yrs of service....now superintendent of facility maintenance. :)
I manage 2 restaurants owned by the same people. Im honestly tired of these kind of hours working for someone else. the stress can be unreal, between customers, staff, purveyors, and owners all needing 15 different things from you at the same time. your trying to please the customers, babysit the staff, do the profit and loss, pay bill, get bills owed to you paid, fix the compressor on the walk in, re stain the 3/4 rounds you put in after closing last night, fix the computers that just crashed, explain to the customer that the HAVE to pay tax on the food because its prepared, load kegs into the beer box because the girl bartender cant do it, get on the phone wiht ecolab to get the dishwasher fixed, put 15 different discounts or cupons on the 20 different checks the staff cant seem to figure out how to close, explain to the owner that the reaons that person wasnt greeted when they walked in the door is because the hostess is refilling toilet paper in the ladies room and you were on the roof pulling apart the compressor fan so you dont have to call the HVAC guy and pay $600 to get it fixed, and thats why your dirty and wearing a riped shirt. but, theres no payroll money to hire extra people, because the owners want payroll 15% below normal restaurant operating costs.

5 Years? what are you nuts? the ice machine might fall on me tomorrow... who knows. all i know is i want out.

seriously what i just described happened today between 12 noon and 4 p.m.

:eek: I hope your staff are all required to be CPR certified. Dam!!
I worked the restaurant/bar business during college then sold wine & liquor for years. I don't envy restaurant managers, long odd hours, drama! Never met one that was paid anywhere near what they were worth.
Operations/manufacturing manager at well known video game company
Supplement store part owner.
BMW Technician

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