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What time do you guys wake up?

I’m lucky that I get to get up at 6am now. Was 4:30am til recently. As far sleeping in, my body just won’t do it. 7am is sleeping in for me on the weekends.
Around 5am give or take pretty much everyday.
Usually around 4a. I do not use an alarm.
I wish I was an early riser like you guys.

I work as a bartender in a nightclub so I’m not even finishing work until around 3AM. I’m finally hitting the bed at around 4:30 AM, and I usually wake up around noon-1pm.
Was 4:30 from 2005-2020, then went to 6:00.

The number of repeat injuries I directly correlate to lack of sleep is uncanny. Wife can tell a noticeable difference in my mood and cognitive ability as well.

In bed usually 10/10:30
0500 everyday for as looooong as I can remember...even when I drank and partied like a rock star
I wish I was an early riser like you guys.

I work as a bartender in a nightclub so I’m not even finishing work until around 3AM. I’m finally hitting the bed at around 4:30 AM, and I usually wake up around noon-1pm.
I'm with this guy, it's 2am now and I'm just eating my post workout.
Usually asleep by 4-5am up by 11am.
If my work was different so would be my schedule but there it is.
As long as I can get a minimum of 5+hrs I'm GTG.
I remember whenever I go on a keto diet my sleep requirements go down a lot. Anyone knows what causes that?
4:30 Monday thru Friday, probably by 6 on the weekends, my Boston makes sure of this!!
Was 4:30 from 2005-2020, then went to 6:00.

The number of repeat injuries I directly correlate to lack of sleep is uncanny. Wife can tell a noticeable difference in my mood and cognitive ability as well.

In bed usually 10/10:30
Sleep is King Hydration is Queen, food and drugs matter but not nearly as much as sleep and water. You’re point about injuries for me it’s the tendinitis and ticky tack problems that come from lack of recovery
6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Wednesday around 8:00. Weekends around 7:15-30. I get a late in day on Wednesday but most of my workdays start at 7:45am which I hate. It's not bad at all during the summer because it lines up with circadian rythm perfectly. But during winter its absolutely brutal getting up when it stays dark for another 2 hours or so, I just walk around feeling wrecked all day long.
2:30pm. I work a night shift, so in bed by 6:30, up @ 2:30. Got to the gym then work
6:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Wednesday around 8:00. Weekends around 7:15-30. I get a late in day on Wednesday but most of my workdays start at 7:45am which I hate. It's not bad at all during the summer because it lines up with circadian rythm perfectly. But during winter its absolutely brutal getting up when it stays dark for another 2 hours or so, I just walk around feeling wrecked all day long.
It stays dark until 845 Am in winter where you live? Man even in winter in the Sounth there’s sunlight at 7 in Texas usually b4. I hate the time changes they really fuck with me. I think they are stopping that shit.
It stays dark until 845 Am in winter where you live? Man even in winter in the Sounth there’s sunlight at 7 in Texas usually b4. I hate the time changes they really fuck with me. I think they are stopping that shit.
I'm in west China and this country doesn't use timezones for its different regions so we get quirky stuff like 9pm and the sun is finally down or 8:45am and the sun is finally up.
I wake up at 3:00, then at 4:30 and 6:30.

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