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Why do guys take certain dosages/gear that makes them feel bad?

Feb 10, 2008
I've been there myself before. Certain things that make me feel sick, or amounts that are too high. I have a friend who is big into peptides and it seems like every time I talk to the guy he is sleeping or does not feel well. He constantly asks me if IGF-1 ever made me sick or throw up, or how many units of GH did I get to because he's feeling sick, has horrible burps or gas. Or going too high on your long chains, I know it generally makes me feel horrible once I get to a certain amount. Fuck all that shit, life is too short!! I mean, to be sleeping 12-14 hours/day, throwing up, or feeling too ill to train? Anybody who would go through all this shit has a psychological problem and should seek help. I'd rather keep it simple and to dosages I feel better on, not worse!!
Its important to remember to focus on overall health. Why do you keep putting a foreign substance in your body giving you a negative reaction.... doesnt make sense. The problem is people put gear as #1 in terms of seeing results, when in actuality it should be further down the list.

Ive learned I dont like clen, and A50's... and when Im on dbol over 35mg its harder for me to catch my breath.

Remind your buddy: what happiness is and healthy is... He has drifted off path and as your friend you should guide him and be adamant about it.
i don't use winstrol anymore because it makes my joints hurt so much that i can't train heavy. i'd rather be a little less hard, and able to push myself more in the gym.
Well is he or trying to become a pro athlete?
Sometimes things like this are justified
Well is he or trying to become a pro athlete?
Sometimes things like this are justified

Nope, he'll never go pro. And even so, is it really worth it? To basically lay around like some kind of junkie and hardly be able to function? Just because someone makes it to the pro ranks does not mean they'll be financially set either. I'd dare to say unless your one of the top 3-5 guys your not doing good in this aspect. The hell with all that, I'd like to stay in the gym to where it's enjoyable, be able to breathe, and sleep, etc etc. For me, minimal amount as possible to make gains. No more crazy cycles that are 6 months long, or consist of 5 compounds. Just something simple like test/deca , along those lines
Impatient and Mental..just my opinion.

We are our own worst critics. Ive been in gyms for 20+ years. We see ourselves in the mirror countless times a day. How then can we be expected to give a honest assessment of our own physique? We cant.

Ive seen people do a lot of crazy dieting, cardio, gearing and when the dust settles they look like they did before...after all that pain and suffering. People have no patience. Instead of saying "Id like to add some size to my thighs over the next 3-6 months so Im going to work hard on leg exercises", they look for short cuts like gear or crazy workout routines. Then as the months progress they change what they are doing over and over and over, spinning their wheels, ingesting / injecting all kinds of crap.

Im no Pro, but I have had great success personally and on stage by laying out a plan and sticking with it for at least 3 months. Writing everything down on what I want to accomplish and lay a timetable and chart my progress. It takes that long to see the changes and have others assess your progress.

Some people just want it all now and will do anything for it...no matter how sick they get.
No more crazy cycles that are 6 months long, or consist of 5 compounds. Just something simple like test/deca , along those lines

Smart move...I like being in the gym. People look at me like Im crazy when I tell them Id like to train everyday for 2 hours ( but that doesnt work for me trying to get bigger ).

I can only hope ill be in the gym when Im 80, 90, 100!:)
We are our own worst critics. Ive been in gyms for 20+ years. We see ourselves in the mirror countless times a day. How then can we be expected to give a honest assessment of our own physique? We cant.

Ive seen people do a lot of crazy dieting, cardio, gearing and when the dust settles they look like they did before...after all that pain and suffering. People have no patience. Instead of saying "Id like to add some size to my thighs over the next 3-6 months so Im going to work hard on leg exercises", they look for short cuts like gear or crazy workout routines. Then as the months progress they change what they are doing over and over and over, spinning their wheels, ingesting / injecting all kinds of crap.

Im no Pro, but I have had great success personally and on stage by laying out a plan and sticking with it for at least 3 months. Writing everything down on what I want to accomplish and lay a timetable and chart my progress. It takes that long to see the changes and have others assess your progress.

Some people just want it all now and will do anything for it...no matter how sick they get.

So very true. After eating religiously and bodybuilding for the past 11 years straight, I've come to the conclusion that the best way to be is whatever way allows you to continue to stay in the gym and stay injury free. Also, I've found that whatever I'm doing in the gym that is making me feel better/more recovered outside of the gym, is what causes me to make better gains the next time I go back to the gym!! Eating constantly can beat you down too, you get in this state where your either undertrained and overfed, or overtrained and underfed, you have to find that fine line or you become fatigued on either side of the spectrum.
And even so, is it really worth it?

That seems to be the question

The answer depends on where your priorities lie. Not everyone has an ambition to make money, get a career etc etc. For me, a chance to become an IFBB pro means a lot, something you can look back to when you get old, and say, damn i have achieved something only 300 men on this planet were able to do.
And if its something that you love, then why the hell not?
Its not really a question of being able to make it, but knowing that you did your best to get there, really.
About health, yes its important, but its also important to realize that pro sports, or even top amateur sports have very little to do with health anymore.
Levels have risen so much, that you either milk your body for whats it worth or forget about it and stay mediocre.
This is sadly the truth, and you must make a choice for yourself whether its worth to try or not.
And again sometimes it doesnt matter if you make it or not, what matters is the effort.
I've been there myself before. Certain things that make me feel sick, or amounts that are too high. I have a friend who is big into peptides and it seems like every time I talk to the guy he is sleeping or does not feel well. He constantly asks me if IGF-1 ever made me sick or throw up, or how many units of GH did I get to because he's feeling sick, has horrible burps or gas. Or going too high on your long chains, I know it generally makes me feel horrible once I get to a certain amount. Fuck all that shit, life is too short!! I mean, to be sleeping 12-14 hours/day, throwing up, or feeling too ill to train? Anybody who would go through all this shit has a psychological problem and should seek help. I'd rather keep it simple and to dosages I feel better on, not worse!!

I have always wondered this as well. I had a freind who was a good bb'er pretty big genetically gifted and could get Sero GH by the case full back in 2002 or so and was taking 18 iu's a day. He was so fulla water and the numbness was so bad from the GH he couldn't even close his hands.
he couldn't train so all he did was eat and take GH did some cardio and that was it stayed pretty big and lean but I always laid him out asking him what's the use of taking all that shit if you can't train.
It only took me one case of the test flu with a product I was taking to try and do something about it like dilute and bake and filter rather than continue to inject it feel sick and can't train and eat right what's the use??
Also some guys take such an absurd amount of stuff and train but have to stop short because of extremes pumps BP issues or otherwise.

Really there is nothing we can do as when you are driven the risks are pushed aside and I think in todays world the risks from the Black Market drugs are worse than the actual steroids themselves. When I first started in this game -steroids were clean pure and potent and you never heard of a guy getting an abcess from gear or test flu.
Steris was like the liquid nectar of the gods. You shot it and never even knew it was there. nowadays you shoot the stuff out there and the site gets sore and inflammed and you get achy breaky..who really knows what's in this stuff?
In 2003 a freind of mine who visited ttokyo in Mexico told me he saw them change their filters and they were jet black. Nice USP grade chines stuff huh?

Stay safe and smart you can juice lower dosed a long time or burn out everything by going hard and heavy.

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