Good Job Randy!!!
Now for my cycle info. Tik de shit n put itin yur azz.........seriously. Here is how I approach training.
I only do 3 sets per bodypart, weaker parts 3 times or more a week, stronger parts 2 times a week. I never do the same weight twice in a workout. I stick to basic movements, go to failure or as close as I can each set. I rest accordingly to how I feel, drink as much water as I feel like during the session. I rarely eat before training, since it is in the morning. I have 2 training partners who rarely show up, I never tie my shoes, and I take creatine and glutamine mix after each workout, then have a protein drink within an hour or so after the mix. I usually take 1 day off per week, try to sleep 7 hours a night, follow mostly the Zone Diet principals, and brush my teeth 2 times a week when I shower.