I worked the "graveyard" shift for a while because the
college classes I wanted to take were not available at
night, only during the day, so I swapped shifts with a
guy (he them subsequently quit, and I was stick on there
for a while . . .) to get that done.
Here is what I did and it worked for me. The first thing
I did when I got off work was go to the gym. No stopping
for gas, no shot with the guys, no errands, nada. No
excuses, straight to the gym, every Monday, Wed, and Fri.
Once that was out of the way I treated myself to breakfast.
Then I went home and slept if I did not have to go to
Don't know how many days you are training but I do know
what your job is like (I once worked with you guys, I was
a EMT) and it's crazy hours, hard, stress filled work
when you are on call, so you might want to back off on
your training, due the minimum, until you get acclimatized,
have more energy, and look forward to going to the gym.
Don't fall into the habit of taking stimulants to get what
you need to get accomplished. That road leads nowhere,
saw many guys lives destroyed doing that, just for an
extra 15% pay. And don't drink to go to sleep. Just try
your hardest to adapt, it's not easy I know, but you can do
it. It's just a different routine that's all. Some people love
that shift, gives them all day to do things while most people
are working and not in your way, which in my case got me
into a bunch of trouble. Don't ask
Hope this helps.