262 replies
... and the name "LBA's" written 476 times.
Love me, hate me, but please talk about me. Phil's a genius.
PHILS client thread
posted 3-02-2010
262 replies
i think thats respect
and STILL no pic of the actual client.
and STILL no pic of the actual client.
No pic, however the same asshole keeps showing up....
Seriously dude, if you dont like Phil, why the hell do you keep popping up on his threads?
We get it, you dont like him. Now move on....start up your own threads dude....geez
No pic, however the same asshole keeps showing up....
Seriously dude, if you dont like Phil, why the hell do you keep popping up on his threads?
We get it, you dont like him. Now move on....start up your own threads dude....geez
Wow is right, bro YOU are completely out of line, I tried to stay out of this but this shit has to stop. Db006 just stated a fact that NO PIC OF THE CLIENT was ever posted. It is not an attack on Phil, just a fact posted or are we not allowed to do that because it involves Phil?
Would it have been better if I mentioned that?
I am or was a huge fan of Phil, but seeing how he responds to things has left me with little respect for the man. Why? Because out of no where he started attacking people who have posted against him and he used his so called board friends to rally around him and attack his so called enemies.
He used that thread to sell LBA's simple as that and True Protein the last I checked was and is NOT A SPONSOR of this site.
I am a neutral party who is sick of the shit which just engulfed the board.
Wow is right, bro YOU are completely out of line, I tried to stay out of this but this shit has to stop. Db006 just stated a fact that NO PIC OF THE CLIENT was ever posted. It is not an attack on Phil, just a fact posted or are we not allowed to do that because it involves Phil?
Would it have been better if I mentioned that?
I am or was a huge fan of Phil, but seeing how he responds to things has left me with little respect for the man. Why? Because out of no where he started attacking people who have posted against him and he used his so called board friends to rally around him and attack his so called enemies.
He used that thread to sell LBA's simple as that and True Protein the last I checked was and is NOT A SPONSOR of this site.
I am a neutral party who is sick of the shit which just engulfed the board.
Thanks for the correction rAJJIN, I just made that statement as I did not see any True Protein banner.
Phil, thanks just what I expected from you.
Just one question, where is the picture of the client, which was the sole purpose of the thread? Or was it not?
Phil, I apologized as I did not see any banner flying on the main page which I look at for sponsors, it was my bad as I only now noticed it when I scrolled down to look at the threads. I never looked at those locked threads by BigA as I assumed that they all had banners up. So I apologize.
Now what you are doing is attacking me to change the subject which is what most of us wanted which is to see that client. Now you attack me because you cannot produce one, lets see you said you have all kinds of computer problems yet you have no problems in posting.
Phil all I did and what others have done is call you out and what do you do hide by attacking the person.
I was a neutral party that kept abreast of what was going on.
Fact: A guy makes his statement which is that he got nothing out of LBA's and you attacked him saying he was the problem.
Fact: You posted about people who were out for you and were using other handles? Where is YOUR proof you are making the accusations so please show proof that backs your accusations.
Fact: You keep referring back to when you were 24, was LBA's the only thing you took? There have been several threads about what pros did and are doing as far as steroids are concerned, especially in the 90's. If LBA's are so great then post a picture of yourself now, you must be using it as it is the best protein supplement out there.
Fact: You attack people and you rely on your internet backing to diss other members who question you and or your product. Which is a great way of distracting people from the real problem or question.
Fact: You don't know how to write. What is up with all those ...... A period is to end a sentence or did they not teach you that in school?
Now going back to what you posted in your initial post that you had a client who was unbelievable who was only on LBA's and protein soup and that you would post up a picture of him as soon as you could. Oops my bad you said you had computer problems and couldn't post pictures, yet you stated that you sent the pictures to some one else to post. Still no pictures. If you look back at your thread there are a lot of members asking for the picture which you totally ignored. Why?
Phil all I did was call you out for a picture that you said you would post. To attack me is right in line with how you handle things.
Peace Phil no more posting about you from me.
Because out of no where he started attacking people who have posted against him and he used his so called board friends to rally around him and attack his so called enemies.
He did not use his board friends to rally around him, those people stepped up on their own accord. Youre acting like he sent PMs to people asking them to support him. Phil doesnt have to do that because he has proven over time to be a good guy and someone that cares about his clients that follow his advice. I can pick up the phone anytime I want and get advice from Phil. He finds time to talk, and I have never even met him in person. He trained me for one year over the phone and online, and yet he is always willing to spend time on me if I have questions. He is not all about making money. In fact, his rate for personal training is the lowest I have ever seen. If Phil was about earning lots of dough he could charge a whole hell of a lot more for his service.
I appreciate that M....I know who the important people are and you guys do also, thats why with my secret powers you will be allowed to unlock the pics I am about to put up of Chase.....here is the code. PLFFR330987TUUU5900-7
thanks man! Did you also leave up that link that will show us some of the inside secrets of the pros?