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Xcel's Gain Mass/Stay Lean Outline


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
As requested, here's what I'm currently doing. Of course. I'll adjust this based on what wylde tells me!

I've got a relatively "small" frame as my wrist circumference is only 6-1/4". Weight is 185#, height 5' 6". Bicep measurement is 17-1/2" cold-flexed.

Post-Workout: 6:00 A.M.
90%+ Whey Protein Isolate, ~60 grams
Dextrose, 50 grams
Banana Extract & Stevia

7:00 A.M.
Mix the following together:
Extra Lg Egg Whites, 5
Extra Large Whole Eggs, 3
Salsa, ½ cup
Olive Oil – Extra Virgin, ~1-1/2 tblsp
Mix the following together:
Dry Oats, 2/3 cup
Unsweetened Applesauce, ½ cup

8:30 A.M.
Chicken Breast, 1.5 oz
Extra Large Whole Eggs, 2

10:00 A.M.
90%+ Whey Protein Isolate, ~60 grams
Vanilla Extract & Stevia

11:30 A.M.
Mix the following together:
Extra Lg Egg Whites, 2
Extra Large Whole Eggs, 2
Lean Hamburger – 7% fat, 6 oz
Olive Oil – Extra Virgin, ~1-1/2 tblsp
Salsa, 3/4 cup

1:30 P.M.
Chicken Breast, 1.5 oz
Extra Large Whole Eggs, 2

3:30 P.M
90%+ Whey Protein Isolate, ~60 grams
Vanilla Extract & Stevia

5:30 P.M.
Chicken Breast or Lean Beef, 8 oz
Green Vegetables, 3 serv

7:30 P.M.
Natural Peanut Butter, ~3 tblsp
Unsweetened Applesauce, ½+ cup

I'm going to change out the olive oil for whole, ground flax - about 2 tblsp in each protein drink (this should slow down absorption). Also will add either ~90g (cooked weight) Yams or 1/2 cup brown rice to 8:30 and 1:30 Meals.

Here's my doggcrapp-style of cycling:

4-weeks On, 3-weeks Cruise
150mg TNE ED
30mg d-bol (10mg 3x ED)
1.25mg (1/2 tab) letrozole

Will stick with TNE but change around the "anabolic" element. Will use injectible Stanozolol next "On" period. After that, I'll use Tren/winny. After that, boldenone (no ester). Since everything injectible is ester-free, it's all used for site enhancement.

Either 200mg prop @ wk or 10mg "morning-only" d-bol (doing d-bol this time around)
Arimidex (1/2 tab) ED
Inj. l-carnitine

Last edited:
looks awsome bro, what kind of stevia do u use? it seems like the majority of the stuff out there has that nasty stevia after taste.
I've bought the liquid before but it costs an arm and a leg! I get it in powder form by the kilo (should last the rest of my life) from http://www.developed.net/misc.htm#stevia . I just fill the bottle (that has a dropper) with powder then add warm water (takes a bit to dissolve). Then keep it in the refrigerator. I found that you just need to experiment with quantites to find a taste that suites you.

what does your workout split look like? How many sets, reps, days etc? Thanks alot, and good luck in your show.
mr.zone said:
you dont take in any food or a shake before you work out?
I workout about 4:30 - 5:00 AM. ECA is generally taken 30 min prior to workout. I do a high intensity workout that takes anywhere from 30 to 50 minutes. I'm sweating like a pig when I'm done and it usually takes about 2 hours to cool down. I sometimes have to workout in the late afternoon/evening and find that I don't have near the energy that I do in the morning. Here's my deduction to why this is: I eat at least every 2 hours. My body is expending too much energy trying to digest food - hence the reduced energy/strength during PM workouts?!?

ok so when you work out in the morning you get up take your eca and workout . are you taking in a shake with the eca before you workout. I'm just curious cause usually most people take in some kinda of preworkout protein/carb shake before they work out in the morning.
mr.zone said:
ok so when you work out in the morning you get up take your eca and workout . are you taking in a shake with the eca before you workout. I'm just curious cause usually most people take in some kinda of preworkout protein/carb shake before they work out in the morning.
Well Here's my schedule (when on and off)
1) Get up
2) If off (do my morning-only d-bol)
3) If on (take my shots)
4) Take ECA
5) Go online to give ECA a chance to kick-in :)
6) Workout - at home, in same large room where my computer is!
7) Immediately after workout, take my drink.
8) Eat first meal within one hour

My original mentor was personally trained by Bill Pearl and was a former Mr XX (state) himelf. This is what Bill does - this is what he does - it's what I do! I'm sure it's old school thought but it's worked for me. He said don't eat prior to working out - you don't want your body's energy to go towards digestion.

I ask you this because i have tried both and i get a better workout when i dont eat anything in the am before my workout. I didn't think anyone else did it.
stevehnsn said:
No cardio at all? Maybe when the show starts drawing near?
What about off days? Do you keep total calories the same?
6) Workout - this is either with weights, which is 2 days on 1 day off and split so I work each muscle group once every 6 days. On the off day, workout means cardio, which is "morning cardio prior to eating" and abs.

BUT - you've read through me bro :) I haven't been doing cardio - don't need to as I'm staying lean. If my body fat % gets above 7.5%, I'll do the cardio. I'll be working with Wylde on refining the diet prior to contest. I figure that I'll be MILES ahead if I can keep doing what I'm doing - staying below 7% BF and still gaining muscle :D


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